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November 2, 2016

Abstract: Wage inequality is an issue that has been brought up throughout the years because
progress has been made but the wage gap has not been able to fully close. After being able to
define what wage inequality is, the other research questions will be easier to answer. The
research questions are as follows: What is wage inequality, what are the causes of wage
inequality, what can we do to close the wage inequality gap, and what benefits will closing the
gap do to the economy. The wage inequality gap can be observed further apart or closer
together depending on its location. Many may argue that the wage gap is due to poor decision
of women of all categories (regardless of age, race, or sexual orientation). Women are accused
to cause the wage gap that affects their low wage by poor decisions in education and prioritizing
in family, although discrimination has more support for the wage gap. To reduce the wage gap
it can be broken down to different levels within the system, not only must women have to learn
more in regards to math or science (skills that are mostly strived on) but the government can
implement laws that will prevent further discrimination, and employers can have programs that
will be unbiased and fair on the distribution of pay. In closing the gap the economy will strive
because that money will be going back to the government in more than one way, such as
making more women join the workforce because they have that extra income that they need.

Areli GarciaNovember 2016--Page 1

Letter of Transmittal
From: Areli Garcia

Unites States citizens is to have the

following four questions answered:

To: RWS 3355 Faculty of Students

Subject: The Wage Inequality Gap
With the recent presidential campaigns
several issues have been brought up
including wage inequality. The gap for
wage inequality seems to be growing
more and more each year, seen between
the wages of men and women, young
and old, and in racial and ethnic groups,
this affects everyone. Some people may
argue that there is discrimination by
employers, others say that their
education led them to be paid less, but
through statistics and facts the issue will
be regarded.
Information for this issue can be traced
back to a very long time ago, but it has
significantly increased since the 1970s.
There are several ways to close this
wage inequality that is in the United
States, not only have both political
parties gotten the facts of wage
inequality but the people will as well.
The way to understand how wage
inequality has impacted the lives of

What is wage inequality?

Wage inequality is the unequal
distribution of income.
What are the causes of the
gender pay gap? There are
several causes for the pay gap
such as education, gender,
ethnicity, sexual orientation, age,
and location.
How do people reduce the wage
gap? Different groups of people
can do different things but
mainly the advocating and
informing the public of this issue.
How can closing the gender
pay gap help the economy?
With people getting paid more
they will be able to contribute to
the economy.

Wage inequality cannot be defined

with income distributed in an uneven
manner but how, why, and who it
involves because this will help
determine how we can reduce it and
how it will benefit society overall.

Areli GarciaNovember 2016--Page 2

Executive Summary
The wage inequality gap is still an issue
that is brought up till this day. The gap
is not only between men and women but
other factors such as race, age, and
perhaps sexual orientation actually might
affect the wage gap in the US.
The purpose is to find out that sex, race,
age, sexual orientation in individuals
might cause the wage gap instead of the
argument that it is just due to education.
Through the use of these research
questions it can help identifying the
cause of the wage inequality gap and
actually discover more details of the
problems and potential solutions.
1. What is wage inequality?
2. What are the causes of the gender pay
3. How do people reduce the wage gap?

4. How can closing the gender pay gap

help the economy?
Through articles and surveys conducted,
the research questions have
demonstrated potential solutions and
letting readers understand the
controversial status that the wage gap
causes to individuals in the US.
The limitation in the report is that there
is to not have first hand evidence but
evidence is obtained by other parties.
Conclusion and Recommendations
The conclusion is that the wage gap is an
issue in the US and it can only be
resolved by acknowledging the issue and
to speak out as a society against the
issue, it is the only way to solve this

Areli GarciaNovember 2016--Page 3

Table of Contents
Abstract..Cover Page
Letter of Transmittal.2
Executive Summary....3
Table of Contents...4
Study Focus One:...6-8
Study Focus Two:...9-10
Study Focus Three:...11-12
Study Focus Four:13-14
Results Discussion.15
Conclusions and Recommendations.16
Appendix A. Focus Study Questions...................................17
Appendix B. References...18
Glossary of Terms19

