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Hop on Pop Positive Impact Plan

To the Families of Room 242:

This week we will be reading Dr. Seusss classic Hop on Pop. This fun and colorful read will help your
young reader recognize rhymes, break up and blend single syllable words (hop h-o-p and h-o-p
hop), and distinguish between long and short vowel sounds. These skills have been identified as
fundamental by the Common Core State Standards and will help your
child become a life-long reader.
In particular, we will be looking at the consonant vowel or CV rule: A
vowel at the end of a short word usually has a long vowel sound. As we
read Hop on Pop we will look at words like he, me, go, and no to help your
first grader understand this rule. To encourage student voice your child
will be learning how to identify this rule by name, express what he or she is
learning, and explain why it is important. So, if you forget what the CV rule
is, ask your first grader to help you out!

At Home
At home, you can help your student by
reading Hop on Pop and other stories with
similar CV words aloud. Another great
option, if you have letter fridge magnets, is to encourage your child to
arrange and rearrange these letters into words that follow the CV rule.
This is also a great chance for your first grader to experiment with
rhyming words.
Available free at the
Neill Public Library!

A Note on Tracking Student Progress

What is student
When a student expresses
that she understands:
What she is learning
Why she is learning it
She expresses student

I will be tracking your childs reading progress using running

This may be spoken or
records. After we have read
Current research shows that
Hop on Pop as a class and
Professional Educator Standards
students whose teachers use
your child has had several
Board (2009). Defining Student
running records achieve higher
opportunities to interact with
Voice. ProTeach Portfolio.
rates of reading achievement!
the text, he or she will be
expected to read the story to me one-on-one. As your child
reads I will keep a record of what has been read
correctly/incorrectly and listen for how well he or she has
applied the CV rule. The results of this assessment will be
used to help identify where your student could benefit from
extra help and will help me to plan future lessons. It is also a
great opportunity for your first grader to practice reading out

In addition to keeping running records, I will also be making

observations of your child in class. In keeping with the school
districts grading policy, I will be using a 1-3 scale to assess
your students progress toward meeting our goals. This score
is a summary of your childs in-class performance and is
meant to help your student make progress toward meeting our
state standards. This weeks assessment will be focused on
how well your student is able to apply the CV rule when
reading aloud.

Happy Reading!
Ms. Hamill

1Approaching standard
(Almost there!)
2Meets standard (On
3Exceeds standard (Above
and beyond!)

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