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Hi! My name is Tom! Im a hacker. In fact Im the first to break into the pentagon. And
as a matter of fact, I was kind of in a tinsy winsy little freaking huge predicament a little while
ago. I was sitting under a desk typing on a laptop while a storm of bullets flew over my head. But
let me start from the top.
I am a freedom fighter. I live in Virginia, the heart of this once good country. In 2016 the
election went to the dogs. The country fell into anarchy. There was no president, no laws, no
order. But some people stepped up. They were like a candle in the darkness. They offered people
freedoms and order and they best they could have wished for was a leader. But what people
didnt understand was the fact that these people were the most corrupt people on this earth. They
forced everyone back into order. Everyone who disagreed with them were either shot or
imprisoned. They covered up all of their murders and made excuses for the arrests they made.
They wore a veil of lies and they hid their true intentions until just recently. Now people are
walking around with their freedoms being taken under their noses.
Thats where I come in. The year is 2020. Me and my friends call ourselves C0d3X. We
fight the government as much as we can through manipulation of technology and through
hacking. I am a hacker for C0d3X. I hack into their systems and take the info they hide from the
public, and I release it onto the web and places where people will see whether they like it or not.
We have our HQ right under their nose. However, Im not gonna tell you where for secrecy
reasons and all that. You can never be too sure of who is listening.

My group is made up of my friends Sam, Matt, and of course, me! Sam is a five foot
four, brown haired, skinny, brain. She is good with anything that has to do with technology. Sam
has broken the government's strongest firewalls and can hack someones phone with the touch of
a button. then there is my best friend Matt. Matt is a tall, broad shouldered, black haired, smart
alec. He is the guy you go to get results. He will do anything he asks you too. Matt has infiltrated
about 15 government buildings and got out without anyone noticing a thing. And then there's me.
I am a witty, tall, blond haired, freedom fighter who won't keep his nose out of anything. I invent
new ways to get into their systems and new methods of getting people to join our group. I have
released over 1000 private government documents to the public and I am on the verge of getting
more into my possession.
Now that you know who we are you might as well know how I got into this mess. It was
supposed to be a quick in and out type of deal. Me and Matt worked out a foolproof plan to get in
and out of the pentagon without being caught. However, that foolproof plan was not so
foolproof. Our plan was to set off an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) that shuts all of their
electricity off. Then we were to sneak in while the lights were off and hack into all security
cameras, so that way they couldnt see us but we could see them. Then we were supposed to use
the gear we would have to neutralize the guards on our way to the main terminal. We would then
insert a drive disguised as one of theirs to allows us remote access to the data in their systems.
Then we were to get out in whatever way we could. It was so simple. But crap hit the fan really
freaking fast.
It was 12:00 and me, Mike, and Sam were all laying a ditch outside of the pentagon. I
was playing with a drone which happened to have an extremely powerful EMP strapped to it.

You guys about ready? Matt whispered.

Yeah, I said, I just need to tie this last knot. I pulled the strings tight and picked up
the controller. Let's do this, I mumbled. The drone whirred to life and left the ground with
small woosh. I watched the red light of the drone fly over the pentagon. Once the drone was over
the center of the center of the pentagon, I pressed the button that dropped the EMP. I looked up
and saw the silhouette of the EMP fall.
Ready? I asked.
Ready. they replied. I pressed the button that set off the EMP. Then I heard a very loud
whoosh and a pop.
All the lights shut off and there were sounds of confusion. We all jumped up and snuck
across the street. We took out our harnesses and rappelled up the building. Once we were at the
top Sam set up 3 portable zip lines for our escape. She shot 3 hooks at three different trees and
made sure the ropes were stable.
What now? Sam asked.
Now we cut a hole into the roof of the pentagon You know that sounds kinda crazy
once you think about it, I responded.
You have no idea, Matt mumbled.
I took out my self invented Lazer cutter 9000 and started drilling a human sized hole in
the roof. Once the hole was done, Matt attached a rope ladder onto the hole and we lowered
ourselves into the pentagon. I dropped onto the floor of an office space and looked for a security
camera to hack into. I found one in the corner of the room and thankfully it was looking the
otherway. Before it could see me, I scrambled over to it and inserted a chip into the camera. I

