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Figure 7.1: Petri dish label as Y1

label as Y2
present the growth of the colonies.
the colonies.

Figure 7.3: Petri dish label as X1

as X2
present the growth of the colonies.

Figure 7.2: Petri dish

present the growth of

Figure 7.4: Petri dish label

absent the growth of the

From the figure 7.3 shows the growth of the colonies is present onto the
cetrimide agar. However, the figure 7.4 shows the growth of the colonies
is absent onto the agar. The growth suppose in both petri dish Y only but

the result shown vice versa. The sample that represent Y and X are both
non-pseudomonas, but there has been transformed unknown bacteria into
the plasmid of the sample Y only.
The experiment is started with cooking the cetrimide agar as a media
which referring the substance that able to bacteria growth on it. The time
taken to prepare agar is about two hours. The next step after the agar are
finished prepared, the agar should be refrigerated until it able to use for
the isolated bacterial on it. The one of contamination can occurs on petri
dish X is when allow the position of the petri dish is always stored upside
down so that to keep the condensation occurs which form in the lid from
dropping onto the agar and it disrupting the growing of the bacteria on the
surface of agar. Cetrimide agar is the medium for bacteria growth on it but
not all bacteria can growth onto cetrimide agar. Centrimide agar is used
for the selective isolated that only identify with the pseudomonas
aeruginosa species only. So that when other bacteria than pseudomonas
aeruginosa the growth not occurs onto it.
Aseptic techniques also known as sterile technique is used in this
experiment to prevent the contamination of sterile media and equipment
that are used during cell culture in this experimental. The aim of this
technique is to kill contaminating of organisms with using flame. Streaking
technique is chosen to isolate a pure strain from a single species of
organism onto the media that we had prepared. This technique are done
in laminar hood to prevent the contaminated occurs during the process of
culture bacteria. Laminar hood is used to protect the working environment
from dust and other airborne contaminants by maintaining a constant
temperature. The growth happen on a sample X because handling the
streaking method the sample are come off from laminar hood so that it
cannot maintain the environment. The streaking methods are done using
sterile tool like inoculation loop. Every before and after we used
inoculation loop it must sterilized and re-sterilized by passing through the
flame by a bunsen burner to kill microorganisms in coming contact on the
surfaces ( ). Contamination can occurs when we had flame

the inoculate loop is too long during transfer bacteria to be culture on

agar. The bacteria is died when it take long time during flame. After we
flame the inoculation loop it must cold first for one minute to make sure
there are no bacteria are died during transfer techniques process. The
advantage that we use inoculation loop is that the instrument can be used
and sterilized repeatedly and reducing the amount of contaminated lab
waste occurs (Science Prof Online , 2016).

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