Areli GarciaNovember 2016--Page 4

The wage gap has been argued to exist
due to the lack education of an
individual but throughout the years,
education is not the only factor to
contribute to the wage gap. Things such
as sex, race, age, and even sexual
orientation might contribute to the wage
gap as due to location. This is an issue
that has been brought up for a long time
and although the wage gap is not as wide
as it used to be there is still a gap big
enough to show that there is inequality.
Recent studies show that education does
not necessarily explain the wage gap
because educational levels may be the
same between two individuals and yet
still have one earning more than the
other. The difference between these
individuals ranges from race, age, sexual
orientation, but especially sex. The
wage inequality gap is mostly seen
between men and women and the factors
of race, age, and sexual orientation add
to how much bigger the gap is for these
individuals. The wage gap can actually
get bigger depending on location as well.

change this issue. Changing this issue

will bring benefits to the United States.

Source: Pinterest
The remainder of this report will present
four methodology focuses which are
outlined as the following research

This formal reports purpose is to

educate people of this current issue
because it affects everyone in the United
States. This does not only affect women
but those minority groups in race, sexual
orientation, and location will also be part
of the group earning less when they have
the same education as other individuals.
People need to not only know what the
wage inequality gap is but how to

What is wage inequality?

What are the causes of the
gender pay gap?
How do people reduce the wage
How can closing the gender
pay gap help the economy?

The overall gal in the end is to inform

individuals that any form of
discrimination has to be put in the end
and the only way to do so is to get
informed and do everything that is
suggested to make a change and address
the issue full hand.

Areli GarciaNovember 2016--Page 5

Study Focus One: Defining what the Wage

Gap is
Wage inequality is the extent to which
income is distributed in an uneven
manner among population. Such wage
differences can be linked to
understandable causes may nevertheless
be tainted with discrimination. Wage
inequality for similar work may occur
within teams or departments in terms of
the qualifications needed for its proper
execution. Therefore it can be observed
between men and women performing
similar jobs or tasks and should be
rewarded equally and be receiving the
same hourly wages. This implies that
their type of contract (fixed or not) or
duration of their working week (part
time or full time) cannot serve as a
pretext for unequal pay1.

real reason for the gap to continue

existing unless it is due to
discrimination. Many people have been
deprived of earning the same wage as
their fellow coworker despite them both
doing the same job. First research
question inquired, What is the wage
gap? However, the real question is
Who are the individuals that the wage
gap is affecting? One hypothesis was
that despite two individuals working the
same job, due to education one of those
two individuals would be earning more.
This hypothesis was tested by analyzing
sources which review three following
areas through academic research:
1. Gender
2. Ethnicity, sexual orientation, and
3. Location

Source: The Gettysburgian

Throughout the years, the wage gap has
remained in the United States and
although it has been getting closer
together statistics show that there is no

1 Mendelson, A., & Priester, M. (2015,
November). Income Inequality | Retrieved from

Source: The Feminist Wire

1. Gender
An example for when gender is a study
of issue, both jobs will be classified
according to be in the same rank after
having done the same education and
gotten to the same company and the only
Areli GarciaNovember 2016--Page 6

difference would be that one individual

would be a man and the other individual
would be a woman.
One research study was performed by
Kevin Miller, women earn just 80
percent of what men are paid in the same
job. Miller points out that according to
the United States Census Bureau, the
earnings ratio has not had significant
annual change since 2007 till 2015. The
gap has narrowed since the 1970s, due
largely to womens progress in
education and workforce participation
and to mens wages rising at a slower
rate. At the rate of change between 1960
and 2015, women are expected to reach
pay equity with men in 2059 and that is
if it is not stalled as the recent years thus
women will not reach pay equity with
men until 2152.
Miller also found that at every level of
academic achievement, womens median
earnings are less than mens median
earnings. In some cases, the gender pay
gap is larger at higher levels of
2.Ethnicity, sexual orientation, and
Education improves earnings for women
of all races and ethnicities, but earnings
are affected by race and ethnicity as well
as gender. White women are paid more
than African American and Hispanic
women at all education levels.

percent of what white men were pain

Equal pay is crucial for all women,
whether they are single, married,
mothers, transgender, homosexual,
young, old, or of color. To their white
male counterpart; African Americans
make only 63 percent, Latinas make 54
percent, and Asian American make 85
percent. Never-married women without
children who work full time, year round
are typically paid 73 cents for every
dollar paid to me who work full time.

