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The Wake-Up Pad: Integrated Marketing Campaign Plan

Zach Fehrenbach, Anna Artkowsky, Mike Hippler, Maddy Darby

November 9, 2015

Table of Contents
Situation Analysis....3
Planning Calendar..11
Index (Survey details)....15

Situation Analysis
To analyze the environment surrounding the Wake-Up Pad, we first took a look at
existing seat pads and their prices, then at existing automobile driver alert systems and the
technology involved with those, which allowed us to explain the difference and advantage of our
product compared to the existing systems, then discussed potential problems with the Wake-Up
Pad, and finally we set a price and an explanation for our said price.
In-store at Target, the cost of auto seat cushions ranged from $15-$50. The lower end of
the price spectrum included products that only covered the actual seat part of the chair (similar to
the Wake-Up Pad). As the prices grow larger, the surface area covered increases to include the
backs of the chairs and even the head rest section in some cases. This gave us a good idea of the
market and price range for normal, non-technological car seat pads. We also took a look at
normal seat cushions at Target. These ranged from prices around $25-$45. Most of these normal
seat cushions have much more padding than the Wake-Up Pad, which is one reason that they
may seem costlier than expected. The Wake-Up Pads sleek but comfortable design is
aesthetically different from these seat cushions. It is less bulky and noticeable.
Some car companies have already implemented driver alert systems that have similar
goals to those of the Wake-Up Pad. For example, Volvo has their own Driver Alert system that
concludes if the driver is drowsing and issues an audible alarm and an icon showing a cup of
coffee. In a similar manner, Saab has their own system called Driver Attention Warning System.
This is a voice alarm that announces, You are tired, or You are dangerously tired! Stop as
soon as it is safe to do so!
The way that the Wake-Up Pad will be different and better than these driver alert systems
is because of its accuracy, simplicity, and subtle but effective notification method. One of our
groups objectives is to convince major car companies to build the Wake-Up Pad into the drivers
seats of their automobiles. This is different than Volvo and Saabs driver alert systems, and the
direct contact will allow the Wake-Up Pad able to be much more accurate when detecting
drowsiness in drivers. There have been complaints about Volvo and Saabs driver alert systems
being too sensitive and accusing drivers of being drowsy when they are not. Also, our
specialization in the product and technology will make it much easier on car companies. They
will not have to spend extra time and money on the direct production of the technology, as we
will construct the Wake-Up Pads and distribute them. The companies will simply have to install
them in the drivers seats of their automobiles. Another reason that the Wake-Up Pad is different
and better than driver alert systems is that it has no audible warning. Our technique is a small jolt
that only affects the driver. If youre making a long drive with your family, you dont want your
car incorrectly yelling at you to stay awake, in effect waking up the rest of your family and kids
in the back seat who have finally calmed down and fallen asleep. The Wake-Up Pads small jolt
stimulates the drivers brain and also stirs their body enough to effectively wake them up, while
not scaring or bothering the rest of the people in the car.
Although the market for the Wake-Up Pad in cars is somewhat competitive, the markets
for its use in school and in the workplace are vacant. There are no products similar to the WakeUp Pad in this regard. This is definitely an advantage, as we will be able to take the first steps
into these markets and revolutionize peoples ability to stay awake and pay attention in class and
at work. In a survey conducted less than a week ago, 92% of people say they have fallen asleep

