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Here is a list of rules of these tenses: = a Perfect Simple Progressive | Perfect Progressive Forms Forms Forms Forms am/is/are + | have/ha| have/has Present Ist form + Ist form + |s+IIIrd| been + Ist s/es & z ing form form + ing was/were + had + had been + Past IInd form | Ist form + IlIrd Ist form + ing form ing A ill have; will have Il/shall | will be + Ist |" Future |)"; ; + Iird | been + Ist + Ist form| form + ing form form + ing CONTENTS Here is a list of rules of these tenses: Simple Progressive | Perfect P Perfect Forms Forms Forms eae Forms am/is/are + | have/ha| have/has Present Ist form + | “set form + |s + IlIrd| been + Ist s/es pe ing form form + ing was/were + had + | had been + Past IInd form | Ist form + IIIrd Ist form + ing form ing e 7 ill have| will have will/shall | will be + Ist |“! Future + Ist form} form + ing + Eiird | been + ae form form + ing RULES OF USAGE SIMPLE PAST The simple past is used when the time period HAS fi The simple past is used when giving older information. The simple past is used when the time is clear. The simple past is used with for and since, when the actions have already finished. ished. PRESENT PERFECT The present perfect is used when the time period has NOT finished. The present perfect is often used when giving recent news. The present perfect is used when the time is not specific. The present perfect is used with for and since, when the actions have not finished yet. PRESENT TENSE... FORM First Person Second Person Third Person Singular/Plural Singular/ Plural Singular/Piural ‘Simple (indefinite) | | work ‘You work. He (she/it) works We work, You wark. They work. ‘Continuous {am workin He|shesit) is working. We are working They are working. Perfect Ihave worked You have worked He|shesit) has worked. We have worked You have worked. They have warked. Perfect Continuous || have been working for | You have been working | He(she/il) has been two days. since noon. working since moming. We have been working | You have been working | They have been for hwo days. since noon. working since moming. Singular and Plural Pronouns a a i ce 4#tPerson I, me, mine, myself we, Us, Our, Ours, ourselves 2nd Person you, your, yours, you, your, yours, yourself yourselves. 8rd Person he, she, it, him, his, her, __ they, them, their, hers, its theirs, themselves Indefinite another, anybody, both, few, many, all, any, more, anyone, anything,each, others,several most, none, either, everybody, some everyone, everything, little, much, neither, nobody, no one, nothing, ‘one, other, somebody, someone, something Structure of Future Tense obj participle of verb’s Indefinite | Continuous | Perfect Perfect continuous Sub+ Sub + shall |Sub+ shall | Sub + shall have shall/will |be/ will be | have / will | been/will have +verb+ |+verb+ ing | have + past |been + Verb + ing + since/ for Now try to make four sentences according to above structure. I. I shall Il. I shall eat rice. be eating rice. JIL. shall have eaten rice/ We will have eaten rice. TV I shall have been reading in this school for 5 years. Tring, You drink He drinks. She drinks. Hedrinks. Weedrink, You drink They drink. AFFIRMATIVE Isleen. You sleep. He sleeps. She sleeps, Htsleeps. We sleep. You sleep. They sleep. Idon’t drink You den‘ drink, He doesn’t drink. She doesn't drink itdoesn't drink. We don’t drink, You don’t drink, They don’t drink. Tdon't eat. ‘You don‘teat. He doesn’t eat She doesn’t eat It doesn’t est. ‘Wedon’t eat, You don'teat. They don’test. Idon't deep. You don’tsieep. He doesn’t steep. She doesn’t sleep Itdoesn't sleep. Wedon't seep. You don'tsleen. They don’tsleep. Do |drink? Do you drink? Does he drink? Does she drink? Doesit drink? Do we drink? Do you drink? Do they drink? INTERROGATIVE Do leat? Do you ext? Does he est? Does she ext? Does iteat? Do we eat? Do youest? Do theyeat? Do Isleep? ‘De you sleep? Does he sleep? Does she sleep? Does itsleee? Do we sleep? Do yousle=p? Do theysleep? SIMPLE Predictions about future with verbs like think, believe, expect, etc. On-the-spot decisions Promises, threats, CONTINUOUS PERFECT Action which will be in . Action that will be progress at a stated finished before a stated time in the future future time Action which will definitely happen in the future as the result of a routine or arrangement warnings, requests] c. When we ask politely hopes, offers Actions /events / situations which will definitel happens in the future I, you, he, she we, they, it WILL DO tomorrow, soon, the day after tomorrow, next week/month/year, in two weeks/months about someone’s plans for the near future (whay we want to know is if our wishes fit in with their plans) I, You, we,they ) WILLBEDOING ], yoy. He, ‘she, It we, they } WILL HAVE DONE He, she, it before, by, till by then, by the time, until PERFECT CONTINUOUS Emphasis on the duration of an action up to a certain time in the future 1, You, We, they +} WILL HAVE He, she, it] BE DOING by... for SIMPLE Predictions about future with verbs like think, believe, expect, etc. On-the-spot decisions Promises, threats, CONTINUOUS PERFECT Action which will be in . Action that will be progress at a stated finished before a stated time in the future future time Action which will definitely happen in the future as the result of a routine or arrangement warnings, requests] c. When we ask politely hopes, offers Actions /events / situations which will definitel happens in the future I, you, he, she we, they, it WILL DO tomorrow, soon, the day after tomorrow, next week/month/year, in two weeks/months about someone’s plans for the near future (whay we want to know is if our wishes fit in with their plans) I, You, we,they ) WILLBEDOING ], yoy. He, ‘she, It we, they } WILL HAVE DONE He, she, it before, by, till by then, by the time, until PERFECT CONTINUOUS Emphasis on the duration of an action up to a certain time in the future 1, You, We, they +} WILL HAVE He, she, it] BE DOING by... for Past Tenses: Structures > Past Simple: Subject + Verb-ed (or irregular form) Negative: Subject + did not/didn’t Verb(basic form) Interrogative: Did + Subject + Verb (basic form) » Past Continuous: Subject + was/were + Verb-ing Negative: Subject + was/were + not (wasn't/weren't) +Verb- ing Interrogative: Was/Were + Subject + Verb-ing ? » Past Perfect Simple: Subject + had + Verb-ed (or irregular form) Negative: Subject + had + not (hadn’t)+ Verb-ed (or iremtriorm) Interrogative: Had + Subject + Verb-ed (er irregular form) Present prefect tense in Hindi to english speaking course aaa @ ai eat areat at ated ata 3 Hh Hear Aiko et Arar @ f& Asentence persent perfect G4 HL & Arpast indefinite FT| Eat Gleltense A differentiate AIA HI Ve HA alr AT Te present perfect CH H fear Aaa BA H YT Bley 4 SMT SN ele sate past indefinite tense A frat 4 Sater SW ela él ae Fat ara wet aft| SAsentence H erat & Jed 4 sar aN & safer =a ara aT Fa past indefinite &a A gary | wa a aes at & stat ve wert & sa aaa a sitar at ved aT HA Ges sll 9 Sel AN 2| safer sa ara ar @a present perfect CH H gait | sat Re FF feecit WAT A| Fe aera past indefinite FT S I visited Delhi. am, is, are, was, were be, being, been have, has, had do, does, did can, could will, would shall, should may, might, must smmeue Vi Tense Past: odd a jumpe Present: add -s (jumps) _| Future: “ will ‘a Pearect Past: use i od had eel Present! use have’ or “has (hove jumped , has jumped ) {Future use ‘will have! j Cul have jane? (Fe CONJUGATING THE PROGRESSIVE FORM Past Perfect Progressive ‘Singular Plural Thad been studying we had been studying you had been stuaying you had been studying he, she, it had been studying they had been stuaying Present Perfect Progressive ‘Singular Plural Ihave been studying we have been studying you have been studying you have been studying _ he, she, it has been studying they have been studying Future Perfect Progressive | Singular Plural Ishall (will) have been studying we shall (will) have been studying | you will (shall have been studying you will (shall) have been studying "he, she, ft will (Shall) have been studying they wil (Shall) have been studying simi iets aati a a I ee os Bcc sears ee err on » SIMPLE PAST. *| wrote You wrote sHe / She wrote “We wrote “They wrote PAST CONTINUOUS ~— +i was writing You were writing *He / She was *We were writing writing “They were writing “| had written You had written *He / She had “We had written written, *They had written "lhad been writing You had been *He / She had been for anhourwhen writing for an hour — writing for an hour there was aknock when there was a when there was a on the door knock onthe door —_ Knock on the door "We had been *They had been writing for an hour writing for an hour when there was a when there was a knock on the door knock on the door = Modal Verbs: Requests ashing someone Co do something for you/someone WOULD Would you help me clean the house? polite ‘Would you bring me some more coffee? COULD Could you bring me the bill, please? polite Could I get your phone number? CAN Can you help me study for my exam? less polite Can you Lend me your textbook? Will you answer the phone, please? less polite ‘WILL you carry this for me? American English at State aio 3 tert -3 eer) Present Simple V1(s,es) Isfam/are+V3 Present Continuous \sfam/are+Ving Isfamlare+being+V3 Present Perfect has/havet+V3 has/havetbeen+V3 Present Perfect Con. has/havet+been+Ving has/havetbeent+being+V3. Past Simple v2 was/weret+ V3 Past Continuous was/were+Ving was/weretbeing+V3. Past Perfect