Transgender women make less after they
transition, one-third to be exact. Lesbian
women have a median personal income
of $38,000, compared to $47,000 for
homosexual men and $48,000 for
heterosexual men. Women of 15-24
working full time, year round are
typically paid 91 cents for every dollar
their male counterparts are paid.

Compared with salary information for

white male workers, Asian American
womens salaries show the smallest
gender pay gap, at 85 percent of white
mens earnings. The gap is largest for
Hispanic women, who are paid only 54
Areli GarciaNovember 2016--Page 7

Among older women, the gap is larger

getting typically paid 72 cents2.
Earnings for both females and male fulltime workers tend to increase with age,
that is until they are 45 and will drop
once they turn 65.
The pay gap grows with age, and
differences among older workers are
considerably larger than gaps amoung
younger workers. For example, women
typically earn about 90 percent of what
men are paid until they hit 35. After the
median earnings for women are typically
from 76 to 81 percent of what men are
3. Location
Wage inequality can also be observed
depending on location, according to the
US Bureau of Labor Statistics (2016)
larger areas, especially in the Northeast
and on the West Coast, typically have
greater wage inequality, while smaller
areas, many of which are in the South
and Midwest, have less inequality.
Metropolitan areas with high
concentrations of employment in higher
paying occupations also tend to have
greater inequality. Data shows that the
90th-percentale annual wages in the
United States for all occupations
combined was $88,330 in 2013, and the
10th-percentile wage was $18,190. Real
annual wages increased for the highest
paid workers and decreased for the

2 The Wage Gap: The Who, How, Why,
and What To Do - NWLC. (2016, April
1). Retrieved from

lowest pad workers. Nominal wages for

both measures increased, but the 90thpercentile grew faster than the 10thpercentile, this pattern hold for most
metropolitan areas3.

Source: AAUW
Regions where earnings are low across
the board is where we the slimmest gap
in wages by gender. These same states
are often regions with high proportions
of unemployment. Therefore, if there is
no good job opportunities for either men
or women, a job is a job. Nevada suffers
from a 9.5 percent unemployment rate,
more than two points higher than the
national average of 7.6 percent (2016).
Education as well as gender, ethnicity,
sexual orientation, age, and location can
affect people to get paid lower than their
coworkers despite doing the same job.

3 Measuring wage inequality within
and across U.S. metropolitan areas,
200313: Monthly Labor Review: U.S.
Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2015,
September). Retrieved from

Areli GarciaNovember 2016--Page 8

Study Focus Two: Causes of the Gender Pay

The fact that two individuals having
gone through the same school system
and the same training and be employed
in the same job have different pays is not
uncommon especially if the individual
that is getting paid less is in a minority
group. Education cannot be the only
credited or discredited cause of the wage
gap but it serves as a contributor,
sometimes, to the wage gap in the US.
One hypothesis test that helps
identifying the causes of the wage gap is
the educational and training system of
the individuals background letting the
similarities and differences represent the
potential causes of the wage gap. This
hypothesis is tested by analyzing sources
which review two following areas
through academic research:

Source: Prezi
1. Behaviors
2. Less men
1. Behaviors
The causes of the gender pay gap can
range from education, occupation
(profession or trade), sector, large or
small company, working part time or full
time, and additional training on the job.
Men and women typically make

different choices, relating to gender than

the matter of free will.
For example, if a woman were a mother
and wants to continue her education she
will want to work around the schedule
that will be more easy in regards to her
family. This is mostly referred to as a
motherhood penalty, thus leading to earn
less than female workers without
children. Another example is that men a
generalized to have a more flexible
schedule despite him being a father
therefore they are given a good income.
If the men were known to be fathers they
would be given the daddy bonus,
particularly for highly educated white
men who are fathers and they are the
ones that earn one of the higher earnings.
Another way behavior affects the gender
wage gap is present when it comes to
developing negotiation skills. This
usually helps workers to be paid fairly
but it is tricky for women to portray
behaviors like self-promotion as opposed
to if men do so because it comes out too
strong. This can be argued as
Economic-based arguments suggest that
the gender pay gap was derived
primarily from womens behaviors and
preferences, and ignored any potential
institutional or discriminatory barriers.
In earlier research literature argued that
the pay gap is caused by decisions by
women to focus on domestic activities
rather than education and the
development of their own human capital.
Through this earlier research it was
stated that the effect of the education
Areli GarciaNovember 2016--Page 9

