Researchpaper 2

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Williams 1

Katlynn Williams
Mr. Mills
AP English IV
November 18, 2016
Is The Road Less Traveled Really The Way To Go?
Finding a place in the world is a common stumbling block for many individuals,
and an even larger one for individuals with special needs. Imagine not being able to
communicate feelings with others or not being understood by majority of the population.
This is the reality for many individuals with the Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism is not
a mental health issue that has been recently discovered, meaning that it has a variety of
therapeutic options. These options may range from occupational, sensory, musical, and
even speech therapy. Musical therapy provides benefits to individuals with ASD beyond
those of standard therapeutic practices. These benefits provide the individual with a
better outlook on life, and equips them with life changing skills that help shape a brighter
That outlook of a bright future may become hidden by a dense fog when an
individual is diagnosed with ASD. In 1943, Leo Kanner become the first to characterize
the disorder autism, and since then millions of individuals have been diagnosed with this
disorder. In fact one out of every sixty-eight children are affected with autism or a
related disease (What Is Autism?). Children are being diagnosed earlier in their lives
and this is due to an improved understanding of the disease and symptoms. Now that
doctors fully understand that patients who have autism do not all exhibit the same
symptoms, they are able to identify the general trends of the disease (What Is

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Autism?). This understanding has given patients and their families the opportunity to
detect the disorder early in life, and to become informed about possible treatments.
Autism is a disorder that a patient can live with their whole life and lead a
somewhat normal life, while others affected with the disorder can not. Autism is a
disorder that affects the amount of synapses in the brain and their ability to degrade. A
recent study conducted by Columbia University Medical Center, proved that individuals
without the disorder lost approximately fifty percent of the synapses in the cortical tissue
of the brain by late childhood. While individuals with autism only lost approximately
sixteen percent of their synapses by late childhood (Brain Study Finds). The higher
count of synapses is the cause for the behaviors that an individual with autism exhibits.
Behaviors associated with autism vary from person to person, but there are certain
trends that become apparent. Many individuals can not communicate well with others,
and many of these can not speak at all. A lack of interest in connecting with other
individuals, and not meeting developmental milestones are very common with ASD
(Autism-Symptoms). A behavioral trait associated with autism is attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder, or more commonly know as ADHD. ADHD is a disorder in which
the infected individual has trouble paying attention, and sitting still (Autism-Symptoms).
This can lead to learning difficulties in school and socially. One dangerous trait that is a
trend in individuals with autism is running away from caregivers. This is very common in
young children and adults. There is no indication as to why this occurs, or is even a
pattern among young individuals (Study Confirms: Autism). These behaviors, along
with others, encompass the disorder autism and dictate an individuals life.

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The cause of this disorder is not fully known. Autism seems to be genetic and
that is what majority of the science points to. This can be partially explained by the
occurrence of autism with identical twins. If one twin has the disorder, the other has a
high probability of having the disorder (Autism and Genetics). Although, unlike many
other diseases, autism seems to be linked to multiple genes. Scientists came to this
conclusion by studying the patterns of autism occurrence in families. If autism was
linked to one gene, it would be more common in the population. Since the statistics for
multiple cases of autism in families is so low, this leads to the assumption of it being
linked to multiple genes (Autism and Genetics). When a disorder is caused by multiple
genes treatment is very complicated. It is not easy to pinpoint the genes and see how
they work together since the fragments are so large. This means that treatment is much
more difficult to come by (Autism and Genetics). Although this does not mean that all
hopes are lost. There are many options available to individuals faced with this disorder
that enable them to cope with their situation.
Autism is usually diagnosed in the first few years of life. This is time in which the
child is changing and symptoms are being coming apparent. Since autism is a very
complex mental disorder multiple tests are needed to come to correct diagnosis.
Physicians will look for certain behaviors and evaluate family medical history (Medical
Diagnosis). If the child is diagnosed with autism certain options will provided to them.
The most common of these options is speech therapy and social skills training (Most
Children With Autism). These treatments are very common and used world wide. But
just because something is used widespread, doesnt mean that it is the best option. In
many cases, the best option is the least expected one.