or dozed off in class, 64% say they have fallen asleep or dozed off at work, and 45% say they
have fallen asleep or dozed off at the wheel of a car. These high percentages of people feeling
drowsy and dozing off during times when they should be alert and productive will be directly
helped by the implementation of the Wake-Up Pad in their lives. 33% of survey takers said they
feel too tired to concentrate well enough during class once every few days, while 30% said they
feel this way 1-2 times per school day and 11% said they feel this way every class. Our country
values education so much now, and this large percentage of kids in school saying they are too
tired to concentrate well enough is alarming. Many of these kids are paying absurd amounts of
money to be going to college, but their heavy work loads and loaded schedules arent letting
them give their full effort in class. The Wake-Up Pad will help this.
Due to the nature of the Wake-Up Pad being the first product of its kind, one possible
problem could be getting people to buy the product at first. This is just because it is new and
different. For this reason, one of our main objectives is to increase consume awareness about the
Wake-Up Pad. The first parts of our marketing campaign are geared toward this objective. Also,
we will probe the market and gauge consumers awareness and willingness to purchase the
product before actually making it available. We will see how many people pre-order the WakeUp Pad and adjust our marketing campaign accordingly. The uniqueness of our product may
seem daunting to consumers at first, but we are confident that once they buy in, consumers will
be more than happy with the Wake-Up Pad and the product will spread like wildfire. One of our
goals is to market the product mainly to individual people first, to gain popularity and awareness
about the product. Then, while continuing to sell to individuals, we will begin to target car
companies to integrate the Wake-Up Pad into their vehicles.
We have decided that the price of an individual Wake-Up Pad will start at $55. Because
the product is technologically advanced and new to the market, it has to cost more than normal
seat cushions and auto seat pads. In the survey we conducted, 43% of people said they would pay
between $40-$60 for a portable seat pad that could feel you dozing off and would wake you up if
that were happening. This is what the majority of our responses felt comfortable paying. 10%
said they would pay $60-$80, and 16% said they would pay $80-$100. These people will be
pleased that the product will be cheaper than they expected. Only 16% said they would pay $20$40. We feel that this price is more than fair for consumes, as it is directly helping their safety
and productivity.

The objective that our team has set the Wake-Up Pad are to create consumer awareness
about the use of the product through many news and social media outlets, increase productivity
and safety in people's everyday lives, and eventually sell our product to car companies where it
will be installed in every car that is produced to limit sleep related car accidents and deaths.
We feel that creating consumer awareness on social media as well as using other
marketing tools will inform the public of the benefits of using the Wake-Up Pad. The benefit of
this product is that it can sense when you are starting to doze off and gives you a jolt to keep you
awake or in some cases wake up back up. Marketing this successfully can and will lead to the
future success of our company. Through social media and news outlets we have the ability to
reach millions of consumers that have everyday use for our product.
The second objective that we have directly affects the consumer. It is to increase
productivity and safety in people's lives. From being in a car to being at work or in class, falling
asleep is a major reality during the day for all of us. With the technology that we have created it
allows you to constantly stay awake, even when you are at the end of working a long shift or
have been driving for hours. The Wake-Up Pad can be taken on the go or kept in one spot and it's
an item that anyone can use. The Wake-Up pad is not like other techniques people use to stay
awake because it is a one-time purchase.
The third objective that our team has set is to sell our product to car companies. The first
major company we will take our product to is Ford Motor Company because they were started in
The United States just like our product. Our goal is to one day have the Wake up Pad in every car
that is produced. From a safety aspect, car companies as well as the public will benefit from our
product being in every car. The amount of accidents that will be prevented from sleeping related
crashes will reduce. This also ties in with part of our second objective which is safety for
consumers. Fulfilling the objective of reaching car companies will provide stability and further
marketing for our product, as well as the constant flow of orders and the inevitable success of our
brands future.

The target audiences that we will be try to reach in our products marketing campaign will
be first students and office workers and then companies that mass produce cars. Students will be
our first target audience because they are sitting down in a chair with very little active
stimulation during the day, as well as companies with employees that work in an office or
constantly are traveling far distances with work. After reaching these audiences, we will move to
car companies. We feel that if we can capture these three audience groups then we will have
successfully achieved our objective of creating awareness through social media and news outlets.
When targeting all of these audiences we will start with the source. An example would be
schools and companies because they have the ability to place large orders of our product. With
revenue coming from guaranteed contracts with potential clients such as businesses, public and
private school districts, and car companies, our production can continue grow each year. All of
our audiences are crucial to the success of our brand because they all build off of one another.
When someone buys the Wake-Up Pad they are making an investment. Each individual that
owns the Wake-Up Pad is a real life testimonial. Every time they fall asleep and it wakes them up
they will spread the word on how important it is to own one. That is why it is so important to
reach our targeted audiences because we believe that it will lead to more sales.
Our first target audience is students. Getting the Wake-Up Pad into schools is very
important to our company and brand. This audience reaches our increased productivity objective
and allows students to better themselves and their education. Students at all levels of their
education can use this device. An example of how it would help college students would be in
participation after that fun night out at the bars. Many teachers take points away from students
who fall asleep during a lecture or conversation, but the Wake-Up Pad would prevent that from
ever happening. The Wake-Up Pad would help high school and grade school level students in
multiple ways as well. We expect our product to help students stay more alert in class, leading to
better performance and better grades. Since our product gives you a slight jolt, many students
involved with our focus group have feared that they will scream or get scared if they fall asleep
during class. We have done extensive research on this potential issue and studies and can
guarantee that the Wake-Up Pad will not cause any reaction of that nature.
Our second target audience has two parts to it. The first part of our audience will be
individuals at work that may have long shifts or even work the night shift. An example of
someone in this target audience would be an individual who sits behind a desk or at a computer
most of the day. The Wake-Up Pad would help them be more efficient in the work place. We all
know that work can get boring at times or you just had a late night and didn't get enough rest.
The Wake-Up Pad keeps you at your best all day long. The second part of our target audience is
the companies that have people like this working for them. Knowing that employees are working
hard and are awake will help boost productivity in the long run.

