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We hope you had a safe and joyous Christmas and have enough energy left to embrace

the New Year as well. Weve had a cold and snowy December so far. Two weeks ago
the thermometer hit 38 , but today its above +32 . What a difference 70 degrees can
make! Our snow removal machines are not much newer than we are, as they were
manufactured in the 40s and 50s. Its easier to find and install replacement parts in them
than in ourselves. Who knows which will outlast the others? We will, no doubt, become
snowbirds by next winter.
Last year, when it was most crucial, the winter was easier on us as well as on the
machines. Leo worked relentlessly on cardiac rehabilitation. He hoped that trying harder
would speed up the process it didnt. But he acknowledges that he is finally beginning
to feel better in most respects
We havent traveled much for a few years, so we seriously enjoyed visiting with relatives
and friends who vacationed here last summer and fall. A 4-month-old great grand-niece
was the youngest visitor weve yet had. Our son, Carl, brought our 5-year-old
granddaughter, Olivia Rose, for a week in August. She had great fun playing at the edge
of our river and learning to fish in it. They will come back to visit during the week
beginning January 1. Shes enchanted with our dog, Sammy, and with the whole idea of
coyotes, and with Pocahontas. Grandma Rosemary will try to keep up with her on
snowshoes and needs to sew up an Indian maiden leather dress, size childs 6. Grandpa
Leo will, no doubt, try to enlist her help with snow removal. There will be snowmobiling
maybe to Granite Hot Springs for a swim-next-to-snow. There will be snow tubing
next to the ski slopes in Jackson, gingerbread-house-making and sleigh-riding on the elk
We have been saddened to learn of illnesses and deaths of friends this past year. We
cant quite comprehend tghat we hace nieces and nephews of an ange to retire.
when can kids retire? There has increasing mineral development in our county that has
changed the character of town and countryside. As usual, change results in some winners
and some losers. We brace ourselves for continued threats of energy development in our
own local valley. Some river recreationalists and environmentalists are showing renewed
energy concerning preservation of local rivers and streams. We wish them well. And
thats about all of our news thats fit to print. Thanks for your cards and messages. We
hope you do better than just survive 2006. We hope it will be one you later remember
with pleasure.

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