differential worsens when women take

long breaks from the workforce to have

professions, women are more likely to

gain positions where there are a shortage
of male applicants. Additionally, some
women in this situation have the internal
inequalities, including barriers to
advancement and continued disparity in
household responsibilities. If the job
environment is female dominated this
can influence pay practices such as the
wage gap of 45% or more that gender
bias in the distribution of bonuses and
performance-related pay in more than
half the cases the gap for discretionary
performance-related pay4.
Research shows that women do prefer to
work with men but when women work
with less men, these women are able to
advance higher up in the field because
the environment is equal, both socially
and financially. Although, this can only
be said if all women were the same
ethnicity and age. If the company were
small the coexisting any group of
individuals would be very competitive
and even more so if they had these
similar attributes.

Source: IEEE Spectrum

Recent data has showed that data should
not show that, it should show that
women are penalized less for time spent
out of the labor force if they choose
predominately female occupations that if
they choose occupations more typical for
males, thus the gap could be explained
by discriminatory policies rather than
education gaps.
2. Less men
While there have been advancements in
ensuring female access to high-paid

Summary: What is argued to be the

causes of the wage gap are not
completely acceptable because it goes
back to discrimination, how it is
acceptable about a man doing something
and if a woman were to do so it would
be reluctant.

4 Miller, K. (2016). The Simple Truth
about the Gender Pay Gap (Spring
2016). Retrieved from

Areli GarciaNovember 2016--Page 10

Study Focus Three: Reducing the Wage Gap

Source: B-Linked Inc.

Source: ThinkProgress
The reason that the wage gap is brought
up over the years in political elections is
because there are several ways to solve
the issue. Not only are the individuals
that are affected by the wage gap
directly but companies also have to get
involved in acquiring equal pay to those
that do the equal amount of work as the
others. Trade Unions and political
organizations can also have a big push to
the issue by either advocating on its
behalf or by informing everyone of the
There are several ways to reduce the
gender wage gap. The way women can
reduce the wage gap is by the following;
women can choose to further education
knowing what is demanded to be
employed, to finish this education once
you started, choose an occupation that is
many sided (learn skills that can be
applied widely), negotiate your salary at
each new career step, keep learning and
use training-on-the-job offers or workrelated courses (the labor market
changes constantly), and to keep an eye
on your pension fund/rights.

What employers can do is to provide

transparency of wages and have an open
eye for promotion opportunities for both
men and women alike by conducting
salary audits to proactively monitor and
address gender-based pay differences.
The employer may also facilitate the
combination of working and family life,
especially when kids are still small, by
providing flexible schedules for both
men and women parents. Employers
may forestall the firing of pregnant
employees and create safe and healthy
working conditions for pregnant

5 Dragstra, D., & Osse, P. (2016).
Frequently Asked Questions about
Gender Pay Gap. Retrieved from
Areli GarciaNovember 2016--Page 11

Source: LinkedIn
Trade unions and employers association
can agree to not allow pay gaps in
companies to surpass certain levels,
stating a legal minimum wage that is
easy to enforce. Both organizations
have an interest that allow women to
grow in their jobs and make careers
which is helpful for women to at least be
in the same plane field as men6.

stronger incentives for employers to

follow the law, enhance federal
enforcement efforts, and prohibit
retaliation against workers asking about
wage practices. Women, their partners,
family members, colleagues, social
partners, political parties, parliament and
government have a stake in well
educated women, who use their skills
and knowledge, earn their own incomes,
pay taxes and obtain economic
independence while doing so, thus
avoiding ending up poor and poorer still
as they grow old7.
Summary: There has to be several
groups of people that would have to
work together in order for the wage gap
to close. In the end it would benefit
everyone and it would unite us more as a