Our final target audience is maybe the most crucial of all of our original audiences. When
we target car companies, it is important to remember things that members of this industry market
their own products. That being said, we will also directly market our product to drivers so that
consumers have to ability to use our product in multiple locations. When consumers use our
product this will also help us show car companies that people will use our product and encourage
them to place more orders. Safety is one of the many things that car dealers as well as companies
use to convince consumers and sell them on when they are looking for a new ride. Our product
will not only help boost sales for the many companies that choose to sign a contract with us, but
it will also help them win awards related to the new safety feature that it has added. This will be
a major opportunity for the Wake-Up Pad because it will raise awareness of all the benefit of
owning our product and the uses that it has. When car companies put out commercials they will
show the world that our product is a major revelation in our culture that is based on high speeds,
late nights, and early mornings. Consumers will see the benefit of having this product in their
everyday lives and we will not be spending a dollar on informing them this way. This is why a
contract with the car industry is such a huge benefit. This could be a major opportunity for us to
market our product globally free of charge. With this in mind we are achieving multiple
objectives with just one target audience. In the long run, our product should be incorporated into
everyday life. The objectives we have set will be reached with the help of our target audiences
and will lead to the future strength of our organization.

The strategies for marketing our product effectively are based on our objectives, which
are to increase consumer awareness, increase productivity and safety for the users, and have our
product built into cars. We have developed two strategies for each objective.
The way we will achieve consumer awareness is through the uniqueness and useful ness
of our product because there is nothing like it out in the world. There will be different colors and
styles of the product that the consumer will be able to chose if he or she orders on our online
website. It is a one-time purchase product that the consumer can use for his or her lifetime.
Our product has the best interest of the consumer and is a tool to help them. To increase
productivity and safety for users we will portray some hard data to consumers. The National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration conservatively estimates that 100,000 police-reported
crashes are the direct result of driver fatigue each year. In the survey that our group sent out, 30%
said that they feel too tired to concentrate well enough 1-2 times in class per school day and 33%
say they feel that way in class every few days. Also, 64% of survey takers say they have fallen
asleep or dozed off at work. According to The National Sleep Foundation, 29% of people have
fallen asleep or became very sleepy at work in the past month. With a slight shock, our product
could help students pay attention in class and help adults focus on their tasks at work without
dozing off. According to The National Sleep Foundation, depending on a person's age, the
amount of sleep he or she needs varies but on average most people need at at least seven to nine
hours of sleep every night (Sleep Foundation). According to a study conducted by Gallup, 40%
of Americans get less than the recommended amount of sleep that they need. Therefore, due to
drowsy driving, 40% of Americans are placing themselves in danger when they get behind the
After we release our product to the public, we want to start targeting car manufacturers
and dealerships to start building our product into drivers seats. The main way we will do this
will be by showing them statistics about driver fatigue and safety and preaching our motto of
comfort combined with caution. According to The National Sleep Foundations Sleep in America
poll, 60% of adult drivers (about 168 million people) say they have driven a vehicle while
feeling drowsy in the past year, and more than one-third, (103 million people), have actually
fallen asleep at the wheel. The data collected from our survey shows that 44% of the people who
took the survey have fallen asleep or dozed off at the wheel. This product would advance car
dealerships vehicles and make them more safe for the consumer. This would also result in more
cars being purchased. Our product would be comfortable and enjoyable for the consumer to use
but also make the consumer feel safer driving long distances and not have a fear of falling asleep
because our product would make sure did not happen. According to our survey, 94% of people
would be more comfortable making long drives if their seat could feel them dozing off and
would wake them up if that were happening.

