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Sample Rubric

Criteria & Grading

Format, Syntax, &
Length- 5 Points

Excellent 30-26 Points

Content- 10 Points

Content reflects the

topic of the assignment,
and the essay is written
in an understandable
and engaging manner.
Author has gone in
depth with the topic
and fully develops their
Composition meets the
objective of
formulating a
categorical proposition.
Author supports their
reasoning with specific
examples related to the
Composition has fewer
than two grammatical
or spelling errors per

Objective- 10 Points

Grammar- 5 Points

Composition is written
in the correct MLA
format; has a fully
developed thesis
statement, introduction,
body, and conclusion.
Paragraphs are no
fewer than four
sentences. The
composition has
smooth transitions
between paragraphs.
Meets length
requirement of 2-3

Average 26-22 Points

Composition has a few
errors in correct MLA
formatting; thesis
statement, introduction,
body and conclusion
are partially developed
paragraphs. Meets
length requirement of
2-3 pages.

Below Average 22-0

Composition has
multiple errors, does
not reflect proper
format, does not
possess a thoroughly
developed thesis
statement, transitions
are not included or are
not smooth and
coherent. Does not
meet the length
requirement of 2-3

Content of the
composition partially
reflects the topic of the
assignment, however it
could be more in depth
and engaging. Ideas are
partially developed but
lacking completion.

Content of the
composition does not
reflect the topic of the
assignment. Ideas are
not fully developed and
lead the reader off

Composition partially
meets the objective of
formulating a
categorical proposition.
The author uses a few
examples that are
partially related to the
Composition has a few
grammatical or spelling
errors, but no more
than 2 per page.

Composition does not

meet the objective of
formulating a
categorical proposition.
The author does not
support their claim with
any evidence or
specific examples.
Composition possesses
over three grammatical
or spelling errors per

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