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Janet Ruiz

LBS 400
Dr. Lopes
November 28,2016
Reflective Science Statement
After reading the science framework I have become aware that to teach science in the
elementary classroom one must truly be determined. As an educator, one is expected to integrate
science with other subjects. Covering every subject matter is the objective for all teachers,
however, this requires long term planning which can be a challenge. According to the
framework, unlike math and English science is not given a specific amount of time in the
classroom. An educator must have the knowledge of how to properly integrate subjects.
Moreover, teachers must know how to specify the material to the classrooms grade level, to
create a connection between the science material, and use their classroom time wisely. The
standards state students learn best when making connections, an effective educator would clarify
the science building blocks being put together. An effective educator must also have
knowledge on the most effective learning methods for her students according to the subject. As
stated by the framework a common and effective way to help students learn and remember
science terms/ideas is by providing them with rich, comprehensive, and coherent experiences. In
addition, educators should have at least basic knowledge on how to effectively asses their
students to support/encourage their development in areas of struggle. Finally, the educator should
have basic knowledge on how provide students with the ability to use technology and prepare
them for the fast changing twenty-first century.
Furthermore, I feel that confident that I have been prepared to for the elementary
classroom by completing my science courses. As a current teacher assistant in a kinder class I am

often exposed to the material that I have reviewed in my courses. Classes such as PHY and SMT
have gone in depth with certain ideas such as cloud types, the solar system, where colors come
from, latitude and longitude and many others. Not only did some of these courses review the
material in profoundly but they also taught me how to prepare lesson plans on the material
reviewed in them. As stated before areas I feel most confident in were cloud types, the solar
system, ROYGBIV, latitude and longitude and other subjects covered in SMT. On the other
hand, material I feel I feel less prepared on would be the rock identifications. Although I am
familiar with the rock types and their traits, I feel that rock identification requires great practice
which the semester didn't allow much of.
The artifact I have chosen is a presentation geared towards other educators who might be
covering the same material, latitude and longitude, in their classroom. The power point includes
worksheets, objectives, and is essentially a tool that demonstrates a four day lesson on latitude
and longitude. The artifact was created in my SMT class, and it demonstrates that I have
background knowledge on the subject and have thought of an approach one may take to
introduce students to the subject. It demonstrates my knowledge because I do not only brake
down the material in my artifact but I do it in simple clear ways that satisfy varies learning
forms. In addition, the artifact also demonstrates I am a proficient technology user and have the
ability to make my students proficient technology users as well. The artifact connects to my
learning because after being reviewed in a profound manner I along with other class members
was able to present the power point to my class members. My presentation served as a form of
reviewing class material and providing them with an approach towards teaching the material.
In conclusion, science is an important subject that is of great importance not only to the
students but to our current society. Science is made up of both math and English which is why

the two subjects must be mastered prior to engaging in science. Nonetheless, if teachers can
present knowledge in scholarly yet engaging ways, science can be used to improve students
English and math or vise versa.

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