Our tactics cover a wide range of media and we are using a variety of mediums to reach
our consumers. We have developed three tactics directly related to each strategy, which are
related to our objectives.
Our first objective is to increase costumer awareness about the Wake-Up Pad. The two
strategies we want to implement to achieve this objective are for consumers to be aware of the
uniqueness and usefulness of the Wake-Up Pad. We are planning to have a Wake-Up Pad website
up and running before beginning to market to our consumers. This way, as soon as people start
hearing about our product and researching it, there will be an aesthetically pleasing and
informational website about the Wake-Up Pad. This will help to convince consumers of the
uniqueness of the product. We are also planning to release a television commercial that is
focused on portraying how the Wake-Up Pad is the first of its kind. The final tactic regarding the
spreading of the uniqueness of the product to consumers is to eventually have car companies
market the product for us. This will obviously come much later in the process. Our tactics
relating to spreading the word about the usefulness of the Wake-Up Pad include sending out a
press release. This would be our first step to actually reach out to the public. We will also release
another television commercial, with this one more geared towards the actual use of the Wake-Up
Pad and the convenience of it only being a one-time purchase. Ideally we will release this
commercial after the first one, but still within the same month. Finally, we will put up a video on
the website that demonstrates the actual use of the Wake-Up Pad. This video will be similar to
the commercial in nature, but we plan on taking it one step further and making it seem like the
Wake-Up Pad is almost a necessity to own. We feel that we can do this because people visiting
the website will obviously be people who are interested in the product, while people viewing the
TV commercial will be doing so involuntarily. Therefore, the people viewing the video on the
website will have already been hooked by some part of our marketing campaign, and the video
will ideally take them to the next level and make them feel like they need the Wake-Up Pad.
Our second objective, which is to increase productivity and safety in peoples lives,
included strategies that we categorized as portraying survey results and hard numbers to
consumers and making them aware of the problem of sleep depravation. Our tactics regarding
this first strategy are more in-your-face and less intricate. We will set up billboards that have a
short, direct message and hard data to support the message. These billboards will be geared
towards our audience of drivers. Also, we will buy advertisements on Facebook that are similar
in nature to the billboards, but are directed more towards our consumers that are students and
people in offices. Finally, we plan to release another television commercial that is more intricate
than these previous marketing techniques. This commercial will target peoples emotions, and we
plan to have it be somewhat similar to texting and driving commercials. The part of our
campaign relating to sleep depravation will begin by sending out mass emails that contain a
message asking readers how many hours of sleep they get, and a message about how much
theyre supposed to get. The email will then relate this to the Wake-Up Pad and how it can help
the problem. We are also planning to have a celebrity advocate to tweet and do interviews in our
favor. We will want them to portray a message about how they dont get enough sleep with their
incredibly busy schedules, but how the Wake-Up Pad helps them and can also help you. Finally,
we plan to have multiple walk-up stands or kiosks where we would ask people how much sleep
they usually get, inform them about how much sleep theyre supposed to get and how its very
hard to function on an insufficient amount of sleep, and allow them to try out a Wake-Up Pad.

Our third objective is the one that will come last, and that is to have our product become
built into cars. Our strategies to achieve this are to portray statistics about safety to the
companies and to have them focus on the aspects of comfort and caution regarding the Wake-Up
Pad. To carry out this first strategy, we will create a video about the safety of the Wake-Up Pad
and send it directly to car companies. We will then set up a meeting with one major company,
Ford, and get them on board. After that, we will set up an event for multiple companies to come
and see the Wake-Up Pad and how they can easily integrate it into their vehicles. To carry out the
strategy of the message of comfort and caution to car companies, we will first have to create a
prototype of the Wake-Up Pad actually built into a drivers seat. Then we will have a
demonstration for car companies at our event about how it is both more comfortable and safer for
drivers. Finally, we will have a great amount of hard data to show the companies, including
information from surveys, our walk-up stands, our sales thus far, and advertising analytics.


