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Around Hicksville

My Dad was presented with a "Quilt for Valor". A special honor for a
special manLeslie Worley Smith

Mark Provenzano from the class of 1971 Standing on the Mount of Olives
overlooking the Old City of Jerusalem.

Mike Murray, class of 1969 showing off a spotted sea trout too small to keep.
Question for the old timers. The original West Village Green dates back to the early 50's. On the far
north corner (the side closer to what is now Holy Trinity HS) there was a deli. What was its original
name? Ken Marcus 1967

(The photo is just for flavor, it's not a photo of the deli in question.)

Heres the actual deli at the West Village Green captured from Google

Lynne Lombardi 1971 I remember it being Jay's deli but that may have been later on
I think it might have been called Trinity Deli, but I could be wrong and that could have been in the 80's
thoughEdna Garcia 1985
Don't know what it was before the mid 70's when it was Jay's Deli. Then it became the Trinity Deli in
the 80'sMaureen Kelley Conlon
At Holy Trinity, the class of 76 or 77 had a song about Jay's Deli as only Seniors were allowed out for
Sung to the tune of winter wonderland. Eat at Jays. It's a deli. They have food for your bellyJames
I'm talking about the 1950'sKen Marcus
I do not remember the name but Dennis was one of the owners. This was early 1960'sDonna Bragg

Carl'sRobert Spalletta 1975

I always thought it was just West Green DeliWalter Relling

Having lived directly across the street from the west village green from 1960 till 1977 I find this
amusing! Keep guessing! Lol...Joseph Fischbach
Do you know the answer?...Ken Marcus
Its a secret Ill take to the graveJoe
Don't go back that far. but Jay's overstuffed heroes were the best. Circa 1978Joe Scully
I worked at Billy's across the street. Guys would come all the way from the Sears auto shop for those
sandwiches. My favorite was hot ham and cheese. Omg were they good!...Walter Relling
That doesn't look like the west green. There was never a house that close to the green...??...Mary-Ellen
Deignan Bruckner
As I said in the posting, it is not a photo of the west greenKen

It was called Newbar for awhile (corner of Newbridge and Barter roads)
Patricia Ruggero 1975
I think you have that wrong. That was what the gas station across the street was called. I worked their
for Billy Hartington from about 75 to 79Walter Relling
That was my dads mechanic for yearsEdna Garcia
Still our mechanicweve trusted our vehicles at Newbar for decadesMark Virgilio

Good morning. Just got off the Hicksville website. Was trying to look up some old photos of Hicksville
as I was raised there. Even started out going to Nicholai Street school for Kindergarten, then transferred
over to Woodland Avenue. I remember all those pictures that have been posted. Broadway in Hicksville
before they widened it. I will try to dig thru my old photos for some vintage pictures. Yours Truly
Linda Gippi Campagno

Some good news: I accepted a position with

Lake George Elementary School doing tech support for teachers and students. Great hours that will
allow me to still attend school at night, stable schedule, and will be working with the teacher who
teaches my networking class at the college (really smart guy I can learn a lot from!). The commute is 1.3
miles. I start mid-December!...Janine Endsley Way

Back in the forties and fifties, there was an apparatus called an Iron Lung. I was
living in Philadelphia in the late forties and was about 8 years old when my dad took me to see one. It
was a real eye opener and I can still visualize the encounter. Who remembers the Iron Lung? Was
anyone directly affected by the apparatus?...Buffalo Bob Casale 1961


Oh I remember I believe they were still around late 50's early 60'sLisa Dorais

So we're not even pretending to make this page about Hicksville any more I guess?...Mike Walsh

I remember them and I may have actually seen one while I was
in the hospital suffering from polio in 1949 . I got it while living in Hicksville. I remember being in a
large 'ward' room with many other children in the room as well (crying ) I was in Meadowbrook
Hospital now called Nassau Medical Center . I remember my parents visiting me by the window by my
bed because I was quarantined. In fact my house was quarantined as well as my cousins house one house
away . There was a huge epidemic in Hicksville at the time. So yes I remember Iron Lungs.
Cheryl Donghia 1964

My mom too, 1949. It saved her lifeMargie Exelberth

Glad to hear that she was savedCheryl
Glad you're a survivor. So many of my friends were affected either personally or one of their siblings. I
mentioned I saw one when living in Philly. There was a medical team that was touring the country to
make people aware of the iron lung and they had a real patient inside the unitBuffalo Bob

