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It is with great sadness that we send this message of condolence and solidarity to our friends and comrades in Cuba

and wherever else they may be found. The death of Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz, historic leader of the Cuban
Revolution, is a loss that is felt deeply by all of those engaged in the fight to create a better world.
Fidel was a revolutionary of the highest order: visionary, heroic, honest, disciplined, and critical; his life truly spent in
commitment and service to the liberation, peace, and dignity of all people. There are no words that can capture the
immense contributions made over his lifetime to human history and to the future of humanity, or that can express the
love for him felt by the millions whose lives improved under his leadership and the many millions more inspired to
struggle by his example.
Indeed, the examples set by Fidel, of unity and internationalism, of sacrifice and solidarity, have shaped and guided the
work and the workers of the Venceremos Brigade for 47 years, and his memory will continue to motivate our efforts to
defend Cuba's sovereign right to self-determination against any enemy for years to come.
We join the Cuban people and people of conscience all over the world in mourning this great loss, and we commit to
continue fighting alongside you. History will absolve us as it has Fidel.
Comandante Fidel, Presente!
Venceremos Brigade

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