Planning Calendar
January: Press release, have website running
February: Mass email, walk-up stand
March: Video(s) on website
April: Billboards, Facebook advertisement
May: TV commercials, celebrity advocate
June: -July: Collect hard data
August: Make a prototype, video directed towards car safety
September: Meet with Ford
October: Event for car companies and dealerships
November: -December: Have the product become built into cars


For the Wake-Up Pad, our estimated budget cost is about $165,000. This is largely due to
the fact that we wanted a celebrity advocate and a car event. In order for our product to reach our
audience and create awareness that it exists, first we will air a television commercial. To do so,
we first have to hire a producer to create the commercial. To hire a producer, it can range
anywhere from $10,000 to $50,000. Although this includes an HD camera, since our product is
new we went with the budget of $10,000 to hire a producer and have the video shot. Once the
commercial is done, we will go to a local television station, WEWS-TV Channel 5, which is in
downtown Cleveland and affiliated with ABC, to show them our commercial and buy air time.
Since rates and price depend on the time of day, we decided to buy out 2 commercial spots, one
at noon for the afternoon news, and then primetime which is 6:00-7:00 PM. For the afternoon
advertisement it costs $1,500 to show once everyday for one month and for primetime it costs
$3,000 since that is when stations have most viewers watching.
After having the television commercial created we think it would be a good idea to create
a video of awareness showing someone driving with the Wake-Up Pad and dozing off compared
to someone dozing off without the pad. We would also make another video showing students
dozing off in class and missing out on learning and connecting with their peers in class. These
videos are effective and show why people should be in favor of our product. We will have the
videos created by the same producer and have Channel 5 air them as well for only $5,000 extra
because they are a fan of our product. The videos will also be uploaded to our website for free
We will create a website for our product so that consumers can design their own pad how
they like it such as color and design. Also, we want to upload videos about our product and more
through the website. To save money we will use sitebuilder, which is free. Even though there is
no cost we will have the ability choose between 1,000 different templates and choose a domain
for free. We want to choose an effective and professional website but also save money for the
bigger events. Sitebuilder has a 95% rate for successful websites.
We will write press releases for updates about our product and sales and deals consumers
should be aware of. This is free. However, it will be vital to spread the word about the Wake-Up
Pad among the public.
Our next step is creating billboard advertisements. By doing that we will lease space with
an advertising company called Brokaw, Inc. Our main reason for a billboard is creating general
awareness about our product and showing how effective and safe it can be. Our target audience is
mainly all drivers, but also students and business people. We will pay $500 to have a billboard
created, and four are going up. The cost to put our billboard up is $1,500 per billboard. So a total
of about $4,500 dollars will be put into billboards being built locally in areas such as downtown
Cleveland, Interstate I-80, Akron, and I-90.
We will also create a Facebook page which is free, but buying advertisements for a month
is $90. Two different advertisements go up three times a day: morning, afternoon, and evening.
The average company or person pays $24 for their ad to be shown 36,364 times. So we will pay
$30 a month for about 44,000 times that our advertisements show over the month. But for our
product we are paying about $1.00 a day for more than 1,000 views. We would rather pay for
views than likes because spreading awareness about our product is more important with it being
new. Once people know about it then likes will be the next concern. So with $30 a month for the


advertisements plus 1,000 views and paying for the 44,000 times the ads will be playing, our
estimated cost is about $90-$100 for Facebook ads.
When putting out our product, we will incorporate it with the Ford car company. A
celebrity advocate who loves Ford cars is another great way to have people take interest in our
product. Jay Leno owns many cars. He drives a different one to work every day, but his ultimate
favorite is a Ford. Contacting celebrities to advocate for a companys product is difficult. We will
sign up for a celebrity contacting service. This service can get people in contact with 60,000+
celebrities. For a one-year VIP service it only costs $179. Although we only need Jay Leno for a
month, it would be nice to gain another celebrity advocate after the one month with him. We will
pay Jay Leno $40,000 for one months worth of tweets and Instagram posts he makes about our
product, and he also gets to keep the pad installed in his Ford. Next we will plan a meeting with
several car companies around the area to talk about putting on a car event at Ford Company so
other car companies besides Ford can test out the pad and see if they would be interested in our
product and having it installed in their cars or just to sell to customers separately. Arranging a
meeting with the companies is free just by email, but once the event is over and companies are
interested we will have spent $75,000 to have the event held at Ford in Cleveland. Car
companies in the community and from around the world can attend the event.
Also, for one month we will rent out out a kiosk in Beachwood mall and create a
prototype model. Spending money on the kiosk, a cashier and security camera we will spend
about $10,000. One unit of a kiosk is $1,500 so we will rent out five units, money to pay the
cashier and to buy a security camera. To create the prototype model, we will spend $5,000. The
range for a model depends on how big you want the model. $10,000 is considered very
expensive for a prototype so we figured a $5,000 range would be perfect for the Wake-Up Pad.


