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NIHONGO ICHIBAN feet cer) lome Japanese Gear Parle Japanese Grammar - Particles © 128 Votes All about Japanese Particles The function of Japanese particles Japanese particles are small words thal indicate relations of words within a eentence, They Tt follow otver words such as nouns, verbs, adjectives are parts ofa sentence. Some but not all can be compared to prepositions in Englsh, The Japanese language uses total of 188 particles List of 188 Japanese particles No [Panicle [Meaning /wsage 1 [i= wa) [Indicaries the topic ofa sentence 2 | ka) [Atthe and ofa sentence indicating a question 3 [AF tea) __nacatos we subject oa sentence a nacats @ onion 3 Indicates possession 6 Indicates a contrast between 2 tome 7 Indcates tne or reauency @ [~00) __nacates drecton © [& wor) _[incats tha direct object ofa verb 70 [E Go) [Used to connect and ist up mule toms 1 [> a) [Used 10 connect and party ti up mile tome 7 | RE (nado)_[ Used wih © Va) 0 portal Int up mule fers 73 |e me) [moans too" oer, “als™ 14 fe (mo) oth and... nether. .nor 75 |= in) ndcatos the ndrect objet ofa verb 76 |i=in) indicates the surface ofa object whore some action takes place 77 | eee) __|Indeates tne eaton ofan acton 7 [Eto __[Teoeter win 78 | (no) | ndeates an appostion 20 [ive fare) _[nccates a starting pointn me or place 21 [9 yor) Jndcates o staring pointin tine o place bt more feed Search this webste Hs. SUBSCRIBE BY MAIL & GET YOUR DAILY LESSON, Enter your oma adaress te elo NIHONGO ICHIBAN and ecsive netieatons of new post by ema Jain 59,327 other followers Learn to write kana in no time with the ICHIBAN ebook = Hranythins GREAT RESOURCES ABOUT JAPAN > AllAb@ut Japan formal thar kara (20) 22 [®= (made) [Indicates a Int on time, space or quantity 23 | ts (kara) [Indicates an approximate amount 24 [RE thodo) indicates an approximate amount 25 [#9 Indicates an approximate amount (oaksri) 25 [© (ae) __ | Indicates a means or material 27 | (ka) __ [Indicates a choice o alternative 28 | (wo!o) [Indicates a point of departure 29 | (wola) [Indicates a route of a moverentimotion 30 im) [Indicates a point of arival Indicates an entering motion 32 [I=(n)__|Used together witha verb to express a purpose 33 [E(to) [Used when quoting someone 34 [205 (10) [Indicates the name of something 35 [E# (tokay _[ ‘something lice” 38 [© (ee) |Inaicates a tnt or scope 37 [& (to) ___|Indicatos a comparison 38 [£4 (yor [Indicates a comparison 39 [£9 iver) [Indicates superiative 40 | ts chara) [Indicates a comparison 41 [2 thodo) Indicates a comparison ih @ negative sentence 42 [i (ka) __| someone, something 43 [&mo) [nothing nobody, nowhere fused with an interogatve word 44 [i= (n___ [Used with a verb to indicate a change or choice 45 [EFS (wolo [Expresses an occupation or postion suru) 46 [6 (dome) | Indicates emohasis 47 | © (demo) | Togetner wih an interrogatve word it means anything’ anyone", any time” 48 [@ (Ge) __ [Indicates a cause or a reason 49 | 5 (kara) [Indicates a source such as a giver, @ cause or material 50 [I= (m) [Indicates a person who gives something ar who provides a service '5t [1 (wa) + AF [Indicates the relation between an object/ subjects ios) and a verb or adjective 52 [ik (ga) __| Connects two sentences wih the meaning bul.” 53 [& (wolo) [Used with an verb expressing emotions. t Indicates tho cause of ths emotion 54 [= (ee) [Indicates a slate / condition of something 35 [€ tee) _ [Limits numbers (ake) Indicates a tit on things oF amounts MOST POPULAR + Japanese Grammar Patch 4 JUPT NS Study Materia {+ Complete ist of woeabuary for ne SUPT NS 4 List of kanji for JLPT NS + Complete lt of kar forthe JLPT Ni + Complete ist of kar! or JLPT NS 4+ JLPT Né Study Matera + List ofall verbs forthe JLPT NS 4 List of adjctves forthe JLPT NS Visitors BH x3,722 0,200 Sais0.3e0 37453, ii re.i50 LA .630 Bi es. 162 25 (ays Zn ie 40.97 337 Pagevons 4,868,478 FLAG, (ake) Indicates a tit on an action oF state '58 [© (de) Indicates the time of completion or expiration of something 159 [ © (Goma) [Following a noun, means “or something the this 60 [8 mo} __ [Emphasizes in a postive or negative way 61 [© (demo) [Indicates two or more tems as an example ofa larger ist 62 [1#9 [Indicates that an tem, sate or action ea single (waka) [one 63 [igi [Indicates an action was just completed (oakariy oa [ez Indicates that an acton takes place, just took (rokore) [place ors about to take place 65 [8° (ga) [Indicates the subject of subordinate clause wen tis diferent from the subject ofthe main dause 66 [25 (kara) [conjunction meaning “after” or “since” 67 [tz8% [Indicates that an action is happening (eagara) | simultaneously 68 [A (ga) __ [Indicates the subject of relative clause 69 [2 (no) [Indicates the subjoct ofa rolave clause 70 |i (kara) [Used as @ conjunction and indiates a cause or 71 [= (node) [Indicates a strong reason 72 [@ (ro) __[Indcatos a modified pronoun 73 [@ (no) _ [Used to nominalize verbs & sentences 74 [22% (nara) [Used as @ conjunction and indicates a supposition or condition 75 [fa (nara) [Indicates a topes and is used as an alternative to wa (No.1) 78 [&(to) Indicates a condtion that resuts in an inevitable 77 iz (ba) [Used asa conjunction to express a probable results 78 [i#1 (ba)_[Fall you have to do." 79 [If (ba) __ [Used to enumerate two or more actions or states 60 (tara) Used as @ conjunction, indicates @ suppositon or eoneltion Used as @ conjunction to indicate that one action | {takes place before the acton described in the main sentence 32 [ez Used as @ conjunction to indicate a condtion that tokore) brings about a discovery 83 [-& temo)_[a conjunction meaning “even it 184 [cb (temo) [Used witha set of contrasing veros ana adjectives 5 [Cb temo) | Together with an interrogative word t means “no matter whatiwherelwho" 86 | cia tewa)_ Indicates a condiion which will bring a negative conclusion {7 [0% (nomi) [Indicates a imi (emer to Fake) 188 [© (made) [ even", used to empnasize 89 [82 (cae) _[even’, used to emphasize 90 [BA (688) _| only" or “asiong as" 91 [OIE (ani) athough, “in spite of the fact that” 92 [tears [anhougr, though’, “but (oagara) 98 [Ear oka) [Indicates that Ist of two ore more things oF actions is not exhaustive 94 [F-9 (a) [List oftwo or more actions in no particular sequence 95 [7-9 (tan) _[Indicatos actions or states that alternate Indicates a purpose or function [Asks for an explanation or reason 88 [84 (art) _ [Indicates a umit to an amount 99 [84 (ke) [Indicates the fst time a cortain inident occured 100] £# (tome) [Used with numbers and counters to mean "bol oral or]tents [Used with numbers and counters to mean “bol foagara) [or air [102] Las (ehika) [Used with @ negative verb to indicate limits on conditions or quantities meaning “only” 0a] Laets [used with a vare meaning “to hava no choles but (stikxanaiy [to roa] teh) [Used asa conjuncton, indicating two or more’ actions or states 105] (sh) __|Used as a conjunction indicating a reason [106] £8 (tomo) [Indicates inctsion o7[i= (nd __[Inaicates the one acting ofthe one acted upon +08] % (ka) [Indicates uncertainty about something 09[ (ka) __| Indicates uncertainly about a state or reason (dane) Indicates two oF more lems or actions ofa longer lst (similar to toka £5) (dano} Indicates a par of opposte actons or states [12] 222 (nada) [something to te effect 113] 765 (vara) [Indicates two ar more toms of a longer lst, 114[°5 (vara)_[Indicatos uncertainty 115] c& (temo) [Indicates an approximate lt withthe meaning of atthe most” [116]&¢ (tomo) [indicates an approximate maximum or minimum /17]i& (wa) [Indicates that a number i the higher or lowest lit [18] =o) [Emphasizes a number in a negative sentence 19] 2 (nada) [inaicates examen [20] <6ts (kuray Expresses an exent of an action or condition similar to CBU gual 21] hodo) Indicates the extend ofan action or eonlton 22] te (odo) [he more. the more 2a] (aake) [as.. as. 24] 217 (eae) [he more... the more. 25] (to) __[‘abouto do something’, “ying to do something” r28]e to) _ [event whether... ornot 27] (nar) _[reither.