had+V3 had+been+V3 Past Perfect Con. had+been+being+V3 had+been+tbeing+V3 Future Simple will/shall+V/1 will/shall+be+V3 Future Continuous will/shalltbe+Ving will/shall+be+being+V3 Future Perfect will/shall+have+V3 will/shall+have+beent+V3 Future Perfect Con. will/shallthavet+been+ being+V3 will/shallt+have+been+ being+V3 a FIRST PERSON SECOND ror aie) erro a SIMPLE PRESENT +l write You write *He / She writes “We write “They write ‘lam writing You are writing *He /Sheis writing } “We are writing “They are writing *| have written You have written. *He / She has “We have written written “They have written PRESENT PERFECT —*I have been You have been *He / She has been : CONTINUOUS writing for an hour writing foran hour writing for an hour "We have been “They have been writing for an hour for an hour aus VERY - TOO - ENOUGH (Zz WORD ORDER \VERY + Adjective) (very has a positive or a negative meaning) ‘TOO + Adjective) (too has a negative meaning) - The coffee is very hot, but | can drink it. (= hot, but possible to drink) - The coffee is too hot. | can’t drink it. (=not possible to drink) ‘TOO + Adjective + (for someone) + (Infinitive) - The coffee istoo hotto drink. — -!amtoo short to play basketball. - The coffee is too hot for me to drink. — - It is too cold for us to swim. ‘Adjective + ENOUGH | + (for someone) + (Infinitive) - The coffee is hot enough to drink. -It is cheap enough to buy. -Heis strong enough to climb the wall. —_- It is good enough for me. ‘ENOUGH + Noun) + (Infinitive) - [don’t have enough money to buy it. - We don’t have enough time. | COMPARE | VERY + Adverb | MORE j TOO + Adverb F - ok OST Adverb + ENOUGH "OEE ~ She is too young to drive. TOO MUCH + Uncountable Noun - She is not old enough to drive. TOO MANY + Plural Noun Can ©) Could Zaz General ability (present) : | General ability in the past -| can speak English. -| could play the piano when | was younger. Ask for permission (informal), | Ask for permission (more polite) - Can | borrow your pen please? - Could | use your bathroom please? To request something | To request something (more polite) - Can you help me please? - Could you pass me the salt please? Possibility (Possibility in the past Sud haves - It can get very cold there at night. - What? You could have broken your leg. Offertohelpsomeone _| (Suggestion (when asked what to do) - Can | carry your bags for you? - We could go to the movies if you like, Cannot (can't) = not allowed | Conditional of Can (would be able to) - You cannot smoke in this room. - If we had some oranges | could make you - You can‘t go to the party. some fresh juice. (= would be able to) SIMPLE CONTINUOUS PERFECT PRESENT FACTSIHABITSROUTINES SUBJECT + INFINITIVE (#5) ive — she lives — they live [dant live — he doesn'tive Do you live? — Does she live? NOIWTEMP ORARY ACTIVITIES SUBJECT+BE+ ING Lam living — she Is living Jar notiiving — he Is notiiving Are yau living? —Is she living? EXPERIENCES PASTACT TH PRES RESULT SUBJECT. + HAVE + PARTICIPLE Ihave lived ~ she has lived Ihave not lived —he has not lived Have you ted? —Has she lived? PAST PAST ACTION ATA GIVEN TIME SUBJECT + VERB IN PAST | [ved —she lived —they lived Ididn'tlive—he didn't live Did you live? — Did she live? THINGS HAPPENING AT A GIVEN TIME SUBJECT + WASWERE + ING Iwas living —she was |lving Iwas not living—he was nat living Were you living? -WWas she living? PASTACTION IN RELATION TO THE PAST SUBJECT + HAD + PARTICIPLE | had lived —she had lived [had not lived —he had not lived Had you lived? —Had she lived? FUTURE FUTURE ACTIONS SUBJECT + WILL + INFINITIVE Iwill live — she will live [will not tive— he will not live vill you live? — Will she tive? THINGS HAPPENING ATA FUT. GIVEN TIME ‘SUBJECT WILL BE # INFINITIVE {will be living — she will be Iving veil notbe living — hewall notbe fing \Wllyau he ining? Will she be ting? ‘WHATVMILL HAVE HAPPENED INTHE FUTURE SUBJECT +WILL HAVE #PARTICIP. (well have lived —shiee wil hve Iwill ncthave lved—he-wil not have dumen Possessive Adjectives SUBJECT PRONOUN | YOU HE SHE T WE YOU thavea shirt Youhavea book, He has a pilow. She has a dog. tthas abone. We have a bied. Youhavea house, THEY Theyhave cas. YOUR = Poiaessive Adjective “Mesneeataney pou ceonay. ‘YOU'RE = You are (contraction) [Neate wr eile ave POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVE MY Myshirtis green. YOUR Your book is new, HIS His plows soft, HER) Herdogis small. ITS _ Itsboneis old. OUR ourbird isnoisy, YOUR Your houses big. THEIR Theircaris stow. Spoageoeice nee {Y's =i s contraction) tes very hot right nce. This - That - These - Those Demonstratives Demonstatve) Singular This is a red pen. _ singular plural Pronouns | plural aamsanenr| Demonstrative Pronoun + Verb* *orby itself, - e.g. Do you want