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AMERICAN = PSYCHOLOGICAL = ASSOCIATION November 10, 2016 CONFIDENTIAL Christopher J. Ferguson, PhD Department of Psychology Stetson University 421. N, Woodland Bivd. DeLand, FL 32729 Dear Dr, Ferguson: she Ethics Commitee reviewed your consultation request concerning tne fle of sharing research data inte relationship to the American Psychological Association's Ethical Principles of Psychologists and oie of Conduct the “Ethies Code"). In fulfiling its consultative ote, the Committee responds to the cone presented in consultation requests in general terms with reference 10 the relevant section(s} of the Ethies Code, which inform(s) its discussion, but it does not give define opinions regarding specific situations. ste isues you raised in your October 5, 2016 letter are addressed in the EAE Code. Note that the re eg provides guidance that caries greater weight due tits enforeeabity than most “APA policy”, a phrase that was used in your etter and accompanying contract. “the Ethics Committee discussed the isues you raised concerning sharing research data and its telationship to Standard 8.14 of the Ethics Code, which states: Sa reavareh results are published, psychologists do not withhold the data on which their conclusions are based from other competent professionals whe seek to verify the vnpetantive claims through reanalysis and who intend to use such date only for that purpose, provided that the confidentiality of the participants col be protected and aos egal rights concerning proprietary data preclude thelr release This does not \ preclude psychologists from requiring that such individuals or BrO°PS be responsible for ] oats associated with the provision of such information.” (emphasis added) in their discussion, the Committee focused on the key terms bolded in the above citation, Namely, that data from published research should be made available for Purposes of "verifyling) substantive claims through reanalysis...” The Committee noted that there is aciferente between a reanalysis and a | replication study, Thus, the Commitee feels that Standard & +a{a) promotes the sharing of data for reanalysis, whether this be a straight replication of the published analyte et not. However, this does hot necessarily require release of variables/data that were not included in the original published study. | regarding the question of permission to publish findings from conducting your verification analysis, note that Standard 8.14(b) states: Christopher J. Ferguson, PhO November 10, 2016 Page 2 "psychologists who request data from other psychologists to verify the substantive claims through reanalysis may use shared data only for the declared purpose. Requesting psychologists obtain prior written agreement for all other uses of the data." Further information regarding the appropriateness of requiring permission to publish findings may be found by contacting the APA's Directorate for Scientific Affairs, APA's Journals Department, or one of the Open Science Initiative organizations. Finally, your letter raised an issue concerning the fees charged for the data. Note that Standard 8.14(a) permits psychologists to charge a fee for costs "associated" with providing the data. The Code does not dictate what is appropriate or reasonable for such associated costs. We hope this information was helpful to you Sincerely, ‘The APA Ethics Committee

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