Source: Sami Malallahs Blog

Political organizations and the
government can assist by creating a
proper work-life balance and the
provision of adequate education and
training for all age groups. The
Paycheck Fairness Act would improve
the scope of the Equal Pay Act (which
has not been updated since 1963), with

6 Why is it important to tackle the
gender pay gap? (2016, February).
Retrieved from

7 Bassett, L. (2012, October 24).
Closing The Gender Wage Gap Would
Create 'Huge' Economic Stimulus,
Economists Say. Retrieved October 16,
2016, from

Areli GarciaNovember 2016--Page 12

Study Focus Four: Closing the Pay Gap

Increases Economy
The closing of the gender pay gap will
help the economy by making more
profit to the economy as a whole.
Women have played a vital role in
employment and economic growth and
their skills necessary for the economic
and social development of out societies.
People of color have a contribution to
this society as well as people past the
age of 65. The inequality of wage is
seen mostly on women especially if
they fall under all minority groups but
recognizing their value through their
income would help the US in more
ways than one. One hypothesis is that
women they will increase the US
economy if they had equal pay. This
hypothesis can be tested by analyzing
sources which review two following
areas through academic research:

a lost resource for the economy and for

society at large. According to Gupta
(2015), If that gap were to close and
women were to be paid the difference,
economist Heidi Hartmann, president of
the Institute for Womens Policy
Research, estimates that the stimulus
effect would grow the U.S. economy by
at least three to four percentage points.
The $800 billion economic stimulus
package that Congress passed in 2009
to bail banks out of recession, by
contrast, is estimated to have grown the
GDP by less than 1.5 percent overall8.

1. What higher income signifies

2. What it would be spent on

Source: InsideSources
1. What higher income signifies
The undervaluing of womens work and
the underutilization of womens skills is

8 Gupta, P. (2015, October 24). Equal
pay, gender wage gaps and
"constantly moving goalposts":
Review of 40 years of research -
Journalist's Resource. Retrieved from

Areli GarciaNovember 2016--Page 13

Source: Brattleboro Retreat

2.What it would be spent on
Women are more likely to personally
stimulate the economy by spending the
additional income they receive. Many
women live in poverty and need every
income of their paychecks to support
themselves and their families. Women
currently make up 70 percent of
Medicaid recipients and 80 percent of
welfare recipients, but closing the wage
gap would allow them to be less reliant
on federal assistance. Paying women
more would give them a bigger
financial incentive to enter the
workforce adding 3 to 4 percent to the
size of the US economy9.

Summary: In earning more money,

people will be able to contribute more
in society helping it grow and prosper.
It will grow and prosper economically
because of how much they will be able
to spend, and also socially because it
will encourage more individuals to
continue their education and career.

Source: Pinterest

9 Gupta, P. (2015, October 24). Equal
pay, gender wage gaps and
"constantly moving goalposts":
Review of 40 years of research -
Journalist's Resource. Retrieved from

Areli GarciaNovember 2016--Page 14

Results Discussion
Study Focus One: Defining what the
Wage Gap is
The research revealed what the wage
inequality gap is and who are the people
affected. Although, it was argued that
the wage gap was only due to education
it can be proven that education does take
a role, sometimes. Education as well as
gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age,
and location can affect people to get paid
lower than their coworkers despite doing
the same job. The wage gap can be
argued to be due to discrimination more
than education and discrimination is
mostly targeted to individuals that are
not white males.
Study Focus Two: Causes of the
Gender Pay Gap
The research revealed that there are
several causes for the wage gap and it is
usually blamed on womens behavior as
opposed to employers. Women are said
to choose jobs and are not as flexible
when it comes to their schedules due to
their motherly duties and have their
hours cut and paid less. Men on the
other hand are rewarded when they are
acknowledged to be juggling both kids
and work and is still able to fulfill his
work duties and are compensated with a
bonus check. Women are also said that
they can only advance in their career if
they were in the working environment of
just women when in fact women can rise

up in an environment where there is both

men and women but they would not
actually be paid more just doing more
Study Focus Three: Reducing the
Wage Gap
The research revealed that there are
several ways to reduce the wage gap and
it includes the involvement of the
individuals that are affected by the wage
gap, employers, trade unions, and
political organizations. It is very helpful
to have those affected stand up for what
is there but to also have employers
provide that fairness of equal pay. Trade
unions can also participate in advocating
or informing the public and political
organizations can do regulations in
regards to equal pay.
Study Focus Four: Closing the Pay
Gap Increases Economy
The research revealed that having
everyone contribute in closing the wage
gap will actually help the economy. Not
only will individuals affected by the
wage gap have enough money to support
their families, they will also be able to
spent money on themselves thus giving
back money to society. This will also
encourage more people to continue their
education and continue working and
then they will also spend money and
giving back to the economy.

