WP Tawasol Newsletter, June 2016

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resources & energy

WP Tawasol

The employees newsletter of WorleyParsons Saudi Arabia & Bahrain

Issue: 2nd Issue, 2016

Onshore Maintain Potential Project


Cristian Bold
OMPP Project Manager
Saudi Aramcos focus for the Onshore
Maintain Potential Project (OMPP) in
2016 is the completion of the detailed
engineering and design packages for
more than 200 oil and gas wells for the
2016-2018 program in order to comply
with the strategic planning and development of Saudi Aramco to maintain
crude oil and gas productions following
the national and international commitments.
WorleyParsons Engineering Consultancies Company (WPECC) based in
Al-Khobar commenced the Onshore
Maintain Potential Project in April 2016

with an aggressive development of a

specialized multidisciplinary team capable to deliver the engineering packages
as per Saudi Aramcos expectations. Engineers, designers and CAD Operators
from Process, Piping, Instrumentation,
Electrical, Civil, Mechanical, Communications are working in a harmonized
way with Project Management, Project
Control and Project Support specialists.
An important objective is also to utilize
WPECCs Saudi workforce and develop
their knowledge and capabilities.
Onshore Maintain Potential Project
(OMPP) is part of the extended General
Engineering Services (GES+) program
WPECC is involved in since 2015 with
Saudi Aramco.
The scope of work includes detailed engineering and design for oil pipelines
tie-ins, gas pipelines tie-ins, water injection lines tie-ins, trunk lines, test lines
and any other pipelines, Supervisory
Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA),
Remote Terminal Units (RTU), fiber optic
cable, optical transmission equipment,
Ethernet systems in the onshore oil and
gas fields as directed by Saudi Aramco in the Southern and Norther Areas
Onshore Fields in the Eastern Province.

Inside this issue

Al-Yaum Tower new
home for WorleyParsons

Five signs an ATM has

been tampered with

Employees achievements

Employees interests & outdoor activities

Moreover, Overhead Power Line (OHPL)

design and Cathodic Protection shall be
also included.
Saudi Aramco awarded this contract to
WPECC for duration of at least 12 months
with the possibility of extension based
on proven quality and performance.
The WPECC strategy is to develop specialized engineering teams for site visits, oil
wells tie-in design, gas wells tie-in design
and miscellaneous and non-tie-in design
in order to submit high quality engineering utilizing conventional and modular
design approach.
The Onshore Maintain Potential Project
has high potential to become one of the
core businesses of WPECC while the demand for oil and gas is increasing.

This is in line with the new discoveries of oil and gas fields and Saudi
Aramcos commitment to continue
investing in its energy sector to meet
future demand as the new energy
minister Khalid al-Falih Saudi, also
Saudi Aramcos chairman, declared to
Reuters on May 27, 2016 (http://www.
reuters.com/article/us-saudi-aramco-report-idUSKCN0YI0WE). According to Reuters, Saudi Aramco has
discovered three new oil fields they
are Faskar, offshore in the Arabian
Gulf near the Berri field; Janab, east of
the Ghawar field; and Maqam, in the
eastern Rubal-Khali. It has also found
two new non-associated gas fields Edmee, located west of Haradh, and
Murooj in the Empty Quarter.
More developments are foreseen as
Saudi Arabia is maintaining invest-

ments in oil production as the Kingdom pursues a strategy of defending

market share amid a global glut. Saudi
Aramco will keep investing in its crude
production capacity. Saudi Aramco
also plans to complete the expansion
of the Khurais oil field and Shaybahs
output capacity expansion (http://
www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-04-24/aramco-said-to-expand-oilfield-in-may-to-maintain-saudi-capacity) April 24, 2016.
WPECC is fully engaged in winning
more work within Onshore Maintain
Potential Project demonstrating once
again its leadership position among
the engineering consultancies companies in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and
Middle East.
* By Cristian Bold, OMPP Project Manager

Al-Yaum Tower new home for WorleyParsons Al-Khobar office

Arnold Jasper Harry

Senior Project Engineer

To consolidate WorleyParsons Business

and to help manage the profitable future
growth of Business in Saudi Arabia, WorleyParsons Saudi & Bahrain Management
has decided to move base offices to a
brand new building Al-Yaum Tower. This
building is situated on the northern side
of King Fahd Road, north west of the major junction with King Saud Road next
to Dammam Chamber of Commerce and
Aramco DOB.
The Tower is a commercial development
building certified as Green Building according to LEED Organization during the
design development, and is owned by

WP Tawasol Newsletter | 2nd Issue, 2016

Al-Yaum Press Printing & Publishing.