Yes. Meadowbrook Hospital had one. Negative pressure ventilation. I was a

Respiratory TherapistHelen Bereznik 1968
I remember it. They used to put kids in it who were polio victimsKent Evans
I remember. I was lucky to avoid that fate since I was 3 years old when I contracted Polio in the last
epidemic before the vaccine. Luckily I was not left with any permanent damage but those few days in
the hospital left a lasting impression on me to this day!...Jeannie Kaplan 1969
The attached photo was taken during an out break of the polio virus maybe in the fifties. At its peak in
1952, more than 21,000 Americans contracted a paralyzing form of polio, and 3,000 died from it. Once
infected, there was no treatment besides time and tending to the symptoms. Thank you Jonas Salk
Buffalo Bob

The anti-vaxxers need to see the above photo and realize that they may cause an outbreak of
polio!...Robin Murphy
I remember those ! Also my brownie troop was brought to a cancer ward, talk about a downer
thank goodness we do things differently nowDenise Flynn

Yes I remember! My neighbors daughter had polioDiana Urena 1961

I remember the lady was in the steel lung. She had a mirror. Above her so she could watch every thing. I
will never forget. I looked at her and she smiled. I never forgot her; I don't even remember her name but
I won't forget her smile. I was 7 or 8, 1964 or 1965 Julie Bannon-Wilicki

I am a graduate of the University of Michigan School of Public Health where

Jonas Salk conducted the successful vaccine tests And to think there are parents today who oppose
vaccinationsKen Marcus 1967
My cousin, a HHS grad, suffered polio . He was left paralyzed from the waist down. I remember being
lifted up to the window at Meadowbrook to see him. He lived on Rover Lane and I lived on Memory
LaneSue Galke

Not taking vaccinations creates epidemics.i understand new immigrants not

having all the shots bit not people who stubbornly refuse and make others sickPat McNeil
I remember a movie called "Pennies from Heaven" about a young girl in an iron lung. I was very young,
but it struck a chord in my heart. Diane Brina
My mother Mary Hilton was in one as a little girl for PolioKelly Hilton Deleski

In 1952. we moved from Queens Boulevard the corner of Jerusalem

Avenue and Tobias Street, where my father opened his dental practice. As was usual then, the office was
attached to the house. The Allied Shopping Center was directly opposite us, across Jerusalem Ave. We
always just called it "across the street." Even though I wasn't allowed to cross by myself until I was 10,
I remember almost all of the stores. Furthest south was the luncheonette, which we called "the candy
store." Next, there was a Chinese laundry, the barber shop, and then supermarket-originally Stop 'n'
Shop-before becoming Grand Union. Crown Bakery was run by Murray the baker, who was there 7
days a week starting around 5:30 A.M. Bread and rolls were real food, not just something squishy for
holding your sandwich together. I really loved the clairs. The Levco drug store wasn't a big chain, it
was owned by Joe Levine and Joe Cohen. My dad got a lot of Old Spice from there on Fathers' Day.
The 5&10 was always "Jack's" to us. The "Dry Goods" store was owned by the Resnick brothers. There
was a pet shop and at the far north end, the Allied Bar & Grill. In the early 50's, it was the only place
you could get a pizza. My first job was at the back of the bar when I was 10. Two friends and I used a
hand grinder on 50 pounds of mozzarella which came in 10 pound bricks. It was amazingly hard, but we
were paid with a whole pizza, then costing $2.00. Nowadays, the bar owner would probably get 10
years in solitary confinement for violating child labor laws, let alone letting kids into the bar. Thanks for
bringing back the great memoriesHoward Berkowitz 1966
LOL. My grandfather Grandpa Falborn, used to be an elevator operator at the Turner Towers on Eastern
Parkway back in the hay days of the Brooklyn Dodgers. He used to run many of the Brooklyn
Dodgers up to their apartments and would bring them down when the players had to report to Ebbets
Field. Grandpa loved his ball and a beer and had the perfect location, a bar down the street from 101
East 3rd Street in Brooklyn. My family would be visiting and Grandpa Falborn would take me down the
street to visit his friends in the bar. I knew them all then and he would sit me in a barstool and order me
a soda and would tell the bartender to make sure I always had sodaand he had his balls and a beer. The
patrons would always check out the little kid at the bar and it used to make my day. Years later, when I
was old enough to appreciate baseball, Grandpa would get tickets and would take me with him to Ebbets
Field. I remember meeting Ralph Branca one day after he was traded. I recall the friendship Branco
showed to Grandpa despite his giving up the homer to Bobby Thompson in 1951 and his field of
dreams dissolvingBuffalo Bob Casale

Birthdays & Anniversaries

Thank you for the card and thinking of me. It was much appreciated. ..Penny
Creegan Lomas 1960

