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PO Box 2378

Oregon City, OR 97045




Love In the Name of Christ


Fall 2016

Mentorship Program
is Taking Shape
Starting in the month of November,
in collaboration with DHS and volunteers from our partner churches,
we will be taking the first steps in
our mentorship program designed
to serve and support youth who are
aging out of the foster care system.
This pilot program will match young
men with hand-chosen, mature
Christian men who will commit to
walk alongside and support these
young men for one full year. We are
thrilled about the potential that
such a relationally-based program
has in offering these young men the
social, emotional and spiritual support they need as they launch into
a new phase in their lives. Would
you consider partnering with us in
this exciting endeavor by providing
monthly support or a generous one
time gift as we move forward? Together, we can deepen the impact
that Love INC and the Body of Christ
have in Clackamas County.

Continued from page 2

gon Housing & Community Services, US Bancorp Community Development Corporation as well as many other
foundations and donors, like Love INC. Together we helped
provide the opportunity for many families to have a safe,
affordable, well-filled place to call home.
Love INC was specifically asked by Toni Karter from the
Housing Authority of Clackamas County to partner with
them to provide for the household needs of over 20 families in recovery. This seemed a daunting task, but our God
provided through all of you! The donated items stored
at Zoar Lutheran in Canby, the adoption of four families
by Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church in Happy Valley, the
determined coordination efforts of Mary Nelson in the
Lake Oswego area, along with many other providences
allowed us the privilege of supplying what was needed
to so many precious people, like Jennifer. Toni from the
Housing Authority said, Love INC was wonderful to provide beds, couches and cooking items. These are things
that homeless families often dont have the resources to
buy. This was such an incredible offering from Love INC! It
has helped these families take one more step in the right
direction in staying on the path of recovery.
Psalm 68:10 says, in your goodness, O God, you provided
for the needy. We can all relate to and understand, in vary-

ing degrees, what it means to be needy and to lack. Yet, we

likewise know the gratitude felt when God provides for us
in His lavish grace. What a holy privilege it is to display this
goodness and provision to a broken world that is desperate and needy for His amazing grace. Thank you to all of
you who had a part to play in reflecting this grace to over
20 families at Town Center Courtyards!

Clackamas County

Lace Up With Love

There are currently
1,258 homeless students in Clackamas
Rosario, Homeless
Liaison for the Canby, knows well the
challenges these
students face. She
understands the
shame students experience over some
barriers that can be
easily overcome with a little help from the community. They do appreciate everything...from the big things to the little things like toothpaste and new shoes! Maggie told us.
When Maggie showed up at the home of six students with a trunk full
of new shoes, the children could not contain their excitement. They
had the boxes and bags open before they left the sidewalk. All six
children embraced Maggie at once with the littlest one hanging on
her leg with a chorus of, Thank you! Thank you! Maggie was quick
to point out that she was simply the designated driver and deliverer
of the shoes. These shoes come from people with really big hearts.
The people that she was referring to were all of you! You who have
donated shoes to our Lace Up with Love program.
Lace Up with Love is a county-wide sponsored event in which Love
INC churches partner with various organizations in Clackamas County
to collect and distribute new shoes for or homeless students in our
county. Students register for new
shoes with local school counselors in Canby, North Clackamas,
Oregon City and other school
districts throughout Clackamas
One of the fun and exciting ways
that we raise awareness and support for our Lace Up with Love
shoe distribution program is

Continued on page 2

Continued from page 1

through the Run With

Love race. Run With Love
is a 5K Run/1 Mile Walk
event that was held this
year on Saturday, August
20 at Trinity Lutheran
Church in Oregon City.
Churches, organizations
and local businesses
come together to help
inform our community of
the struggles that some families face that live in our surrounding neighborhoods. We heard that day from Mary
Ellen Winterhalter, an Oregon City school representative,
about the specific and unique
needs of students in the community. The event also provided
practical opportunities to care
and support these students and
their families. Proceeds from
the race are given to the Lace
Up with Love shoe distribution
This year, 15% more shoes were
distributed over last years total
number. In Molalla, shoes were
given to students on Saturday,
October 29, 2016 at Molalla
Christian Church. Sweet volunteers came out to hand out shoes, hot cocoa and treats to
many eager children. Other school districts will be distrib-

uting new shoes through

mid-November. We were
able to witness the joy on
some of the childrens faces
as they received their new
shoes in Molalla. One volunteer from Molalla Christian Church told us about
the happy tears that ran
down the face of one child
who had never owned a
brand new pair of shoes
in all of his nine years of
life! Stories like these make
(like donating a pair of shoes) largely significant. This is love in the name of Christ. This is
labor for the Kingdom that is brimming with
significance and value. And, according
to Matthew 25:40,
the King will respond to this love by
saying, Truly, I say
to you, as you did it
to one of the least of
these my brothers,
you did it to me.

