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1. How long do the children spend on one task?

It takes 5 minutes
2. What kind of tasks do they do individually? In pairs? In groups? As a class? In groups

because when you will have student are understanding the task he can help
his\her friend and both of them will work (Vygotsky, 1994)

3. How does the teacher introduce the task? How are the instructions checked? First she

take the task that they will do and she introduce the steps by how and why and if
any student didnt understand she can help but the teacher want them the do by

4. Work with a child. Ask him/her about what they enjoy doing at school. The
activities/subjects and why.

-To see my friend and play with them
-Since because he like when we take about animals.
-Because Teacher Muna give us gifts
-she like reading, at 12:15 is the time for stories and we choose her to read for
the children.
-I love my kindergarten.
-Math and since.
5. Ask a child about the things they are good at and also about what they want to learn
more about.

Bader: drawing
Ghaya: reading and singing

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