The tools and criteria we will use to measure the success of the Wake-Up Pad are pretty
basic. Our first objective is creating consumer awareness, so after the product has been out for a
while we will measure the success by figuring out how many people pre-ordered it. If consumers
pre-ordered it then they definitely knew about it. Our job is to find out how many people preordered it off of our website and in stores as well. Also, calculating how many people view and
visit our website will be helpful to determine if we are reaching a wide enough audience or if we
need to promote our product and website more. How many products we sell can have an effect
on if people know enough about us and the product. We do only sell one product which is the
Wake-Up Pad, but we will sell a lot of them and the Ford company has a huge name in this
product. Looking at advertisement analytics is also going to play a big role in finding out if our
product is a success. Seeing if it is working for people and if consumers interested enough in
buying the pad and testing it out, whether it be for in your car, classroom or at work.
Our second objective is to increase productivity and safety. Since we want to increase
students being more productive in class and staying awake as well as drivers to be safe when
they dont get enough sleep, we can find out if the product is successful by creating a survey for
people who have bought the product to take. Some questions could include: Do you feel safer
behind the wheel? Do you find yourself paying better attention in class or being more productive
at work? Research is another great way to find out if we are successful. We will be able to see if
the amount of car crashes are decreasing and if the number of people that fall asleep behind the
wheel isnt as high anymore. That will show if we are successful with the safety aspect of the
product, but to find out if it is working in classrooms or the work place we have to look up
statistics. This will involve finding out if students are paying attention in class and getting more
work done and adults are being more productive. We will visit certain schools around the area
and talk to students who have purchased the product and ask them if it is effective and if they
would change anything about it so we can improve the pad in the future.
Our third objective is to evaluate if it is successful in cars and whether it is built in or
people are purchasing it separately from the car. This will be simple to evaluate because we will
have contracts with the companies that we know are putting the product in their car. Also, we
will create an online survey on our website and ask the purchaser to visit the site and let us know
what they like and dislike about the product. Allowing the consumer to be involved and help
make decisions about our product will create a sense of community. When launching the product,
we will measure and see if the days and times were smart. If we feel we should have waited
longer the next time, we will base our next product off of this one so we are more successful. Our
main priority is to make sure the consumer is happy and that our product is serving the right


Survey was distributed to college students and adults who work in offices.
63 people took the survey.
Survey questions and results:
1. Have you ever fallen asleep or dozed off at work?
- Yes (63.49%)
- No (36.51%)
2. Have you ever fallen asleep or dozed off in class?
- Yes (92.06%)
- No (7.94%)
3. Have you ever fallen asleep or dozed off at the wheel of a car?
- Yes (44.44%)
- No (55.56%)
4. How often do you feel too tired to concentrate well enough during class?
- Every class (11.11%)
- 1-2 times per school day (30.16%)
- Once every few days (33.33%)
- Once a week (15.87%)
- Rarely (9.52%)
- Never (0%)
5. On average, how many hours of sleep do you get a night?
- 4-5 hours (7.94%)
- 6-7 hours (66.67%)
- 7-9 hours (25.4%)
- 10+ hours (0%)
6. Would you be more comfortable making long drives if your seat could feel you dozing
off and would wake you up if that were happening?
- Yes (93.65%)
- No (6.35%)
7. How much money would you be willing to pay for a portable seat pad that could feel you
dozing off and would wake you up if that were happening?
- $20-$40 (15.87%)
- $40-$60 (42.86%)
- $60-$80 (9.52%)
- $80-$100 (15.87%)
- I would not buy this (15.87%)


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