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Grade: 4

Activity: Their, there, and theyre

Goals/Key questions

(remove the italics with the required

Goals: Students will understand the difference between their, there, and theyre
and where to use each different one in writing.
Objective (connected to PofS): GLO: Students will listen, speak, read, write,
view and represent to comprehend and respond personally and
critically to oral, print and other media texts.

Pre lesson Considerations

Lesson overview of main ideas to be learned and prelearning required:
The main ideas to be learned through this lesson is to be able to identify where to
use their, there, and theyre within a sentence.
Materials needed/preset up required/logistical considerations needed
(seating arrangement):


on (how will
you engage
Connections to

5 minutes

What is the teacher

Include Key questions,
logistics, key concepts that
will be addressed, methods
of formative assessment
- Today we will talk
about what the
differences are
between their, there,
and theyre. (write
the 3 of them on the
- All 3 of these words
sound very alike but
they are all used at
different times in
when we are talking
or writing.
- Does anybody know

What are the students doing?

Students will be sitting in their

desks, listening and answering
questions. And asking any
questions they have.


when to use there? (if

nobody answers, give
a brief explanation)
- What about their?
- What about theyre?
- Give a brief
explanation of each
before moving on and
give a sentence for
each one.
- After school, my
grandma is taking me
to the skate park over
- I wish I could go over
and pet their dog.
- Theyre going to the
new movie tomorrow
night. (Explain
theyre is a
contraction- they are)
- I am going to show
you some pictures on
the smart board and
it is up to all of you to
figure out which there
we use.
Prepare smartboard for the
next activity

Activity 1
(add more if

Time est:
15 minutes

I am going to show
you a picture and a
sentence that goes
with each picture.
There is one blank in
the sentence, that
blank is for one of the
3 theres that we
have talked about.
You all have to figure
out which one goes
with the sentence.
Go over each there

Students will raise their hands

and answer questions from the

Activity 2

Time Est:
15 minutes


How will
you know
if students
what you
ns to next

5 minutes

one more time before

Go through each
picture and asking
different students
which there they
think they should use.
Once we all through
all the pictures, move
onto the next part of
the lesson.
Hand out work sheets

Now we are going to work

on a worksheet with the 3
theres, it is just like what
we did on the board. If you
get stuck on one either put
up your hand or look at the
board to see which there
you should use. If you dont
get this done completely its
ok, we will finish it another
time. Try and get as much
done as you can.
- Remind students of
neat spelling and
proper grammar.
Debrief: before class is over
go over the 3 theres
really quickly just for a
reminder. Remind students
when they are writing to
remember the 3 theres
and which one they should

Students will work individually

on their own worksheets.


Formative assessment using the worksheets to see where the students are in the


When students are working on worksheet, make sure to pay more attention to
students that might need more help with the activity. Split the worksheet in half
if you see students struggling.

Extension and extra time activity:


Have students make their own sentences using the three different words.

Reflection on how the lesson went.

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