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Foundations of Health Science

Cardiovascular System Quiz 7 - STUDY GUIDE

Be able to identify the structures (anatomy) and functions (physiology) of
the cardiovascular system
Be able to trace the flow of blood through-out the body. Hint: start from the
R atrium and go through the entire heart and body and back to the R atrium.
Be able to explain the purpose of the valves in the heart and large veins.
What is the function of the pacemaker of the heart (SA Node)?
What important functions occur at the capillaries.
What is the make-up of the blood? What does plasma contain and what are
the functions of the three types of cells in the blood?
Be able to trace the flow of electrical signal from the SA node to the Perkinje
fibers. What structures of the heart do the signals flow through?
Be able to explain selected cardiovascular pathologies (treatment (Tx) and
diagnosis (Dx)):
Atherosclerosis, Myocardial Infarction, Asystole,
Bicuspid (Mitral) Valve Regurgitation and Ventricular Fibrillation.
Know the combinations of Blood Types that can be donated to and received
by an individual. Be able to use antigens in your explanation.

What is the Rh factor and how can Rh factor combinations threaten a fetus if
there is an Rh Incompatibility?

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