Thank for the card, Bob, and the HixNews staff. It was a real wind-down relief
at the end of a long arduous day being assistant clerk (like assistant chair) for an almost 4 hour Quaker
business meeting. Aaahhsigh of relief. Love to all you Hicks from Hicksville!!!..Lois Chaber 1960

The Sierra Wave is a type of Lenticular cloud created by winds

that lift off the Sierra Nevada mountain range of California

Thank you for the card and thinking of me. It was much appreciated. Receiving
the card made me feel special!... Madeline Bianco DeLouisa 1960

Thank you for the card and thinking of me. It was much
appreciated Dave Laney 1960

Happy Birthday Buffalo Bob December, 3rd, 1942

Why is the reserved 'Employee of the Month' parking spot always


Thank you for the card and for

thinking of us. Bob and I celebrated our anniversary while cruising the Danube in Vienna, Austria. The
card from HixNews was waiting for us when we got home and that was much appreciated.
Bob Birk 1952 and Ronnie Gilson 1961

Thank you for the card and thinking of me. It was

much appreciated. How are you doing Buffalo Bob Casale?Eileen Oxenholm Baxter 1961

Thank you for the card and thinking of me. It was much appreciated.
Funny, that at 72, I dont feel a day older than 71Ron Taub 1962

Thanks for the card and for thinking of me. It was much appreciated.
Pat Montalbano Frattini 1962

From a photo collection for Kathleen Reddy

...Thank you so much for the cheerful birthday card. Its so nice that you take
the time to do this and it was a nice surprise when I opened my email to find it. Thanks, too, for all you
do to keep the memories alive!...Carol Ann Mack Berry 1963

Thank you for the card and for thinking of me. It was much appreciated.
You have no idea. The timing was perfect. Have a happy thanksgivingmany folks dontSue Gray

Thank you for the card and for thinking of me. I

look forward to receiving your card every year and I want to thank you and the staff of HixNews for
your effort at keeping the alumnus of Hicksville High School in touch and togetherRon Zeier

Thanks for the card and for thinking of me. It was much appreciatedGinny
Wills Wyer 1963

Thanks for the card

and for thinking of us. It was much appreciated.
Rod Merkler (1964) and Susan Donner Merkler (1968)

Thanks for the card and for thinking of me. It was much appreciated
Doreen Jakabek Wittig 1965

Thank you for the card and for thinking of me. You always send the best
cards. This one was really funny and Oh So trueLes Coles 1965

..Thank you for the card and thinking

of us. This month we are celebrating our 50 Wedding Anniversary. We have been very blessed with
wonderful family and friends. God is Good.
Cathleen Ofenloch Gensinger (1966) & Dennis Gensinger

Thank you so much for

the card for our 45th wedding anniversary, October 30th. It is so nice being remembered by you every
year. Thank you to all who put so much into producing the terrific newsletter every month and keeping
all of us Hicksvillites connected.
Tom Gill 1966 & Peggy Moldovak Gill 1967

Thanks for the card and for thinking of me. It was much appreciated.
Lorraine Tully 1967

Thank you for the card and thinking of me. It was much appreciated. Turned 66
today (November 17) LOL. Its a great life. Thanks for all you do to make us all feel special.
Diane Gunnigle Burkhardt 1968

Bob and the gang at HixNews. Thank you again for always making this day extra
specialAngela & James Carpinone 1972

Thank you for the card and for thinking of me. It was much appreciated. We
recently moved from Hicksville to Florida. Ive been a bit homesick, so receiving this card from
Hicksville was a delightPaula Jargo Bruckner 1972

Thank you for the card and for thinking of me. It was
much appreciatedTom Garger 1975 & Dolores Oehler Garger 1977

A spectacular photo taken by Wyman Meinzer

Thanks for the card and for thinking of me. It was much appreciated.
Ilene Wolfson Meister 1976

Many thanks to you and the HixNews crew for your kind card and note on my
birthday. Much appreciated. Keep up the great work of connecting our high school classmates and
memoriesDavid Blaszkowsky 1979
Thank you for the card and for thinking of us. It was much appreciated Stanley Mason & Alison
Swanton Mason (1987)


Dwight David Eisenhower on the campaign

trail back in the fifties on Long Island
What year Cadillac was that???

Roosevelt Raceway Flea Market once upon a time. I set up Joyce Gabrielsen
many times in one of horse stalls when she was selling her Indian Jewelry,
Norwegian items and paintings.


The Hamptons

Those pesky squeeze tubes that most often unravel as you roll them up and that are not really receptive
to store bought clipsgo and buy some jumbo office clips and use them to contain the rolled up
product. You should now get to use every squeezable ounce!!!

In The News

Mitchell Schlimer class of 1974 bumped into guess who???

