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EDUCATION DIVISION Bachelor of Education

Name: Halima AlShehhi




30/ 10/ 2016


Grade 5/ 1


09:05 am





Unit Parents
Prior Knowledge:



o This is a continue lesson for the previous two lessons in the unit and they have the
background. So, they will complete the lesson and link their past knowledge and the
new knowledge together to build their learning more.
o They will build their knowledge by linking what they knew and what they learned
during the previous lessons. For example, they'll answer what the reproduction
mean? What are the two types of reproduction? Give me examples for the both types
of reproduction?
o Describe and compare between both types of reproduction. For example, they will be
more familiar to discuss and compare the differences and give examples of living
Warm up activity: because I know that some of students will be interested to show me
what they did in their homework, I decided to discuss the activity as a warm up activity
to check what they do in homework and helps them to engage and participate others
their work by talking about it to link it with today's lesson.

Key words: Fertilization, asexual reproduction, sexual reproduction, fission, vegetative

reproduction, legs underway, budding.

Lesson Objectives:
o Explain and sexual reproduction and asexual (students will be able to explain what
they understood and explain the both types of the subject).
o Comparing between sexual reproduction and Asexual (students will be able to
compare between both types and give examples and be more familiar to discuss
about the subject).
o Build the reading method (through reading activities students will using the gestures
and expressions and visual elements are supports the meaning of the words. So,
reading is very important to help students learns more and helping students
understand classroom language).

EDUCATION DIVISION Bachelor of Education

By the end of the lesson
Students will able to explain and compare both types of reproduction and promote their
skills throughout the activities.

Also, my lesson plan is linked to Blooms Taxonomy as following:

o Remember: At the beginning of the lesson students will recalling what they learned in
previous lessons when I will dialogue with them the homework as a revision.
o Understand: students will be able to understand the concept of reproduction and how
it sequence with two types and different examples.
o Apply: Students will be able to apply a dialogue about the both types of reproduction
and give examples. Also, students will be able to stand up and talk about it with other
students and teacher.
o Analyze: Students will be able to distinguish between both types of reproduction and
subject sections.
o Evaluate: Teacher will evaluated the students if they clearly and fully understand or
needs for some help in possible aspects.
o Create: creating the venn figure successfully will be an evidence for their ability to
create and improve their thinking. Also, teacher will let them discuss what they have
As a daily routine I reminds the students of several positive attitudes to follow:

When teacher is talking the students have listen to her.

Respect each other.
Give your friend chance while they talking.
Push the chairs in before leaving the classroom.
Leave your place clean.
Leave the classroom quietly.

o Listening: to develop their listening when they listening to a dialogue between
teacher and students.
o Speaking: to develop their speaking when naming the words (key words), during
asking and answering questions and when the students will display a short dialogue
for their work.
o Reading: to develop their reading throughout the reading sentences.
o Writing: to develop their fine motors by writing the answers.

EDUCATION DIVISION Bachelor of Education

Evaluation / Assessment:
At the end of the lesson teacher will discusses students and asks them different
questions to check their well understanding (question strategy). The questions will
summarize the lesson. For example, how animals reproduction?, how plant
reproduction?, what are types of reproduction?, what vocabulary task of today's lesson?
And what is the difference between sexual and asexual reproduction?
Personal focus: In this lesson I am working on my PDP goals which are decrease the
pressure on me before the lesson by preparing early and organize my work. Also,
allowing more dialogue during the lesson by discussing with students and give them
chance to expression their ideas and develop my constructive feedback through the
lesson to motivate student learning by giving a reason for the feedback. Here I can act a
positive feedback as a teacher to be constructive feedback e.g. if the students have
some mistakes or missing a part of the answer when I asked I can say that ( Nice try
Mariam and thank you for your answer but you miss a part of the answer can you think
about it and give me a fully answer?) then give her time to think, if she still have
problem with that I will let her to set and asks other students to answer and told them to
share the answer with Mariam. This is to let her know that, it's okay to make mistakes
and we can learn from each other inside our classroom. This is will encourage them to
participate others and do not feel shy to have a mistake.
Teaching Competencies focus: In this lesson I am working on planning for learning
through knowledge and understanding of content to promote engagement and ensure all
students meet their potential. I looked at the short-term and started my teaching form
that unit to give the students' a sequence lessons and follow-up that lessons to meet a
range of learning needs and styles.

Teaching Strategies:

Morning greeting.
Write the learning objectives and read it.
Review students prior knowledge because this is a following lesson.
Warm up activity.

Teaching strategies: Use gestures and expressions, visual elements to support meaning
like vocab cards, use visual elements, titles concepts to explain the key to helps students
understand classroom language, use the form of academic language while showing
important to help students understand to be more familiar to hear it or read it,
instructions and ask questions strategy throughout the lesson.
Classroom management strategies: Use name checklist
development in preparation, participation and behavior.





