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Press Release

November 21

| 2014

Clinical Case Study Rewarded

Heel gives Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg Clinical Case Award 2014
to Colombian Dr. Hugo Jos Zuleta Angulo
Baden-Baden (Germany) As a means of highlighting the
significance of practice-based evidence in medicine, the German
manufacturer of homeopathic combination preparations Heel has
presented the Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg Clinical Case Award. The
Colombian neurosurgeon Dr. Hugo Jos Zuleta Angulo received the
prize worth 10,000 Euros for his case study on treating a patient
suffering from Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS) utilizing
Bioregulatory Medicine.
Clinical case studies are gaining more and more importance in medicine
as a measure to enhance the evidence base and as a tool for
practitioners to share their experiences in using methods of Bioregulatory
Medicine in their clinical practice. Doctors and other experts around the
globe can thus get insights into therapeutic approaches and treatment
paths. This development was strengthened by the publication of the
CARE guidelines in 2013, formalizing the structure and content of case
reporting. In order to further enhance this data base and to allow medical
practitioners to share their experiences from treating their patients, the
Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH has established the Hans-Heinrich
Reckeweg Clinical Case Award. The first edition was already a success,
as Heels Head of Global Medical Affairs, Dr. Myron Schultz, confirms:
Weve received 23 entries for the award that were assessed with the
CARE guidelines by an external and internal panel.
The main winner of this award worth 10,000 Euros was the neurosurgeon,
Dr. Hugo Jos Zuleta Angulo from the Universidad del Norte in
Barranquilla, Colombia. In his study, he describes the treatment of a
female patient with Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS). The term
refers to pain and other symptoms that fail to improve (or may even
worsen) after spinal surgery or discectomy. The problem is very
widespread, with 30 to 50 percent of patients experiencing no
improvement or even worsening of their symptoms after such surgery.
For his patient, Dr. Zuleta selected an individually tailored bioregulatory
therapy utilizing biopuncture as a technique with a number of different
Heel medicines. After several treatment cycles, the patients pain and
quality of life improved significantly and she was able to reduce and finally
eliminate her other medications, which had been causing multiple
undesired effects.

This award should further strengthen the position of practice-based

evidence as a recognized scientific method in the medical world,
emphasized Heels Director Global Medical Affairs & Research Dr. Alta
Smit during the award ceremony. Besides classic randomized controlled
trials and non-interventional studies, case studies provide an important
data resource for practitioners and scientists, she continued.

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Heel is a pharmaceutical company that develops, manufactures and distributes
medicines based on natural substances. Being the global leader in homeopathic
combination preparations, the company is also a pioneer in the field of scientific
research in natural healthcare. In cooperation with academic institutions, Heel
actively fosters the concept of Integrative Medicine and is building the bridge
between homeopathy and conventional medicine to improve patient care and
The Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH with its corporate headquarters located in
Baden-Baden/Germany and a staff of nearly 1,400, achieved an annual turnover
of 207 million Euros in 2013 65 percent of it outside of Germany. Heel
medicines are available through subsidiaries and distribution partners in over 50
countries around the world.
Reckeweg_Award_2014.jpg: The main award
winner Dr. Hugo Jos Zuleta Angulo (2 from
left) together with Heel CEO Ralph Schmidt
(left), Dr. Alta Smit (2 from right), Director
Global Medical Affairs & Research, and Dr.
Myron Schultz, Head of Global Medicine.
Foto: Heel / Sonja Bell

Press contact:
Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH
Global Communication

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