this? this these | C= singular’ This penis red. there that those __ Adjectives | plural) These pens are blue. ~~ Demonstrative Adjective + Noun this book (here /close) that book (there / not close) those books. Ing (there /not close) these books (here /close) Simple Present Present Progressive Simple Past Past Progressive Present Perfect Simple Present Perfect Progressive Past Perfect Simple A: He speaks N: He does not speak. Q: Does he speak? A: He is speaking. NN: He is not speaking. Q: Is he speaking? A: He spoke. N: He did not speak. Q: Did he speak? A: He was speaking. N: He was not speaking. Q: Was he speaking? A: He has spoken. N: He has not spoken. Q: Has he spoken? A: He has been speaking. N: He has not been speaking. Q: Has he been speaking? A: He had spoken. N: He had not spoken. Q: Had he spoken? action in the present taking place once, never or several times facts actions taking place one after another action set by a timetable or schedule action taking place in the moment of speaking action taking place only for a limited period of time action arranged for the future action in the past taking place once, never or several times actions taking place one after another action taking place in the middle of another action action going on at 4 certain time in the past actions taking place at the same time action in the past that is interrupted by another action putting emphasis on the result action that is still going on action that stopped recently finished action that has an influence on the present action that has taken place once, never or several times before the moment of speaking putting emphasis on the course or duration (not the result) action that recently stopped or is still going on finished action that influenced the present action taking place before a certain time in the past sometimes interchangeable with past perfect progressive putting emphasis only on the fact (not the duration) always, every ..., never, normally, often, seldom, sometimes, usually if sentences type I (Jf talk, ..) at the moment, just, just now, Listen!, Look!, now, right now yesterday, 2 minutes ago, in 1990, the other day, last Friday if sentence type II (If talked...) when, while, as long as already, ever, just, never, not yet, so far, till now, up to now all day, for 4 years, since 1993, how long?, the whole week already, just, never, not yet, once, until that day. if sentence type Il ([fI had talked...) Past Perfect Progressive Future I Simple Future I Simple (going to) Future I Progressive Future I Simple Future II Progressive Conditional I Simple Conditional I Progressive Conditional II simple | Conditional II Progressive A: He had been speaking. NN: He had not been speaking. Q: Had he been speaking? A: He will speak. N: He will not speak. Q: Will he speak? A: He is going to speak. N: He is not going to speak. Q: Is he going to speak? A: He will be speaking. N: He will not be speaking. Q: Will he be speaking? A: He will have spoken N: He will not have spoken. Q: Will he have spoken? A: He will have been speaking. N: He will not have been speaking. Q: Will he have been speaking? A: He would speak. NN: He would not speak. Q: Would he speak? A: He would be speaking. N: He would not be speaking. Q: Would he be speaking? ‘A: He would have spoken. IN: He would not have spoken. Q: Would he have spoken? A: He would have been speaking. N: He would not have been speaking. Q: Would he have been speaking? action taking place before a certain time in the past sometimes interchangeable with past perfect simple putting emphasis on the duration or course of an action action in the future that cannot be influenced spontaneous decision assumption with regard to the future decision made for the future conclusion with regard to the future action that is going on at a certain time in the future action that is sure to happen in the near future action that will be finished at a certain time in the future action taking place before a certain time in ‘the future putting emphasis on the course of an action action that might take place action that might take place putting emphasis on the course / duration of the action action that might have taken place in the past action that might have taken place in the past puts emphasis on the course / duration of the action for, since, the whole day, all day ina year, next ..., tomorrow If-Satz Typ I (Ifyou ask her, she will help you.) assumption: I think, probably, perhaps in one year, next week, tomorrow in one year, next week, tomorrow by Monday, in a week for ..., the last couple of hours, all day long if sentences type IL (If I were you, I would go home.) if sentences type III (If 1 had seen that, [would have helped.)

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