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Online Projects, Collaboration Sites, and Publishing Opportunities

Lesson Idea Template

Name: Tamera Tillman
Grade Level: 2nd
Content Area: Science
Standards Addressed:
S2L1. Students will investigate the life cycles of different living
a. Determine the sequence of the life cycle of common animals in your area: a
mammal such as a cat or dog or classroom pet, a bird such
as a chicken, an amphibian such as a frog, and an insect such as a butterfly.
Title of Online Project/Collaboration Site/Publishing Opportunity: Journey North
URL of Online Project/Collaboration Site/Publishing Opportunity:
Describe how you would use the Online Project/Collaboration Site/Publishing
Opportunity in your classroom: I would use this site to help my students learn
about seasonal changes and the migration of butterflies. The students would
learn about this in class and complete a study on butterflies. This study would
consist of how many there are during a certain time of the year and when/where
do they migrate. With this tool, students would have the access to collaborate
with other students, scientists and teachers. They would be able to publish their
work and make conclusions.
What technologies would be required to implement this proposed learning activity
in a classroom? Computers, access to research sites and videos
Describe how the following features are addressed in this learning experience
(note: all of them may not be addressed in the project, but most should be if you
are reaching a high LoTi Level.):
a. Collaboration with peers, near-peers, mentors outside their classroom
and often beyond their school: Students will collaborate with other
peers, scientist and mentors via the Journey North site
b. Student-centered learning and knowledge creation (collecting original
data and or producing original products as a result of engaging in the
project): Students will be collecting data through their study of the
migration patterns of a butterfly
c. Higher-order thinking: Students would have to analyze and evaluate
the migrating patterns of butterflies and form hypotheses as to why
they think these patterns occur
d. Students publishing their original work to others who will use/care
about their product: Students would be able to publish their work on
Journey North once the website is completed.
Blooms Level of Critical Thinking Required (check all that apply):

What Level of Technology Implementation best describes this learning activity and
I believe the LoTi level would be a level 5. I believe this is because with this site, it
allows the student to access the highest levels of Blooms Taxonomy.
How could you implement this proposed learning experience and still comply with
your districts Internet Safety and Student Privacy policies? I would inform
administrators and parents about the project, moderate student activity on the
internet, make sure I know all parties who are connected with the students and
make sure that there are background checks required, make sure students use
avatars and educate all about internet safety.

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