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ANOREW SALGADO BEERS THE SNAKE PREVIEW: FRIDAY 11 NOVEMBER ~ 6-9PM. ‘ 12 NOVEMBER ~ 17 DECEMBER, 2016 Beers is thrilled to present Andrew Salgado's The Snake. Following 10 sellout solo shows that hove taken place in ‘major citias all over the world, Salgado explains thatthe title refers both to his own sense of rebirth as an artistas well 2s the allegorical nature the show. For The Snake, Salgado has designed a totally immersive space: "I want people to feel like they're walking into 9 clandestine space,” he states. “there's something evil and seductive about the show as a whole.” The 11 works on display are largely inspired by the recent tragedy in Orlando where 49 people were attacked in the largest mase-murder in American history. Salgado, himself a victim of a hatewelated attack in 2008, subscribes to 2 that are violent, but the wodd itself”, Once again, Salgedo finds himself revisiting broad ideas around hatred, destruction and re-bith as he did in The Misanthrope, his first solo in London with the gallery in 2012. Francis Bacon's dictum that ‘i's not the paint “Orlando was what spurred me on to looking at the ills around the world”, says Salgado. Many of the subjects represent a larger host of outsiders, each of them alien, wounded, or in some way. Many paintings have been cut up and reattached, often atitched together with linen hand-dyed by the artist, Le’s Start A Wardepicts Salgado's fist ‘ever Muslim-bom subject, which is embellished with icons and symbols, including a Klu Klux Klan leader brandishing a bbuming cross. Arriving in the wake of Brexit and Trump as President, the works tell 2 story about the state of acceptance globally. "We're waking-up every moming to more race-rolated attacks and assaults based on sexual or religious preferences. We seem to have reached our lowest point, the deepest hatred for our neighbour, and these sentiments ricochet like some horrific echo chamber." The painting tiled Echo Chamberfeatures a portrait of Salgado's friend, artist Sandro Kopp, which perhaps best articulates the show's dark, seductively dizzying application, bold colour palette and reverberating brushwork. Female subjects also figure strongly in the show, including 2 Egypt (The Fiddle and Drum), utled ater the Joni Mitchell anti-war anthem; The Dancing Serpent, a hopelul work that Salgado places as the ‘heart’ of the exhibition tiled after the Charles Baudelaire poom; and ultimately concluding with the confrontational Chysalis (Portrait of @ Girl, which features Salgado’s friend and first transgender subject. The show, from Festival in Hell to Orlando, is meant as full cycle, like the Qurobores ~ an ancient Grecian symbol of a snake consuming its own tal, to symbolize something recreating itself. In many ways, the metaphor of the snake is a symbol of re-brth and healing. Seen as a hole, a great portiait of existence, The Snake presents our collective suffering as ultimately hopeful, with the knowledge, fear and joy that comes as part of being human Beers wil elease a monograph of Andrew Salgado’s work, TEN, this December, currenty available for pre-purchase at the galley or by visiting www beerslondon.com The book will be accompanied by an exhibition at The Gallery of the Canadian High Commission in Londen opening 12 January 2017. ees tondon 1 Baldwin Steet London ECAVBNU +4 (0)207 5029078 wuw.beersiendoncom lnfosoeeslondon com taiterestagra: @beersndon All work 2016, with hand-painted beech frames 10 1". Wormasse cil and oil pastel with collage on linen, 85x65em Orlando cil and oil pastel with butterfly and hand-stitched linen on canvas, 95x65em The Festival in Hell oil, il pastel and spray on linen, wth miniature figurines and wallpaper, SOxdem /'90x100em overall Let's Start a War cil and oil pastel on canvas, 205%185em Egypt (The Fiddle and Drum) cil and oil pastel with hand-dyed and hand-stitched linen on canvas, 205x185cm Echo Chamber oil, il pastel, spray, and collage and linen on canvas, 205x185em Four Swans. oil, il pastel, with hand-dyed and handstitched linen on canvas, 205x155em Afterlife / Osiris cil, il pastel, spray, and collage with hand-

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