Behavioral management strategies: Use counting strategy to control the students

behaves, change voice tone to grab their attention and claps hand, using the bell to grab
their attention. Also, using the eyes connecting or body signs to control them without
stopping the lesson and claps hand for the excellence answers.
Feedback strategies: It will be more attractive and supports by giving an explanation

EDUCATION DIVISION Bachelor of Education

promote their answer.

Ask question strategies: This is to assess students understanding and evaluate their

Materials & Resources: A video, vocab cards, pictures, white board.

Technology integration: Data-show and computer.

What the Teacher says and

What the Students say and


Lesson connection to PDP

goals and/or Action
Research Focus

ENGAGE -Introduction: First teacher greeting students and talk about dates and lesson
objectives. Then, discussing students and give them time to share their own knowledge
about previous learning. Then link it with the learning outcomes. To make connections to
what they know and have experienced.

EDUCATION DIVISION Bachelor of Education

I will ask about homework

on page 169 and I know,
not everybody do it thats
why I will give a reward for
the active students by
move their names up on
encourage them for their
hard work. Then tries to
discuss with them about
randomly choose students
to speak and explain that,
what and how she did their

Students will replay my

greeting and listens to my
instructions and rules (my
rules and expectations). Then
they will open page 169 to
show me their homework.
Then, they will discuss it with
me and share their experience
with others.

Starting the lesson with

homework helps students
encourage them to share
their knowledge because
it will be a positive
learning environment for
them and they like to
information with teacher.
So, that helps to build a
strong relationship with
teacher as a result which
is related to my first and
second PDP goal.

Teacher will display a video
about fission. Then will let
students to open the book
page 166 and 167 to do
some reading.

Students should watch and
listen carefully to the video
encourage students to do
then starts to open the book
the best and this in my
to do some reading.
third goal in my PDP.

some cards around the
students answers and
Students should be quite and give them a constructive
calm when they doing this feedback
teacher will ask students'
activity and move nicely to find common to encourage
to put their hands inside
the answer from the cards. If students to do the best
the desk to find something
they dont I will use the and to give their pairs
(a pictures or sentences).
previous strategies e.g. change chance to dialogue with
Students should know how
voice tone, eyes connects the the partner if they needs
to identify and classify the
bell and counting.
for that which is related
pictures and sentences to
to my third goal in my
the correct card and tell
LESSON CLOSURE: Teacher will end the lesson through this activity and discussing with
students' by asks the students to give a reason for their answers to assess and evaluate
their understanding. This is will be an extend activity and at the same time teacher will
use ask question strategy to assess and evaluate the answers which will be a challenge
for some students especially with the pictures and sentences that needs to deeper
thinking and linking what they learned to answer correctly.

EDUCATION DIVISION Bachelor of Education

Second Observation Reflection:

Today lesson was interested because it was like a challenge to follow the lesson plan.
What happened is that, I had lesson with section 4 and during the lesson I felt the period
was more than 40 min but I complete my lesson. Then my friend came to my class and
told me the next period was start from 10 min and I mean with that my observation
class. So, I lost 10 min because the bell wasnt work and I didnt know about that only
from my friend. So, I walked quickly to meet Ms. Julie and I saw her with my partner
Reem because she had observation before me. So, I apologize to her and went to the
However, around 20 min lost before the lesson so I had only around 30 min to finish my
lesson. I feel pressure and nervous because all of that happened before the lesson which
is related to my PDP goals which are decrease the pressure on me before the lesson by
preparing early and organize my work. So, I took a deep breath then tried to think
positively to start my lesson. So, it was challenge to follow the lesson plan but I teach
faster and tried to give them full information of the lesson quickly. I felt guilty about that
but I need to finish my lesson at the same time. So, I remembered my weakness points
and I planned to avoid it in this lesson. That why I walked around and didnt stand at the
front of the room. And I gave them constructive feedback by giving them the reason of
the answer and tried to discuss the answer with other participates which is a goal of my
PDP and I can feel how I improved during this weeks. Also, I focused on students center
that time during the activities and my MCT agree with me at this point.
In general, I was comfortable at the end of the lesson. I feel I achieved my goals from the
lesson plan and the students work well during the assessment and evaluating. I avoided
most of the weakness points and improved when I compared with the first observation.
Anyway, I fell happy with what I did and I can notes the improving throughout students
feedbacks to me about the lesson and they said they felt happy and interested during
the activities.
Next time, I would like to improve more and more in all aspects e.g. can use timer to
management lesson timer in this way I will know if there a problem with the bell or I can
know if they forget to ring the bell. Furthermore, I will use more strategies thats help
students to discuss between each other and answers their own question and lesson to
their discussion to check there improvement.

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