Campaign Offer Sustainable Transport

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Campaign Sustainable Transport - Municipality of Groningen

Who we are:
Groningen is the major city of the Northern Netherlands with a population
exceeding 200,000 inhabitants. As local government we are responsible for the
wellbeing of our citizens. Besides being a university city, Groningen is also at the
leading edge in the development of research, innovation and entrepreneurship. In
other words, Groningen is a real City of Talent. Because of all these institutes,
half the population is under 35, allowing Groningen to be able to call itself the
youngest city of the Netherlands.
Groningen is at the heart of the Energy Valley and is Europes prime location for
smart sustainable energy and innovation. Government, universities and
companies are cooperating in developing Groningen in becoming an energy
neutral City. The municipality of Groningen adopted an ambitious target of
becoming energy neutral by the year 2035. Transport choices have an important
impact on the daily energy consumption of Groningen. Besides investing in
sustainable energy sources, we should also invest in sustainable transport. The
municipality invests in green public transport busses for example. Bus, train,
walking or cycling; these are all sustainable modes of transport. They can be a
good alternative for the car. New transport possibilities such as the electric bike
can also reduce car traffic. The city would like to reduce car traffic and promote
(more)sustainable transport.
More information about the municipalities energy targets and ambitions can be
found at: (Dutch)
On BB the document Groningen Energizes program 2015 - 2018
Bicycle strategy:
Our desires:
Subject: promoting sustainable transport options
The city would like to reduce car traffic and promote sustainable transport. In
order to achieve the goals of an energy neutral City it is important that the
citizens of Groningen are aware of the importance of their transport choices. The
citizens need to become activated to use other modes of transport.
Besides the campaign plan we would like to get more insights about our citizens
current knowledge in respect to sustainable transport and the access to
information on transport choices. We also would like to know more about the
differences between social groups (students, stadjers, immigrants, ). We
would like to point out the fact that 23% of the inhabitants of Groningen is nonDutch. A large part of these international inhabitants is student. In the study year
2014-2015 over 6000 new international students started their studies at Hanze

University or RUG. Thus far, the municipality of Groningen has not intensively
communicated about its Energy ambitions with this English-speaking citizens.
For the final campaign it is up to the consultants to decide which target group to
focus on. We challenge the consultants to come up with a creative plan on how to
launch a communication campaign focused on sustainable transport amongst the
citizens of Groningen. We are open for all sorts of ideas.
Budget: to be negotiated
Our expectations:
We expect a communication campaign about sustainable transport. The
consultants are free to work towards any form of campaign (presentation, film,
flyer, etc.) or media. We are also very much interested in the process of analysis
and the specific campaign choices based on it.
The consultants are asked to briefly report about the status of the communication
campaign twice a month. When more information is needed or consult from the
municipality of Groningen is desired the consultants are free to contact the
assigned contact.
Contact person:
Saskia Zwiers
Policy officer Groningen Energizes
Phone: +316 2169 9109
Visiting address: Gedempte Zuiderdiep 98 in Groningen

Target groups for the mobility campaign we can think of now:


car drivers commuting to work

students (Rug and Hanze)
visitors who visit the city (who also could us the public transport)

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