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In the cases of treating and dealing with autism, the best option is the least
expected. Traditional methods, such as medications and behavioral therapies, may help
some individuals really well, but with others not so much. The need to find treatments
that help with a larger amount of individuals is in high demand.
One type of therapy that is able to reach the outlying individuals not reached by
traditional methods is musical therapy. Musical therapy is the use of music to benefit an
individual's mental and creative health (Musical Therapy Definition). A 2004 study
conducted by the Journal of Musical Therapy proved that musical therapy has shown to
improve social behaviors and to increase focus (Music Therapy May Help). This type
of therapy has great benefits and can easily surpass other treatments. Musical therapy
is conducted by a specialized therapist that has carefully studied the components of the
music and of the patient. This therapist will create personalized treatments and notes
regarding certain patients. These types of therapists mainly work with music and can
provide essential information to clinical research facilities (Music Therapy Scope Of
The variety of symptoms of autism can cause confusion on which type of
treatment should be used. With musical therapy, majority of these symptoms are able to
be lessened and even controlled entirely. Thirty percent of children with ASD are
nonverbal and very low functioning (Music Therapy May Help). Children with this
degree of autism, usually, are never able to communicate with another person normally.
This can change with music. Therapists play stimulating music based on a certain
actions that the patient projects and repeatedly plays this music while the individual
continues moving (Music Therapy May Help). Eventually the patient connects the

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sound to a movement and is therefore trained to the sound. When in large group,
individuals will learn to communicate with others by sharing and listening to others. This
can improve social skills by exposing individuals to other ideas and ways of playing
instruments (Music Therapy May Help). A decrease in anxiety is also affected by
musical therapy. Most children are very anxious, and even more so in children who
have autism. Autistic children or adults may not fully understand how process the influx
sensory inputs. This means that there is too much going on in the brain to handle.
Classical or rhythmic music is much better for reducing behavioral anxiety (Music
Therapy May Help). This may help many adults who have autism that are afraid of
public places and become very overwhelmed. Adults in that situation are mostly
forgotten. It is mainly the children who people worry about. Adults with autism feel the
same. It is important to realize the vast amount of people that this disorder
Musical therapy is able to hold an individual's attention for a longer amount than
traditional methods.Working with items that make noise rather than talking, is a more
efficient way for capturing the minds of the young. In traditional practices of treatment,
the individual is not able to physically interact with the therapists.Many patients and
therapists do not connect on a different level. Since this bond has not formed, the true
treatment can not occur. Everything is better on a personal level. Being open with a
therapist or physician is better for the individual. They will receive better care and more
structured plans. When both patient and doctor are on the same level, the whole
treatment process runs smoothly.

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Medication is expensive, especially when a mental illness is involved. Autism is
no different. Musical therapy is a more cheaper type of alternative. Many health
insurance companies cover this type treatment (What Is The Cost?). Medications can
be expensive, but there is no need to put medications into the body without legitimate
reason. Having autism is a legitimate reason, although there are other alternatives, such
as musical therapy. The lifetime cost of caring for someone else for autism is two point
four million dollars (Lifetime Cost of Autism). This is not cheap. By saving with musical
therapy, many of these costs will disappear. This much simpler and cost efficient reason
can open doors that medications or other treatments never will.
One time treatment is not a fix for all problems. When an individual chooses
musical therapy they must continue to see their physician routinely to make sure
everything is going fine. As with any treatment to any disease, control is key. Controlling
the amount of time spent on learning to live with the disorder is precious time that can
help an individual understand what is happening. Coming to terms with a disorder s the
first step in the journey to recovery. Next is living that healthy life. Making sure the
individual is healthy and living life to the fullest capacity is the main goal. By utilizing
music therapy, people are able to regain their lives.
Becoming mentally sound is very important and should be taken into
consideration as a priority, but there are other factors that are just as important. When
an individual decides to not take any medications, they are enabling themselves to
become free of harmful chemicals. Not all medications are bad, but some can become a
necessity and that is not good. Musical therapy is a safe way to experience that
treatment, and also partake in a healthy lifestyle. Being able to spend a day not

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worrying about what time it is, is much better than living on the hour. Other factors that
should be taken into consideration is social abilities. With treatments such as
medications, social skills are not being put to test. With musical therapy, they are.
Individuals are expressing themselves to other, not through the use of words, but
through feelings, body language, and music. Words are not necessary for people to
communicate. This type of therapy provides opportunities for individuals to learn these
types of skills and place them in a productive society.
Other people may say to stick with what we already know. They may argue that
the traditional methods are the best. And for some individuals, those methods may
work. But since autism is so diverse and each patient diagnosed is different, staying
with the same old treatments will not benefit those people. In todays time things are
changing rapidly, and medicine can not fall behind. New therapies like musical therapy,
provide new views to the disorder. They are able to pick at certain aspects and change
it for the better. Many people have already seen results with musical therapy, imagine
what left there is to discover?
In conclusion, musical therapy is the right choice for individuals who have ASD to
turn to. This type of therapy will allow them to prosper in all ways and allow them to live
a close to normal life. Autism is a serious condition that affect thousands of people
worldwide and it is our duty to help them succeed. Without the new and exciting science
no one would know how this disease worked. No one would know how to treat this
disorder. Today, thousands are working together to speak for the ones who can not. It is
our job to make sure they are being heard.

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