Solution of DPDC-18!11!16

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Dhaka Power Distribution Company (DPDC)

Venue: BUET

Date: 18-11-2016

Section-A (Non-Dept MCQ) 60*0.5=30

1. The largest Hydroelectric Power station in the world is- Ans: Three Gorges Dam (22,500 MW)
2. The last Supper is the name of a famous- Ans: Paintings
3. The barge mounted electric plant stands on the river- Ans: Rupsa (June 1980)
4. The designer of Bangladesh National Flag is- Ans: Qamrul Hasan
5. The Foreign Minister of which country is called Secretary of State- Ans: USA
6. Which district of Bangladesh connected India & Myanmar border simultaneously- Ans: Rangamati
7. The usually filled in a electric bulb is- Ans: Nitrogen
8. Mehedi Hasan Miraj took --- wickets in 2nd test against England- Ans: 12 Wickets
9. The Hydraulic power plant in Kaptai was established in- Ans: 1962
10. Which river of Bangladesh originates from Tibet Ans: Brahmaputra River
11. Light from the sun reaches us in nearly- Ans: 8 minutes
12. One Horse Power is equal to- Ans: 746 W
13. Optical fiber uses mechanism- Ans: Total internal Reflection
14. The architect of the Central Shahid Miner in Dhaka is- Ans: Hamidur Rahman
15. Diamond is a polymorph of - Ans: Carbon
16. A prize money of 45,000 is to be divided among three people. what is the value of largest share17. From 2005 to 2015 Shihabs weight increased by 25%, if the weight was Xkg in 2015, what was in
18. A
19. If 25% of 260 equals 6.5% of x, what is x? Ans: 1000
20. If 2<x<4 and 3<y<7, what is the largest integer value of x+y Ans: 9
21. Which of the following device cannot be shared in network- Ans: Mouse
22. Which type of charts can MS Excel produce- Ans: Bar charts, line graphs and pie charts
23. Which of the following line spacing is invalid in MS word? Ans: triple
24. In a comparison with static RAM memory, the dynamic RAM memory has- Ans: higher bit density
and lower power consumption
25. If 0<x<1, Which of the following lists the numbers in increasing order? Ans: x2, x,
26. A number is terrific, if it is multiple of 2 or 3, how many terrific numbers there between -11 to 11?
Ans: 15
27. A pixel is- Ans: The smallest resolvable part of a picture
28. Which of the following is equal to (7879)10 Ans: 7170
29. From 2013 to 2014 sales of a book decreased by 80%, if the sales in 2015 were the same as in
2013, by what percent did they increase from 2014 to 2015? Ans: 400%
30. One day at BUET school 1/12 of the students were absent and 1/5 of those present went on field
trip. If the number of students staying in school that day was 704. How many students enrollment
at BUET School? Ans
31. A
Shanto Das, EEE, DUET, FB Profile:

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32. B
33. C
34. Write a short note. no more than 100 words. Ans:
35. She sells Seashells down . the seashore . Ans: by
36. Please call .. a doctor. Ans: in
37. Ambition means a desire . achieve something. Ans: to
38. The word which has a closest meaning of the word savage is- Ans: wild
39. The word current is a/an- Ans: adjective
40. What does the expression Primitive Societies means- Ans: ancient Societies
41. Examination strategy is a- Ans: skill for examination
42. The word Inevitable means- Ans: certain to happen
43. Plural of the word woman is- Ans: Women
44. You should not answer any question blindly. Here blindly means- Ans: without understanding
45. DPDC stand for- Ans: Dhaka Power Distribution Company
46. ?
47. ?
48. ?
49. ?
50. ?
51. ?
52. -
53. ?

54. ?

55. ?
56. ?

? +

58. ? .
59. ?
60. ?

Section B (Dept Written) 14*5=70

1. Find the value of R1 and R2 of the circuit.
R1= 4
R2= 6

Shanto Das, EEE, DUET, FB Profile:

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2. Find the equivalent resistance of the circuit.

RAB=[{(5+3)ll8}+20] ll 12 ll 8
=24 ll 12 ll 8
=4 ohms Ans

3. Find the value of Va and Ib of the circuit


ib = (Va-4Va)/3k = - 12mA Ans

4. Find the value of VA and VB of the circuit


5. Find the Ratio of VO and Vi of the circuit

6. Find the output voltage Vo of the circuit. When all resistor are equal and Vs = 1v.

Shanto Das, EEE, DUET, FB Profile:

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7. Determine ib and ic of the circuit. Boylestad, Example:4.4

8. Calculate Average power and Reactive power when


= 100,

, Vm=100 & Im=4

9. A 132 kV transmission line has the following data : Wt. of conductor = 680 kg/km ; Length
of span = 260 m; Ultimate strength = 3100 kg ; Safety factor = 2
Calculate the height above ground at which the conductor should be supported. Ground
clearance required is 10 metres. V.K Metha, Example:8.17

10. A 1000 kVA, 1 phase, 50 Hz, 500/250 V transformer gave following test results :
SC test (LV) side : 15 V, 2000 W. at full load current
OC test (LV) side : 250 V, 1500 W
Calculate efficiency at full load, 0.8 p.f. lagging.
Po = 1000K0.8 = 800 KW, Cu loss = 2000 = 2 KW, No load loss = 1500 = 1.5 KW
Total loss = (2 +1.5) KW = 3.5 KW
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11. The rotor resistances per phase of a 4-pole, 50-Hz, 3-phase induction motor are 0.03ohm
and 0.12ohm respectively. Also find the value of the additional rotor resistance per phase
required to develop 75% of maximum torque at starting. B.L Theraja, Example:34.17

Given Tst = 0.75Tm, now


(large value rejected)

r = 0.024

12. A radio station transmits signal in 1MHz frequency band, determine the antenna length
for efficient radiation of electromagnetic energy.

for efficient radiation, Antenna length

13. FM mono radio employs a peak frequency deviation of 75KHz with a baseband audio
message signal band limited to 15KHz. What is the required Bandwidth of FM radio
Bandwidth = 2(75 + 15)KHz = 180 KHz
14. A voice grade channel of telephone network has a bandwidth of 3.4KHz. Calculate the
information capacity of the channel for a signal to Noise Ratio of 30dB.

and B = 3.4KHz

Shanto Das, EEE, DUET, FB Profile:

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