WorleyParsons along with their Clients
will occupy the entire building: external car parking to the front and rear of
the building, ancillary buildings (emergency generator, transformer room
etc.), 3 basement levels (B1, B2 & B3)
parking, Ground, Mezzanine, Floor 01
with terrace, Typical Floors 02 through
to 16, Roof Plantroom, and Helicopter
Pad. In terms of footprint the building occupies an area of 4,500m2, with
typical floors (floors 02 to 16) with
an average floor area of 1,100m2. As a
single tenant WorleyParsons will combine the ground floor reception and
retail area as a single core hospitality

With our employees currently spread
across two different physical locations
and with some of these employees
located at different customer sites,
the main advantage of this move is to
benefit from more synergies of having
all employees under one roof and to
create improved integration and communication across the location. Further, in order to improve integration
and communication, WorleyParsons
will be removing wall separation on
floors (quadrants) and creating open
plan offices. Office Branding/ posters across working floor/ break-out

Night view of Al-Yaum Tower

area is considered, to make the working
area have a homely feel. This new move
will help WorleyParsons address some of
our customers expectations with more
and more clients requesting space within our office for their projects. Aside from
strengthening existing relationships, this
can potentially generate future work and
new opportunities. A series of Meetings
between all stakeholders have taken place
in December 2015 and January 2016, and
accordingly floors pertaining to business
requirements have been allocated.

Moreover, the building has a number

of additional amenities and features
and is considered one of the most
modern and technically advanced
office buildings in the Eastern region.
With an intelligent Green Design, the
space will contribute to providing a
healthy and comfortable work environment. In addition, the tower runs
an intelligent Central Control System
(BMS) which manages the alarm,
safety system, lighting and other controls.

WorleyParsons have executed a Lease

Agreement with Al Yaum Press Printing
& Publishing, for which building handover formalities are expected to get completed by end June 2016.
WorleyParsons also engaged ID-Works
as an LSTK contractor to accomplish
design/supply, fit-out scope of work
and they are expected to complete
all related works by end July 2016, for
which all activities are in-progress with
91% actual progress. WorleyParsons
have engaged various sub-contractors
to handle/ accomplish security, safety
The New office building will host a training academy dedicated to train our own
employees in our Saudisation efforts
and offer training sessions for our customers/ third party entities. The New
office building will also house exclusive
Mosque, Gym, Clinic and Canteen facilities with tea/coffee vending machines
on each floor.

Offices at Al-Yaum Tower

The target date set for Building Move is

18 August and all efforts are focused to
accomplish this target and enable us to
enjoy the aroma of new environment. A
Move Plan is in-place and a Move Team
is formed to effectively achieve this

Five signs an ATM has been tampered with

ATM fraud rises by 546% in just one


Experts have warned a wave of cash

machine tampering could hit Europe and the Middle East.

The number of thefts at cash machines

is on the rise as fraudsters look to steal
cash under your nose. Up to 2,500 Britons fell victim to card fraud at ATMs
last week, according to Financial Fraud
Action UK - and those going to the US,
Europe or the Middle East on business
or holiday have been told to take extra
This warning comes after the number of
machines hacked by criminals in America alone last year rose 546 per cent in
12 months to its highest ever recorded
When using a cash machine, it is important to be alert for signs of criminal activity. Here are some telling signs that an
ATM has been tampered with:
1. Criminals are adept at placing card
or cash capture devices and PIN
compromise devices in or around
ATMs to get quick access to consumer funds. Some even install entire false fronts to ATMs to capture
peoples PINs and money. These
are often so well disguised that they
can be extremely difficult to detect,

WP Tawasol Newsletter |

so properly look at the ATM you are

using to try and check it is legitimate.
2. An unusually bulky card insert slot
might suggest a skimmer. A skimmer is a tool that is attached to the
card slot on an ATM and secretly swipes your card details while
youre making a withdrawal its
almost indistinguishable from the
real card reader. Look out for misaligned or even misprinted stickers,
as this is often an attempt to cover
up where a compromise device has
been installed.
3. A loose or blocked card slot may
suggest the presence of a Lebanese
Loop. Thieves can place a tiny plastic device or sleeve with a barb into
the card reader so that, when you
try to withdraw money, your card is
caught in the machine. The ATM will
continue to ask for a PIN as it cant
read the card so, if you are led to believe your card has been swallowed,
you may walk away and leave your
card to be taken by the fraudsters.
4. If the PIN pad feels loose, thick, or
sponge-like, then it may be a fake.
This long-standing way of capturing
peoples PINs is known as a pin-pad
overlay - the true PIN pad is covered by a counterfeit keypad such
that, although pressing the buttons

