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LMP 302: CSR (7:30-8:30pm)

The Case for Corporate Social Responsibility
Journal of Business Strategy
Henry Mintzberg
Reaction Paper

Explored cases in Mintzberg (1983) piece provides a firm overview on corporate

social responsibility at the time where large companies were described to use corporate
social responsibility as a smokescreen for disappearing direct shareholder control. But
more importantly learned the emphasis that without responsible and ethical people in
important places, the society we know and wish to improve will never survive.
Profits and prose activities were correlated and proved to also be a variable that
contribute to costumer engagement which connotes that the proposition of that
corporate social responsibility activities entice more profits and retained customer base.
Reflecting cases presented corporate structure and competition abridged
accomplished social goals over economic goals. Developing more growth in corporate
social responsibility can effectively allow more impact to society that can generate more
exposure to underdeveloped communities as business cannot solve societies ill as
emphasized by Minztberg.
Lastly, the point that signifies the importance not to allow corporate behavior to
drop to the lowest common denominator and further building the commitment through
simple involvement on the personal level were considered to be at the root of the true
social responsibility as cited in the article can be capitalized and well appreciated by
corporations as they embrace increased branching out and exposure to communities
they serve and also depend on supply for resources.

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