Areli GarciaNovember 2016--Page 15

Conclusion and Recommendations

This analytical report researched areas
that individuals in the US and in the rest
of the world where democracy is what
society surrounds itself must familiarize
themselves to be able to represent their
people equally. Four study areas were
researched and discussed and dealt with
gender, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation,
location, behavior, different groups of
involvement, and how equal pay will
increase the economy.
This issue is said to continue being an
issue for more than ten years unless
something is done by all individuals in
this society. Discrimination should not
be in the employment system or
anywhere else, if work was done the

same all parties then all should be paid

the same. In the society of the US, merit
is important but the amount of pay one
receives should not be based on
ethnicity, gender, age, or parental status
as long as the work is complete.
Not only will closing the wage gap by
the contribution of the people add to the
economy but it will also represent the
country as united. Closing the wage gap
will benefit the US economically and
socially because it will encourage more
people of the female gender, ethnicity of
minority groups, and people at a certain
age to continue working thus profiting
the US economy.

Areli GarciaNovember 2016--Page 16

Appendix A. Focus Study Questions

1. What does the wage gap mean to

What would you do if you found

out that your coworker earns
more than you when you have
the same educational background
and work history?

3. How do you feel if you were

getting paid more than a loved
one knowing that they have more
educational and work
background but are paid less due
to gender?
4. Do you believe that gender has
anything to do in regards to equal
pay? Yes/No
5. Do you feel that one should get
paid according to where they live
despite the amount of experience
they have? Yes/No

6. Do you know anyone that is

getting paid lower due ethnicity,
sex, sexual orientation, or/and
age? Yes/No
7. Would you get more involved in
either advocating or informing
people about the wage gap in the
US? Yes/No
8. Do you believe there will be a
huge difference if women were
to be paid the same as men if
they were to work in the same
field? Yes/No
9. Do you believe mothers should
be paid more such as men who
are fathers? Yes/No
10. Do you believe if men and
women were paid equally that it
would encourage more people to
continue school and their
careers? Yes/No

Areli GarciaNovember 2016--Page 17

Appendix B. References
Mendelson, A., & Priester, M. (2015,
November). Income Inequality | Retrieved from
N. (2016). Merriam-Webster. Retrieved
The Wage Gap: The Who, How, Why,
and What To Do - NWLC. (2016, April
Retrieved from
Gould, E. (2016, March 10). Wage
inequality continued its 35-year rise in
2015. Retrieved from
Measuring wage inequality within and
across U.S. metropolitan areas,
200313 : Monthly Labor
Review: U.S. Bureau of Labor
Statistics. (2015, September).
Retrieved from

Miller, K. (2016). The Simple Truth

about the Gender Pay Gap (Spring
2016). Retrieved from
Gupta, P. (2015, October 24). Equal
pay, gender wage gaps and
"constantly moving goalposts":
Review of 40 years of research Journalist's Resource. Retrieved
Fahey, M. (2015, October 21). American
wage inequality, in one simple chart.
Goodman, J. C. (2014, January 2).
Retrieved September 15, 2016,
ngoodman/2014/01/02/the-fivebiggest-myths-about-incomeinequality/ - 3ab1ef232f79

Areli GarciaNovember 2016--Page 18

discrimination The practive
of unfairly trating a person or
group of people differently
from other people or groups of
distribution The way that
something is divided or spread
gender The behavior,
cultural, or psychological
traits typically associated with
one sex.

government The group of

people who control and make
decisions for a country, state,
inequality An unfair situation
in which some people have
more rights or better
opportunities than other
misogyny The hatred of

Areli GarciaNovember 2016--Page 19

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