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ot 7el7 ‘There's no doubt at your inuence and endship made significant dfference to both Glenn and me. gly 9 othe BFA to reclet tose halon dey as MAT stants Unde’ your {eiage; gather my tough and got that ste wit the nent couple of ye, ‘mtr sony to hear tat your fading but hope thet you take immense personal and professional Ststacton rom the weteanging impsct rat you have Rad on so many Ives and ‘ares, Cetin the courage and creatviy an high stananrds that Glenn embotod as professionel Dore the imprint of he qual, energy, and matetional ay tha you espeuted. ‘oo, have dene my best io ncorporate these amazing and mpresnve quate tte exueato: {furmoy hat ook You, Glenn, and me on suc afin chatenging, Rect and reading Ade | ‘Know tat Glenn and fen aed about ie egy and ig standards that were aay at ne foundation of our esching and what you epwed in us A have forged ahead curng ty exo, the examples hat you prod were always important and usta real vs del Tong the ‘applause ofthe cneshances man and don te bastards get you dow [tink theres emerging understanding othe ete! inpartance of high standards, student exgagerenlaccountablyforleaning, and best praciosIneucton fat wore always Your baseine proessionaly. As we all know, human behaver and especialy the boevir ef we humans who are educator, is dficut nthe exteme to change over ne Et wnen ere’ value and svengt i educator behaviors, as here ainays were these cmarctarses nour Professionals, there the potential inioene, over tie, for what's gece a woe, | epunt on you to remember al ofthe good and wise that you have engenderedn so many of us drow ts impact contnes to make @ferenc wil avaye be graleulio you, my hen ana {eect for beng the role model tat nade such proeund Serene toy fats over he past 40,year. Keep n mind that we've avaye been about "whet works for exoatence and, uate, tnisistheperepectve tat’ of greatest value hour cosslon and he perspec ta

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