My good friend, Danielle Casale, who lives in Aix, France sent me the above
cartoon. This is a great chance for all you French students to shed some light on
the translation!!!

Lufthansa photo courtesy of Jimmy Schmitt class of 1967

New Readers
Glenn Rohde 1980
Linda Collins Toomey 1982
Hi LindaYou have been added to the HixNews members group, as requestedBest, Henry

Majestic Sea Slugs

Bob & the HixNews Staff...Wanted to let you and former classmates that Anthony (Tony) Celantano
from the class of 1953passed away back in October of 2016.

Marcella Yenick Croan 1953

Thanks for the information In Memoriam has been updatedRoger Whitaker, webmaster

I am saddened to let you know that

Jacqueline LaSalle Gallucci, class of 1959, passed away unexpectedly October 27, 2016. Jacci was a
long time resident and teacher in Oneonta, New York. She retired to Hilton Head, South Carolina, living
near her daughter. She will be very much missed by her 2 children, John and Helyn, her grandchildren,
friends and colleagues.

Jeanette Martello Lupis 1959...a long, long time friend.

Fiordland National Park, New Zealand. Photo by Sam Ferrara

Sorry to announce the passing of

Tony Toscano class of 1959.

Sincere condolences to his bride of over 50 years Eileen Walter Toscano also class
of 1959.

Carl Probst 1959

p.s. Please note the passing of

Palmer Maas today, 11/08/16. He was a member of the class of 1961Thank you
Carl Probst
p.p.s. Added, Thanks, CarlRoger
Hi, I would like to add two fellow schoolmates to the list of deceased.

Class of '65 Lloyd Shuvall and Class of '67 Vincent Malizia.

Thank youSusan Margolies Calman 1967

Hello BobIt is with saddened heart that I advise you of the passing of one of my oldest 1960s
classmates and dearest friends Pete Wells from complications of Alzheimers.


Ron Rocek

HARVEY M WEISS, a 1947 graduate of Hicksville High School, a.k.a. Ice Cream the clown and

Howie Dudatwent to meet his Lord on October 17, 2016. He was born in Mineola, NY on June 23,
1930, attended Hicksville, NY schools and received his BA from the University of Maryland.
Harvey retired from the US Army as an intelligence analyst after 20 years of service. He worked for
Civil Service as a computer programmer, systems analyst and head of the Information Systems
Resources Office, retiring in 1985. He had his own bookkeeping business for several years.
He was a member of the Springvale Masonic Lodge, Past Master of Oregon Military Lodge, Celtic York
Rite Bodies, Valley of Portland Scottish Rite Bodies and Kora Shrine. He appeared in many settings as
clown Ice Cream and clown magician Howie Dudat. Harvey had a love for entertaining and
teaching children.
He volunteered with many organizations, to name a few, Good Neighbor After-School program, Acton
Maine Street 90 committee, serving suppers at the Alfred Shelter, Goodall Hospital, Southern Maine
Agency on Aging, Habitat for Humanity, Sanford Farmers Market, City of Sanford preparing Circuit
Breaker Tax Forms, SALT and
more. He also was Selectman in Eliot and Acton.
In 1951 he married Shirley Howes of Springvale and is survived by her. He is also survived by
daughters Lynne Weiss, a managing editor and her husband Robert A. Irwin of Medford, MA; Dr.
Wendy Weiss, Physician and Director of the Urgent Care Clinic of Diagnostic Clinic of Clearwater, FL
and her companion Lori Petersen. A daughter Joy Morgan, a CNA, predeceased her father. He is also
survived by two grandsons, Anthony Morgan and his wife Carmen of Menomonee Falls, WI and David
Russell Weiss-Irwin of Princeton, NJ and great-grandchildren Anthony, Gregory, Sean, Matthew and
Sarah Joy Morgan.

Photo from Warren Bergers Album

I sent information on the passing of

Pat Heney. Wonder if you received it??

Sue Brody Benedetto 1958

Yes, Sue, we received and acknowledged receipt on September 9th . Added her name to the
page at that same day. Thanks...Roger Whitaker,
webmaster for HixNews
Hi, I would like to add two fellow schoolmates to the list of deceased.

