Advent 1 (A)

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First Sunday of Advent

Cycle A
Psalm 122:1-2, 3-4, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9

### 4
& 4

B m7/A

A maj7 A 7 A 6 F

Let us go re - joic - ing




J nW
A maj7


A sus A

n n .

D/F # E


the house of the Lord.

F #m




I rejoiced because they | said to me,

We will go up to the house | of the LORD.
And now we have set | foot
within your gates, O Je-| rusa- lem.
Jerusalem, built | as a cit-y
with | compact u-nity.
To it the tribes go | up,
the tribes | of the LORD.
According to the de-| cree for Is-rael,
to give thanks to the name | of the LORD.
In it are set up judgment | seats,
seats for the | house of Da-vid.
Pray for the peace | of Je- ru-salem!
May those who | love you pros-per!
May peace be within your | walls,
prosperity | in your build-ings.
Because of my | brothers and friends
I will say, Peace | be with- in you!
Because of the house of the LORD, our | God,
I will pray | for your good.
Psalm antiphon and text 1968, 1981, 1997, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc.
Music 2016, George O. Baclay. All rights reserved.

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