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Anas Bordier is a French student studying in the

UK. One day she discovered through a YouTube

video; a girl Samantha Futtermen who looked exactly
like her by the name, she messaged her on Facebook.
Anais then discovered that they were both adopted
and born on the same date. They were identical
twins, separated at birth. They met each other 25
years after their birth. Afterwards they portrayed
their story through a documentary to show the world
that such incidents are possible through the help of
social media i.e YouTube and Facebook.
Another story; Arshad Khan, AKA famous Chaiwala,
an Islamabad based blue eyed 18 year old boy got
the attention of a female photographer Jiah Ali was
photographed by her while making tea at a Sunday
market in Islamabad. The picture went viral and
circulated almost on every platform of social media.
The lucky boy got the chance to act as model for the
publicity of some local brands. The credit goes to the
female photographer and social media.
The Social media is a very powerful means of
exercising ones freedom of speech and expression.
Usage of social media has become the most common
activity among the students. Any platform which
allows social interaction or provides a mean of
communication is considered as social media. Over
800 million people are using Facebook and countless
others enjoying services of Twitter, WhatsApp,
Instagram, Myspace, Skype, YouTube, & Google plus
etc. The core objective behind introducing the social
media platforms was entertainment, interaction &
learning. Students are able to connect to their
teachers, classmates and friends at a time to discuss
their routine topics, assignments whenever required
and get the instant feedback. Combined study
communities/groups of mutual interest can be created
to collaborate on projects topics assigned by the
institution just by using the mentioning the topic
started by hashtag. Hashtag is a unique strategy
for linking posts or discussions pertaining to a
specific topic. Some hashtag posts become much
popular that just in a few days they go viral and
become a trend among the users. Such social
interactions boost the creativity and innovations
among the students and also a kick -start to the
confidence of the youngsters.
Blogging is also another source of
information and falls in the category of social media.
It has also become very popular among the young

generation including students. Blogs are created by

posting some useful information such as uploading.
Blogs are also an informal way of column writing.
Blog are websites of descriptive content created by
individuals to share mixed content including Video
sharing services, informative content, sharing videos
photographs and other formats of images. YouTube is
also a video sharing website which provides free
services to users who can watch the videos, share,
like and comment over the videos which they like or
dislike. YouTube is the largest source of information
especially for student and scholars as compared to
other platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and
Instagram etc.
There are also some uncountable abuses of
social media which cant be ignored and became one
of the main reasons of depression among the parents
regarding their children. The youngsters are addicted
to use social media whether via smartphone, tablets
and computers this is also known as digital addiction.
The excessive usage has become main reason behind
the distraction from the studies and school. There are
also schools which do not discourages the usage of
smartphones during the lectures. Students are not
aware of the security concerns of the social media.
They share their personal information on internet
which in return cause them to be victims of
cyberbullying and online harassment.
Although lots of criticism is leveled upon
social media to distract the students from their
studies as they prioritize usage of social media over
their studies and rest. Many of parents consulted
psychiatrists to get rid of the problems pertaining to
distraction from studies and less sleep due to the
addiction of social media. The usage of social media
should be barred in workplace and schools to
discourage the excessive usage as they create biggest
distractions in society. The smartphone must be
switched off during the class lectures, block access to
internet and reduce the usage the stuff that distracts
them from the in-class lecture. Parents should
implement a time limit for usage of internet at home.
Online monitoring software can also installed to
prevent the children from accessing internal or social
media during the time limit.

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