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Alyson McDonald

Philosophy of Education
I believe that the purpose of education is to develop a well-rounded individual that is prepared socially and intellectually to succeed in society. School should develop the mind as well as
the character of a student. As an educator I see my role as a facilitator in this process. I see my
role to teach a child character through discipline and explaining social expectations. I also see
my role as teaching them the required curriculum while inspiring them to have a love for
learning that will last beyond my classroom.
The role of a teacher is also to cater to the needs of all students, including the diverse
children in the classroom. I feel as if a teacher should address the topic of diversity rather than
ignore it, and explain to the students what diversity is and explain that it is something that should
be celebrated. I think that it is important for a teacher to understand their students backgrounds
so that they can define their community of learners and understand the students needs. I think
this can be accomplished through communication with the student and the parents to get a better
picture of who each student is and where they come from. Global awareness is something that I
see as important in the classroom. Global awareness is a component of being a successful and
educated member of society. Therefore, I believe it is the role of a teacher to produce globally
aware students. I think this can be accomplished through integrating culturally diverse topics and
material within the curriculum. Rather than ignoring this topic it is something that should be
stressed in the classroom.There are many resources that teach lessons from a culturally unique
perspective. I believe that students need to be taught to celebrate their differences and realize that
it is our differences that make us special.

I believe that children best learn when they are in a loving and supportive environment.
This will have an affect on my teaching as I will strive to create this kind of environment through
my classroom management, curriculum design, and assessment. I feel that if each student feels
loved, cared for, and supported they will be more likely to flourish. Rather than raising my voice
at my students or just putting grades in a grade book, I want to be stern but loving and assess
students through giving supportive feedback on formative and summative assessments. However,
a teacher must balance the needs of the individual student with the needs of the classroom community. I think this can be done through teaching group lessons in a general way that caters to
the basic needs of all students, but then spending time addressing a students individual needs in
small group and intervention settings. I want each of my students to leave my class a better person and a better student. I want each of them to feel important and like they can accomplish
something. Its my goal that each student leaves my class feeling loved and possessing a love for
Lastly, relationships with the community, parents, teaching colleagues, and administrators
are all important relationships to a teacher, however these relationships are each very different.
Communication is vital in providing a student the best education possible. I believe that the
teacher should show a desire to be involved in the school community and the lives of the students beyond the classroom. I believe that each of these relationships require professionalism. I
also think that a teacher needs to use these relationships for support as well as support them.

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