Zoar Project
If you pour yourself our for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then shall your light rise in the darkness...and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of
water, whose waters do not fail. (Isaiah 58:10-11) These are
some of the precious promises that people like Mary Eastman and her wonderful team of volunteers hope in as they
consider the ways in which the new, completed storage facility at Zoar Lutheran Church will increase the potential of
bringing help, refreshment, and hope to many in Clackamas
One of the many ministries of Love, INC is to provide household items to those in the community who may need help
in making their houses into homes. Zoar has been instrumental in this effort by providing the storage facility to collect and disperse donations that range from furniture pieces to silverware and everything in between. The storage
facility had been busting at the seams, so much so that they
were having to turn away much needed donations for lack
of storage. With the new, larger storage facility complete,
they are excited to see the ministry opportunities increase

When asked what made the biggest impact on her personally, Jennifer shared about the blessing of a twin
bed for her three year old daughter. Her daughter had
still been sleeping in her (broken) baby crib that she was

much too big for. She had been asking Jennifer for a big
girl bed for some time. Jennifer received that bed that
day, along with dishes, glasses, pot and pans, cleaning
supplies and personal hygiene products. Anything that
she did not need, like the can opener she found in her
box, she passed on to neighbors who did have need
of these things. There was a genuine spirit of generosity, happiness and gratitude in the air that day. Caught
by this spirit, Jennifers 12 year old son spent his afternoon helping the volunteer team from Love INC unload
furniture and boxed household items for his own home
as well as those of his neighbors. She became emotional
as she recounted the details of the day. Its what these
apartments stand fortrying to help people who want
to get back on their feet!
Town Center Courtyards is the result of a collaboration
between Central City Concern, Clackamas County, OreContinued on page 4

On July 31, Zoar hosted an open house to celebrate the

completion of the new building. Volunteers, clients, people
from the community and several churches, Joan Jones,
director of Love, INC, the mayor of Canby as well as many
Canby Council members were present to join with us in celebration. The afternoon was a great encouragement to all
involved with this vital ministry of Love, INC.

When we asked Mary how the new facility has already

helped the ministry, she first reminded us of the reason for
this mission in the first place. She spoke tenderly of the tears
Visitors are always welcome to stop by and see the new
of joy that come to many who receive the items they need
building, as well as learn more about the ministry. For more
to make their homes complete. She talked about her hope
information, contact Mary Eastman at 503-830-8524. The
of creating a warm and inviting waiting room at the facility
immediate needs of the ministry are tables, dressers, and
to provide a space where people could pray for and engage
twin beds.
with those who are utilizing the ministry. She has already
seen a large increase in giving
and a marked decrease in wait list
Giving thanks for all you do for those in need
time. She was thrilled to report

In the Name of Christ, with deepest joy and gratitude.

Love INC

Town Center Courtyards Housing Authority Project

These people reached out their hands, without any judgment of anyone, to give a lot of people a much-needed
hand up. Jennifer said these words through choked back
tears, apologizing for her emotions, as she shared her
story about that unforgettable day. This was the day that
Love INC showed up at her new home at Town Center
Courtyards with a u-haul full of housing needs for her and
many of her new neighbors. Love INC helped so many
people with so many of their needs. Some received sofas. Some received really nice kitchen tables with chairs.
But the best part, and I cant say this enough, is that the
people who came to deliver these things didnt judge
anyone, ask about our backgrounds or ask any questions.
I was crying happy tears for most of the day!

that the ministry is more equipped to serve others in a way

that puts on display the generous, giving heart of Christ for
all of us who lack.

Meet Amanda
Have you met Amanda Evans yet? Amanda joined
Love INC in July as our new
Clearinghouse Coordinator.
Besides making sure the office is running smoothly,
Amanda is a facilitator between the phone volunteers
who do client intake and
the appropriate gap ministry, partner church, or field
project volunteer who will
best meet the needs of the
client. She is passionate about making a relational connection wherever possible with the clients, believing that
meeting physical needs is only the first step in walking

with people relationally and in a way that supports them

physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Amanda has been married for ten years to Eli Evans, who
owns Exodus Books in Milwaukee, OR. They have 5 children between the ages of 3-10. When Amanda is not busy
at Love INC or meeting the needs of her bustling family,
she may be filling her time writing her novel or practicing playing the harp. She is currently writing a fairytale
retelling of the novel Sense and Sensibility. You may get
to hear her play the harp if you attend the Volunteer Appreciation Party happening on December 8, 2016 at the
Love INC offices. Amanda is a wonderful addition to the
Love INC family! If you havent met her yet, please stop by
the office to say hello! She is anxious to meet all of you!

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