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Walker 2

Breanna Walker

stay close and on good terms, because you never know what they can and will do for you. Some

English 101-05

conventions are to be respectful, help each other out and always be understanding.

Discourse Community Response

In today's society, as it's always has been writing is super important is how we

In the professional community world, it's very important to speak and write with clear
meaning and in friendly tones so that nothing gets misinterpreted. If you do not write with clear

communicate. It isn't only used to express how we feel emotionally but to also spark up

meaning and things do get misinterpreted it could show a lack of respect for your coworkers,

communication in a conversational setting. No matter the reason we are writing for, whenever

boss and even the customers. As a daycare worker, our main audience are the children we care

writing it is very important that we please our audience by appealing to what they want to hear,

for and their parents, and the main goal is to make sure that the children's needs are being

and to do that we use our knowledge of our particular audiences to create the piece. The genre,

sufficiently met and that they are staying on the right path developmentally. When caring for the

conventions, topics, tones and context we choose all make a difference when making our

kids, especially babies it is important that we document everything that happens in their day. For

writings effective to our communities which in this case consists of our church, academic,

example, whenever they use the bathroom, document the time and what they did, also whenever

family, and professional discourse communities.

they eat and what they eat must be noted as well. When noting things on the babies, it's

In my family discourse community, although it is mostly informal compared to any other

important that we do this so that if something seems irregular we can notify the parent so they

community, respect is a major component in thriving in this community. For example, if I'm

can get it checked out. For example, if the baby is pooping twice in one hour and it's runny, it's

asking my sister for something I could text her and say, "bring me home some ice cream, I'll pay

important to write on the paper, "pooped twice in one hour, very runny" so that the parent can

you when you get home" and most likely, it'll be fine. However, when texting one of my parents

know that they most likely have diarrhea. Also, if they aren't eating as much as they normally do,

for the same thing my message would change to something along the lines of, "Hey, could you

or eating way more than normal and running out of bottles or food, it's important to write that

please bring home some ice cream for me, I'll have cash when you get here." See when

down and report it so the parents know to send more food or take them to the doctor to see if

communicating with your elders, it is different from communicating people around the same age

something is wrong. To keep our customers happy we display positive attitudes and show them

because although you can still ask for the same thing you have to ask with more respect when

every day how good we are at our jobs with showing them our documents in order to establish

asking adults because, it's the way you're raised from a young child to use a more calm,

their trust. The goal is to gain not only the trust of the parents but most importantly the children

respectful tone. Some of the topics discussed in this community would be small talk, gossip,

so that the children remain healthy and happy and continue to grow in their development.

family events/reunions and of course, the family drama. Goals of this community is honestly to

To join the civilized community of the church you must go through a series of member
sessions, and be read into the church into full membership. The audience here in this community

Walker 3

Walker 4

is God, the church family and the Pastor. The common goal of the people in this community is to

further their education and to be able to get the job of their choice at the end of their four years of

receive the love and words of God to use in their daily life to become better people and receive


blessings. In order to meet these goals it is important to not only orally express your love for

In order to survive in today's world, it's important to have a good grasp of each

God but to take notes and study them at home and in bible study so that you can stay on the right

community you're involved in and how to communicate in them to persuade your audience. By

track. It's important that you are just extremely honest and blunt in this community while at the

using the proper language, tone, genre, conventions and topics of the specific discourse

same time being very respectful in what you say in the church. For example, when asking the

communities it will be very easy and to write the appropriate text and achieve the response from

pastor for prayer be honest and blunt with what you need but not disrespectful. Saying something

your intended audience.

like, "I need prayer for God to deliver me from being an alcoholic, please help me." That way it

tells exactly what you need without making it inappropriate which in the end is what you want.
Finally, the academic/school discourse community is one of the most rewarding but
challenging communities there is to join only because it has extremely high standards. To join,
you have to have good SAT scores, a high school diploma, and a good GPA from high school.
Having all these things separates you from the rest and makes you have a easier chance to go
wherever you want to go to school. The common language here is English (with the exception of
foreign languages) and it is very important to speak with the appropriate tones, and language. In
school the purpose of writing is most of time to inform, or persuade your teacher that you
understand the concept you are being taught. So when writing in the school setting it's important
to show that you understand the concepts by using textual evidence, pathos, ethos, and logos to
show your understanding and confidence in the concept being assessed. However, depending on
the specific class the media used is different. For example, it may be MLA format, or it may be
an oral assignment and whatever the case may be, you must follow the guidelines given to
receive the passing grades. The goal that all people are aiming to achieve when doing this is to



To join this community, you must have a high
school diploma, a satisfactory GPA, good SAT
scores, and you must apply to be accepted.

Genre: Lots of exams, essays, labs, online testing
and deadlines.

Topics: Varies on the subject

Conventions: BE ON TIME, go to class, DONT
PLAGARIZE, get to know your teachers,
communicate with your teachersthey will be

Daycare Worker
To join this community, you must apply and
go through an application process which
consist of background checks, fingerprinting
and training periods.

Dirty diapers, bottle feeding, baby talk and
lots of playing!

Topics: Baby talk, story reading, ABCs.

Conventions: Be punctual, be patient, have
great energy, communicate with the
parentsyour ultimate goal is to make them
happy first and the kids happy second.

Walker 5

To join this community, you must go through the proper
steps to become a full member, including four sessions of
classes, to then be read into membership in front of the

Praise sessions, bible study, choir rehearsal, Sunday
morning service.

Topics: God, text from the bible, church committees
meetings or activities, holiday programs.

Conventions: Dress both formally and conservatively,
bring your bible, listen and DO NOT talk during service.



To join this community, you must either be born into
the family, adopted into the family or marry into it.

Genre: Christmas lists, birthday cards and parties, game
nights, texts and letters.

Topics: Small talk, gossip, family drama, family

Conventions: Be respectful especially to the elders, help
each other out when its needed, keep good
communication so that nothing gets misinterpreted, be

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