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SSAC R Sarna coe Kent ace HO Sto Economie Cie Unt, Suton Rose, Mane, ert ME 1 a2, Craig Maclay MP fF House of commons — ne ase March 26 Dear Mr Mackie, ‘Peak you for your rote and statement dite the 10° Mach concrringelcion spening in the ‘Sax Thanet ConstuencyPaamertry elacon onthe Way sone ‘You tay be aware ofthe comments ade by Michael ick na recent Chanel 4 nv rood uring wich tr Cc questioned weer ls fore Royal harbour Hots Ramet ea, tothe short campsig, should have bean curt tnarde acl canpaionexponatur ate oe {he Uke lis & numberof carplarts have suteaauey been reaved fms one oh Pubic andin order Gay the stuatenT would be rte you code content oe ‘+ Whether you or your ection agantathorsed any sich expend a the foal Harbour ote, or any other hotel not ecards onthe nl Can epancee + Wher any of those persone who local campaign at any tne, or vans ‘an Ghar Detective Sergeant 9606 stayed tthe Royl Harbour Hotel ware engaged onthe hain ty ere engaged solely on the natal mee Bers, (Craig Mackinlay MP HOUSE OF COMMONS 27 May 2016 LONDON SWiA 044, Dear Detective Sergeant Gilham, ‘Thank you for your letter dated 14" March 2016 | apologise forthe slight delay in replying to you; your later only arived at my desk atthe start ofthis wee. 1 am aware of th report by Michael Celek of Channel on thie subject. Tn answer to your questions (which ae repeated in tales Below} Wheter you or your elections agent authorised any such exenitire atthe Rey Hatbor Hoel or any other hate ot reared on thc capo expenitre? Neither Tor my election agent authorised any expenitre at the Royal arbour Hote, Ramsgate, We did not authorise any expenditure at any other Hotel not recorded onthe lea ampaign return. Whether any of those persons who stayed atthe Royal Harbor Hotel wore engaged on the lect capa tony tne, wher hey wee engaged sly onthe atonal compan? Due to the nature of the campaign and my opponent (the leader of a national political party) a great many poople came and went ove the election pesiod, Iwas ware emo national Conseratiee Party naff stayed at the Royal Harbor Hotel bat Twas never pevy to the details ofall thoze who stayed there or when they stayed, {ean confirm that nobody saying a the hotel was subject to ay, or my agents, control or direction, any national Conservative Party stl based in the Royal Harbour Hotel were par ofa national campaign tam and ware engaged in ectvitos at the direction of Conservative Central Headquarters Yours sincerely (Craig Mackinlay MP cussed Poe, Ramp aia he Vilage wwe cnipacinycom “ShiesainenptBrianntse 28 ia OPERATIONAL NOTE (NOT FOR PUBLICATION OR BROADCAST) lain Duncan Smith to visit South Thanet The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, lain Duncan Smith, will vst the Broadstairs and iftonville area tomorrow (Friday April 17} to campaign with Craig Mackinlay and to launch Craig's Promise to Pensioners. 1345 lain Duncan Smith wll campaign inthe Broadstairs area 1530 fain Duncan Smith wil callin at Martell Press Lté, 208 Northdown Road, CTL2 6UW to talk to Henry Martell about hs family owned printing business. For further information please contact Henry Macrory - For futher information please call Henry Meco) Ea i CRAIG AND KATI TO HAND OVER CHEQUE TO PILGRIMS HOSPICE (ral Mackin and his wife Kat wil han tomorrow (Sunday May 3) fer ding 50 le 14 Thanet on a ander, Margate from Sandwich and riding through Ramsgate, fore arn bak In Sandch agai ‘The sponsored ride took them four hours and fteen minutes to complete, ims Hogpce I dase to hth aur hearts i does remarkable work caring for people towards super way tose the constituency, including both coastal and 5 thisiestraty wonderful part ofthe country with massive assets” teinforced my NOTE: Cralg and at wil present the cheque to the Pris Hospice at 1... tomorrow (Sunday For further information pl For further information please call Henry Nac (as) Operational note (Not for publication or broadcast) HOME SECRETARY TO VISIT RAMSGATE The Home Secretary, Theresa May, wil vist Ramsgate today (Wednesday April 15) to launch the Conservative Party National Ad Van campaign ‘She and Craig Mackiniay wil also inspect graft! and vandalism damage to the Edwacdian shelters on ‘the seafront and discuss the Issue wth clean-up campaigners 41310 - Theresa May will be mot by Craig Mackinlay at the Car Park, Unit 6 Lysander Close, Pysons Road Industral Estat, Broadstairs, Kent CT10 2YJ. 4920 - Theresa May wll unveil four Ad Vans, which wil then depart to tour the consiuency. 4995 - Theresa May and Craig Macknlay wil goto Vctova Parade, Ramsgate, CT11 8D to Insp aff and vandalism damage to the Edvardian Shoters. 1400: Theresa May and Craig Mackinla wil go to the Granvilo Theatre to meet Philp Shaw, MD of the Granvile Theav, Jocelyn MoCartney, Charman ofthe Ramsgate Society, ard Davena Green, a clean- Up activist, te discuss the issues. ‘Al metia are welcome, For further detais please contact Henry Macory For futher Information pleas cali Heney Mocrory i w) ia Operational note (Not for publication or broadcast) HOME SECRETARY TO LAUNCH NATIONAL AD VAN CAMPAIGN IN SOUTH THANET ‘The Home Secretary, Theresa May, wil launch the Conservative Party National Ad Van campaign in South Thanet at 1pm tomorrow (Wednesday Apri 15). Venue details to follow. For futher Information please call Heny Ney 7 EE a CRAIG MACKINLAY WELCOMES PLAN TO EXTEND THANET HOME OWNERSHIP Craig Macinlay today weleomed Conservative plans to give nearly 5,00 Thanet falls the right to buy thelr Housing Assocation properties. It the launch ofthe Conserative Party manifesto thi moming, David Cameron pledged a ground-breaking cextension of Mogaret Thatcher's ight to Buy scheme, ‘The plas offers housing association tenant up to 100,000 ofthe ple of buying ther home, and would apply to 4820 Thanet fais curently renting housing association poperts, ‘Another 3,070 Thanet fais ate al-eady lige to buy tel coun! homes. ‘Mr Mackinay commented “There is perhaps no feeling | remember more fony than the sense of securty and pride felt at buying my ist home. “by extending the righ to buy to housing azocition clients, 4£20 lca fails have been extended this valuable "ay red extend Right ta Buy without costing the taxpayer a penny or sing any deine nao ng the numberof very large Council homes and investing in new affordable homes we ate able to be bores” “he Right to Buy has aeady helped around two milion fales nationwide to realise ther dream of owning 2 ar Mackinlay added “Extending the Right to Buy to housing association tenants wil enable more people to move ‘on to and up the housine ladder. The prooaral wit increase house Buln. increase home ownersho and reduce Swan lists. Only ate fr the Conservatives inthe General Eiection can make tishappen” For ator information please ca Henry Macro on ET a)

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