2nd Issue, 2016

correctly causes the ATM to register your PIN, it is simultaneously

being captured by the criminal.
Sometimes these digits are even
instantly being transferred by WiFi
to a waiting accomplice to record
and use later.
5. Be aware of your surrounding environment, not just the appearance
of the machine. Do not accept
help from seemingly well-meaning strangers and dont allow
yourself to be distracted while at
an ATM. Typically fraudsters work
best in teams, and distraction is a
good way of scamming innocent
victims to obtain a card or PIN. If
an ATM is surrounded by individuals inexplicably loitering, ideally
try to use a different machine.
Sometimes these will be confidence
tricksters who, for example, have deployed a cash or card trap and will
become overly helpful when you run
into trouble. Whilst you are distracted,
an accomplice can quickly check your
PIN or remove and conceal your card
or cash.
If you encounter any of the above or
are suspicious, do not use. Report it to
the bank officials immediately.
* By Stuart Senior, Business Continuity/R3

Employees achievements |

On the right: Ahmed Al Khamis, Project Manager

Moath Abdullah, Graduate Mechanical Engineer

March 2016

On the right: Kevin Crowther, Project Manager

On the left: Rehan Akhtar, Senior Engineer

The Top Performer Award was recently established for the engineering group by Mike Siles, Engineering Manager for the Location, to
recognize the outstanding achievements.
Ahmed Al-Khamis,Project Manager, was recognized as the Top Performer for the month of March.
The other winners of the Top Performer Award for the month of March were Kevin Crowther, Rehan Akhtar and Moath Abdullah.
WP Tawasol Newsletter would like to recoginze and thank the top performers for their outstanding leadership and achievements in
their respective areas and wish them more success in the future.

Employees interests & outdoor activities |


Tanah Lot in Bali Island, Indonesia

Burj Khalifa in Dubai, UAE

taught photographer.


WP Tawasol Newsletter: How long have

you been a photographer?

WP Tawasol Newsletter: What is your

favorite computer/editing accessory,
other than your computer?

Ali: Almost 4 years.

WP Tawasol Newsletter: What or who got
you started in photography?
Ali: Seeing photos in social media and appreciating the art.
Ali Al-Abdrabareda
Electrical Engineer

WP Tawasol Newsletter: How impor-

WP Tawasol Newsletter: What type of

cameras do you shoot with?

WP Tawasol Newsletter is delighted to

make an interview with Ali Al-Abdrabareda
who is working as Electrical Engineer.
WP Tawasol Newsletter: Can you tell us a
little bit about you and your role here at
Ali: Im an Electrical Engineer working
with the GES+ team Hydrocarbons, I
have been with WP since Oct -2012.
WP Tawasol Newsletter: Did you take
courses to study photography?
Ali: I have taken one training course in
photography, but I consider myself, self-

WP Tawasol Newsletter |

Ali: The one and only, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom.

Ali: I shoot with Nikon camera mostly, I

prefer the FX type.
WP Tawasol Newsletter: If you had to
choose one lens which one would it be
and why?
Ali: I would use the 28-300mm, because it
is an all-around lens, I shoot wide at 28 or
close and personal at 300mm.
WP Tawasol Newsletter: What lighting
equipment do you take on a shoot?
Ali: I tend to use speed light flashes more
than any lighting source, for diffusers;
I like the octabox and to shoot through

2nd Issue, 2016

Hagia Sophia Museum in Istanbul, Turkey

tant is Photoshop in your final images?

Ali: It is essential as I shoot in RAW format, where the camera does not do any
processing to the images. Its similar to
developing the films back in the day. It is
WP Tawasol Newsletter: Are you a MAC or
PC lover?
Ali: I like them both, but I am a PC user.
WP Tawasol Newsletter: Among your
works, which one is your favorite image?
Ali: Its very difficult to choose only one,
however, the photos here are my favorite
WP Tawasol Newsletter: A photographer
who inspires you?
Ali: Scott Kelby.
WP Tawasol Newsletter: In your free time,
what kind of pictures do you like to shoot
and which ones do you avoid?

Blue Mosque- Sultan Ahmad Mosque in Istanbul, Turkey

Ali: Yes, I did. In the past year, I have
participated in 2 photography competitions, 2016 Grand Canyon Circuit and
Atlantic International Photographic.
I have won 11 awards between the 2

Ali: I like travel photography and night

photography while I avoid street photography.

2016 Grand Canyon Circuit:

1 Silver Medal
2 Bronze Medals
5 Honors Ribbons
1 2 Judges Choice

WP Tawasol Newsletter: Did you participate in any Photography Contests?

Atlantic International Photographic:

Silver Medal

WP Tawasol Newsletter: Do you have

any membership of any Photography
Ali: Yes, I am a member in the following
GPU (Global Photographic Union)
PSA (Photography Society of America)
FIAP (Federacin International DE
LART Photographique)
GPC (Gulf Photographers Center)

Night view of Dubai City taken from the Palm Island, UAE

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