tossed my phone to Matt and said, Look through the cameras and look for a way down to the
system room.
Got it chief, Matt responded as he rolled his eyes. I peeked out the window of the
office and tried to see if I could make out any human silhouettes. Suddenly Matt blurted out, I
got it! We have to go down to the bottom floor and take a right and then there will be a locked
door with a keypad. The door should be easy enough to get into.
Alrighty then! Let's do this, I responded.
I opened the door and and peered out into the darkness.
All clear, I whispered.
I stumbled haphazardly out into the hallway and started down the stairs. I spotted two
buff guards standing at the bottom of the stairs and I started to pull out a flat device I call the
shocky shocky thingy. I threw the device in between the guards. In confusion the two guards
curiously stepped towards their painful fate. I pressed a button on my phone and I heard a sharp
ZZZZZZZTTTTTTTT!. I saw the guards slump to floor with a small thud. I love that thing, I
murmured as I smiled with satisfaction. I walked over to the guard and picked up the guard's gun
and a hand grenade of his limp body. As I stepped over him I shoved it into the waistband of my
blue jeans. I walked over the a door with a sign above it that stated Main terminal and Main
This is it guys, I said. I pulled out a light and shined it over the keypad showing me
finger prints on the numbers. I typed every order the numbers could go in and eventually the
door opened. Sam, go and hack into one of the computers and load the passwords and
usernames onto your phone. Mike, go and keep watch over the door and look over the two

guards incase they wake up. I will go and put the drive into the mainframe, I ordered. I watched
them as the went off to their jobs and a quickly walked off to do mine. I spotted the mainframe in
the back of the room. I walked over and ripped out a drive and inserted mine. But then all of the
sudden red lights were shining and a siren was blaring.
What happened! screamed Sam who looked as white as a ghost.
Apparently it detected a foreign drive and set off alarms! I shouted back. I heard
footsteps pounding on the floor and I dove under a desk. I pulled out my laptop and and quickly
logged in. I started pulling as many files from the mainframe as I could onto my laptop. I heard
the footsteps stop and then I heard a bang. Gunshots rang in my ear as I sat tippy tappying on my
laptop trying to take as much info as I can.
I heard Matt swearing loudly. Spotting the grenade on my waistband, I grabbed it and
frantically yelled, FIRE IN THE HOLE! I pulled the pin and chucked the grenade over my
shoulder. Matt and Sam dived out of the way with a loud thud and the grenade rolled right into
the crowd of guards. I heard an earsplitting BOOM and saw a piece of guard fly over my head
and into a computer monitor. I looked up and saw a bunch of guards lying on the floor. I didn't
want to know if they were dead or not so I ran to see if Sam and Matt were ok.
You guys alright, I said when I reached them sitting under a table.
Were good, thanks, said Sam.
Ok good, I said, we needed to get going like 2 minutes ago so let's go.

A few minutes later we were all standing on the roof. It was chaos. Swat vehicles were
everywhere and helicopters were off in the distance.

Come on guys, we don't want to be seen, Sam reminded us.

As if we didnt know that, Matt retorted.
We all hooked our harnesses up to the ziplines and zipped off into a bunch of bushes.
Then to my surprise I heard a sharp sound of a siren. I looked behind me to discover that the
SWAT had spotted us.
Guys time to go, I yelled as I took off into a sprint.
Oh crap, Sam yelled, Mission aint over yet.
Matt started to swear but the sound of a gunshot cut him off. I didnt know what to do. I
thought it was the end of the line. But then out of the corner of my eye I spotted a pedestrian
cruising down the street in a beat up Ford. I took my phone out and pressed a series of buttons
that would let me hijack the car and have access to the pedestrians phone. The Ford stopped
abruptly and the driver looked around in confusion. I scrambled over and yanked the pedestrians
door open. The man stared at me in horror and in a stupefied type of way.
Im gonna need to borrow this, I said breathlessly.
Guys get in, I called back to my friends as I yanked the man out of his car.
We all hopped in and sped down the road. We were flying through stoplights and traffic
in our effort to get away. I took out my phone and frantically started typing. I turned the stop
light green to get the traffic to cut off the SWAT. I heard a screech behind me and pushed the
pedal to the metal. We had escaped. It was 2:30 in the morning when we finally rolled in front of
our base. We had done circles around the city to make sure the SWAT was off our trail.
Well that was one heck of a night, I sighed as I plopped down onto the couch in the

Amen, replied Sam

And that was the story of the time when we broke into the pentagon. After we broke in, I
released all information for everyone to see. Meanwhile the government is still looking for us.
They had to resort to hard copies of wanted signs because I took down all of the things that had
to do with me, Matt, and Sam. I dont regret one bit of what I did. I know that the truth is worth
any hardships I might face.

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