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Annotated Bibliography based on the research question,

"What are some typical aging stereotypes in America?"

Ageism. Encyclopedia of Aging. Retrieved October 11, 2016 from
In this website, the author attempts to explain the meaning of ageism, some of
the stereotypes being used, the reason why ageism exists in American culture, the
evolution of ageism, some ways to reduce it and the role that media plays in this
topic. Ageism is when people stereotype others based on old age. The author explains
well what the topic is and knows many things about it. This website can help me since it
has plenty of information and gives examples on what happens in our every day life
without us noticing it.
Age Discrimination: Not just an issue for "the Old ... (2015, February 8). Retrieved October 20,
2016, from
This article states that not only is ageism a problem in the border, it is also a problem
with famous people. This is a problem mainly in the business area. Employers are having
to tell the older people that they can no longer work there since they are looking for
"fresh blood". It has been noted that age discrimination is not an issue for young people.
This could help me with my research to show that ageism occurs everywhere and that the
major problem is mainly seen in the workplace.
Davis, S. D. (2004, September 7). Ageism in America. Retrieved October 19, 2016, from

This article is full of information and statistics that will happen in the future. The baby
boomers are now getting older and as this happens, there have been more bias against the
elderly. There are more concerns of elderly, the number of seniors are expected to double,
they are struggling with jobs, etc. This article will be very helpful since it lists problems
that are going on with the elderly and the reactions that the society has as they get older.
Dittmann, M. (n.d.). Fighting ageism. Retrieved October 18, 2016, from
The author explains the effects of ageism and what psychologists can do to help to
respond to ageism. As mentioned in other articles, negative stereotypes of older people
may shorten their lives. On the other hand, people's positive beliefs about and attitudes
toward the elderly appear to boost their mental health. Using the stereotypes seen in
America, psychologists are trying to figure out a way to help out with the negative
stereotypes and can help me support my research.
Robbins, B. L. (2016). The Pernicious Problem of Ageism | American Society on Aging.
Retrieved October 20, 2016, from
The American Society on Aging provides insights of how the public view older adults.
The public's perception is negative and out of date. Some studies show that nearly 80
percent of people of 60 years and older reported experiencing ageism. This could help
answer my question since it has done studies on what older people think and feel as well
as the opinion of people under 60 years.

T, D. (2013). Ageism in America Today: A Report. Retrieved October 19, 2016, from
In this article we can see how ageism was in different times and cultures, how it is seen in
the media, in the healthcare industry, and some solutions on how to fix the stereotypes on
ageism. It is said that in the American media, there are negative perspectives of the
elderly. It also compares ageism in Vietnamese, Native American, and Korean culture.
Using the information given in this article, I can see how the different perspectives of
people have changed throughout the years and how it has become more negative.
The Issue of Ageism in America Today. (2012, December 9). Retrieved October 20, 2016, from
This article mentions the definition of ageism, the mistreatments, combined risk factors,
the growth of senior population, and the effects of positive and negative perceptions
related to seniors. Seniors in America find themselves fighting stereotypes to achieve an
equal footing in the nation's workplaces. The way seniors think of the stereotypes, might
either expand their lifespan or shorten it. This article will help understand how negative
stereotypes affect the lifespan of an older person and if they see it with a positive
perspective, they will have a longer life.

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