Class of '65 Lloyd Shuvall and Class of '67 Vincent Malizia. Thank you
Susan Calman class of '67
They have been added. Thanks for the informationRoger Whitaker, webmaster for

Picture of a soldier sleeping during an airport layover with his canine partner. There is no measure of
loyalty greater than what shown here. Sleep soundly soldier. A worthy goal in life is to be as good a
person as your dog thinks you are! God bless our Military men and women and God Bless
America!...Art Lembke 1949

Good Morning BobI dont know if you received the post I sent you on private about

Vinny Luna. I just read a post from his daughter that Vin passed away last night (November 16, 2016).
Its so sad as he was such a caring and great person. Stay Well. Keep in Touch

Linda Mastrosanti 1961

It is with great sorrow that I let you know my big brother

Phil Spalletta lost his battle to cancer this evening, November 5th, 2016. A treasured son, a wonderful
father, a terrific uncle and friend, a brother to be looked up to! Phil was a graduate from Hicksville High
School class of 1972. May God rest your soul so you may find peace. Our hearts are broken! Phil, as
your favorite guitarist once said, "Eat A Peach for peace and I hope you have found yours! We love

Robert Spalletta 1975

Dear BobAs per your request, it is with sadness that I would like to add the name of
my fellow 1971 HHS classmate, good friend and close neighbor Carolyn Stack to the list. She passed
on in August 1994. (I just happened to be on Long Island for my father-in-law's funeral, so I was
grateful to be able to attend her viewing.) She lived on York Street and her parents and my parents were

part of a close knit group of neighbors who got together from time to time for parties, bar-b-ques and
other events. After graduation from HHS she went on to Adelphi University as did I, but unfortunately
our paths did not cross. It is very sad to see the names already listed. I knew some of them from
grammar school but lost touch. Their lives were cut way too short. Kind regardsGeorge Wink

People Looking For People

Looking for my girlfriend who, poof!, just disappeared!!!

The guy in the Thobe is looking for the Pyramids of Giza

On the home page, scroll to the bottom and read about the reunion to be
held in 2017 for the class of 1967.

Videos on the internet

Baby having a conversation with a dog
Historical photos in color
This is Not The Old West
An Oldie But Goodie (Shown previously)
Thanks for your service
The Lone Ranger
John Dorenbus football player and card trickster
Speedo Airlines
How Russians Car Pool!!!
Hope these People dont have a permit to carry!!!! /
People Are Awesome

Robert Casale
Hyperlink to Teddy Smith Swedalla (263 Views)
Hyperlink to In Memoriam for Class of 1958 (322 Views)
Hyperlink to Hicksville High Mega Reunions 2000 & 2007 (793 views)
Hyperlink to HHS Class of 1960 In Memoriam (511 views)

The big car crash of the 1980s (252 views)
Hyperlink to A Short Tour of Bayside (44 Views)
Hyperlink to 1964 Fifty Year Photo Gallery Before Reunion (568 Views)
Hyperlink to 2014 5 May Photo Gallery (560 Views)
Hyperlink to 1964 Popularity Poll (408 Views)
Hyperlink to Assault on the USS Liberty 8 June 1967 (282 Views)
I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag (98,656 Views)

Class of 1962 Fifty Year Reunion (800 Views)
Memorial Day Tribute to Hicksville High School Veterans (1032 Views)
Hicksville New York Then and Now (12,607 Views)
HHS Class of 1963 Photo Gallery (992 Views)
Hicksville High School 1963 Fifty Year Reunion Preview (716 Views)

Buffalo Bob Casale

Hyperlink to Great Lakes Pensacola Bremerhaven Cyprus USS Liberty Skaggs Island (62 Views)
Hyperlink to Hicksville Military June 2015 (345 views)
Hyperlink to Las Vegas Surprise (48 views)
Hyperlink to HHS 1955 Multi Year & Fifty Year Reunions (201 Views)
Hyperlink to In Memoriam Class of 1963 (388 Views)
Hyperlink to look at Buffalo Bob Casale early and in the Navy (99 Views)
Hyperlink to Class of 1959 In Memoriam (317 Views)
Hyperlink to Hicksville High School Class of 1961 In Memoriam (376 views)
Hyperlink to Class of 1964 Before Reunion Collage (80 Views)
Hyperlink to Class of 1964 In Memoriam (1080 Views)
Hicksville High School, Hicksville, NY Class of 1961 Reunion 2004
Campaign to Rebuild the Fountain in Kennedy Park, Hicksville, New
York (174 Views)
Hyperlink to Forty Year Reunion Hicksville Class of 1965 (644 Views)
Berryman Lane (166 Views)
Robert Casale U.S. Navy career in Pictures (213 Views)
Charlie Brown & Franz Stigler (1,546 Views)
Down Memory Lane Class of 1962 Reunion Preview (503 Views)

Mini Photo Tour of Australia (435 Views)

Hyperlink to Class of 1962 In Memoriam (494 views)
1963 Hicksville High School Fifty Year Reunion Preview (82 views)
Hyperlink to 1963 Fifty Year reunion (30 Views)

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