-, whether..or 28} 29 (nar) [anything “anyone. any time” [720] =% (kaso) [Emphasizes the word preceding t [30] =% (hose) [Emphasizes a reason ora cause 31] c1& towa) [Expresses repetition of an action 32] (mi) __ [soins two or more nouns to indicate a ist of toms 33]i= ini [Connects wo or more tems to indicate @ matching or a contrast 134]iL-c1& (ni |incates @ generat agreed upon standard shite wa) 35 Inaicates an effect or value of person or thing [:26]!=2u°c (ni [about “concerning” something or someone suite) rar[ee. 28 [ean say whether... or. como. tomo} 38) 28 (ea) __[revenif, whether... or not" 139] wa) [Emphasizes contrasting olemonts aofzuc Indicates status, capacity or functon| (oshite) rarfeue Provides emphasis in a negative sentence (oshitey ra2]izmorem< [not ony... but ato eakari de nak) /1a3| 27 (@ake) | used to express “not ony..but also" 4a] a (nomi) [used to express “not only..but also" 45] 4 (nari) [as soon as" a6] ntizseuxts [as soon as" (oa nayai kay a7] eus%e% (ya [Fas soon as ina ya) 48) mt2.58I= [no sooner had’, “haraly had? ka nai uehi ni 149]t#m%) [Indicates the only action ltt to-do (eakari) fs50]iziiz [Emphasizes a reason or cause feakariny 151] 9°5 (eura) [Emphasizes in the meaning of ever" 152] #22 (nado) [Expresses a humbie atttude towards an tem +53] 8 (tomo) [no matir what’, “even 1154] £84502 | To express that someone did something not to be (oma aro | expected ito) 55[24% — [tartronr, “not to mention” [dokoro ka) 156] ret (dake [Indicates @ cause or reason, ni 87 ectiu |-there sno need to (rade mo nay sa]ta0 [but or-athoughr (ono no) fsolecae [even fokore do) 60] hrn2% | Connecis 2 sentences meaning “but” or {keredome) |-although" erirnet [Indicates a preliminary remark (keredomo} 162] 0 (ga) [Used to soften a statoment or refusal rea]irnee [Indicates a desire keredomo) 164] %a ine) __|Aatthe end ofa sentence to confirm a statement f165]%a (ne) [atthe end ofa sentence to soften arequest or suggestion 166]%2 (ne) [athe end ofa sentence to indicate a reason or 167] %2A (nee) _|Atthe end of a sentence toindcate emotion 168]. (90) [atthe end ofa sentence to state a strong eonvietion 169]. (90) | Atthe end of sentence to articulate a request or suggestion 70/06 [atthe end of a sentence to express unceriainy, a (kashiray [requestor @ question and mainly used by women [71] iste kana) [atthe end of a sentence to express uncertainy, a requestor a question and malnly used by men [72] (na) [atthe end ofa sentence and used by mento confm a statement [73)% (ma) | Atthe end of a sentence to express a prohiiion, used by men 174] 2&5 (naa) atthe end ofa sentence to exoress emotion, used by men 175] 8 (naa) _|Atthe end of a sentence to express a desie /176]@> (no) | Atthe end of a sentence to express a question or soften @ command, used by women 77] (wa) [atthe end ofa sentence to soften a statement used by women 7a] (sa) [Atte end ofa sentence to indicate sight emphasis, used by men 179] =& (koto) _|Atthe end ofa sentence to indcate emotion, used by women 180/e (koto) [atthe end of a sentence to express a suggestion 181] 4 (mono) |Atthe end of a sentence to express a reason or 182) et (tomo) _|Atthe end of a sentence to express an assertion 83|t0m [atthe end ofa sentence to express a negate emonoka) | determination, used by men +184] (ya) | Atthe end ofa sentence to soften a statement requestor suggestion, used by men [125] %% (tara) |Atthe end of a sentence to indicate a suggestion or proposal 186] 65 (vara) [atthe end ofa sentence to indicate a rhetorical question with a negative implication ite7] 22) [atthe end of sentence to add for to sentence, used by men 188] € (zo) [atthe end ofa sentence to add force toa sentence 0: to express a question to oneself ° ED racebnk @D [Wh Twitar | Pie st] [@ Pe |

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