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Sarah Linerode

Dr. Jizi
UWRT 1104-007
29 October 2016

Double Entry Journal

Citation: Winter, Richard. Perfecting Ourselves to Death: The Pursuit of Excellence and the

Perils of Perfectionism. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 2005. Print.

Type of source: Book
Source: Quote (Page# or Paragraph #)


Teleological perfection means becoming all This is an interesting definition

that you are supposed to be and finding
perfect satisfaction in that state. ( page 23)
Healthy perfectionism, which is
characterized by high standards, high levels
of organization and striving for excellence.
(pg. 26)

There is such a thing as healthy perfectionism

Healthy perfectionism are motivated by a

desire to achieve something good whereas
unhealthy perfectionists are motivated by
fear of negative consequences failure,
rejection or punishment ( pg.28)

What does healthy perfectionism look like?

"Clearly, striving for excellence can be

unhealthy when the striving is unrealistically
high. But when dealing with the gifted and
talented, its quite difficult to determine what
goals are unrealistic ( Pg.32)

There is this difficult balance between

pushing someone to grow and pushing them
to hard.

The driven perfectionist works harder to

close the gap; the defeated perfectionists
gives up the fight and the healthy
perfectionist is able to live in the tension.
(pg 36)

Another type of perfectionism.

Standards of productivity, accomplishment

or appearance are so high that they are
impossible to attain. (Pg. 36)

impossible to attain. Is the key to avoiding

perfectionism having goals that are

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