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Appreciative inquiry

Appreciative inquiry (AI) is a model that seeks to engage stakeholders in selfdetermined change. According to Bushe "AI revolutionized the field of organization
development and was a precursor to the rise of positive organization studies and the
strengths based movement in American management." It was developed at Case
Western Reserve University's department of organizational behavior, starting with a
1987 article by David Cooperrider and Suresh Srivastva. They felt that the overuse of
"problem solving" hampered any kind of social improvement, and what was needed
were new methods of inquiry that would help generate new ideas and models for how to

Basis and principles

According to Bushe, AI "advocates collective inquiry into the best of what is, in order to
imagine what could be, followed by collective design of a desired future state that is
compelling and thus, does not require the use of incentives, coercion or persuasion for
planned change to occur."
The model is based on the assumption that the questions we ask will tend to focus our
attention in a particular direction, that organizations evolve in the direction of the
questions they most persistently and passionately ask. In the mid 80's most methods of
assessing and evaluating a situation and then proposing solutions were based on
a deficiencymodel, predominantly asking questions such as "What are the problems?",
"What's wrong?" or "What needs to be fixed?". Instead of asking "What's the problem?",
others couched the question in terms of "challenges", which still focused on deficiency,
on what needs to be fixed or solved. Appreciative Inquiry was the first serious
managerial method to refocus attention on what works, the positive core, and on what
people really care about. Today, these ways of approaching organizational change are
The five principles of AI are:
1. The constructionist principle proposes that what we believe to be true determines
what we do, and thought and action emerge from relationships. Through the
language and discourse of day to day interactions, people co-construct the
organizations they inhabit. The purpose of inquiry is to stimulate new ideas,
stories and images that generate new possibilities for action.
2. The principle of simultaneity proposes that as we inquire into human systems we
change them and the seeds of change, the things people think and talk about,
what they discover and learn, are implicit in the very first questions asked.
Questions are never neutral, they are fateful, and social systems move in the
direction of the questions they most persistently and passionately discuss.

3. The poetic principle proposes that organizational life is expressed in the stories
people tell each other every day, and the story of the organization is constantly
being co-authored. The words and topics chosen for inquiry have an impact far
beyond just the words themselves. They invoke sentiments, understandings, and
worlds of meaning. In all phases of the inquiry effort is put into using words that
point to, enliven and inspire the best in people.
4. The anticipatory principle posits that what we do today is guided by our image of
the future. Human systems are forever projecting ahead of themselves a horizon
of expectation that brings the future powerfully into the present as a mobilizing
agent. Appreciative inquiry uses artful creation of positive imagery on a collective
basis to refashion anticipatory reality.
5. The positive principle proposes that momentum and sustainable change requires
positive affect and social bonding. Sentiments like hope, excitement, inspiration,
camaraderie and joy increase creativity, openness to new ideas and people, and
cognitive flexibility. They also promote the strong connections and relationships
between people, particularly between groups in conflict, required for collective
inquiry and change.
Some researchers believe that excessive focus on dysfunctions can actually cause
them to become worse or fail to become better. By contrast, AI argues, when all
members of an organization are motivated to understand and value the most favourable
features of its culture, it can make rapid improvements.
Strength-based methods are used in the creation of organizational development
strategy and implementation of organizational effectiveness
tactics. The appreciative mode of inquiry often relies on interviews to qualitatively
understand the organization's potential strengths by looking at an organization's
experience and its potential; the objective is to elucidate the assets and personal
motivations that are its strengths.
Bushe has argued that mainstream proponents of AI focus too much attention on "the
positive" and not enough on the transformation that AI can bring about through
generating new ideas and the will to act on them. In a 2010 comparative study in a
school district he found that even in cases where no change occurred participants were
highly positive during the AI process. What distinguished those sites that experienced
transformational changes was the creation of new ideas that gave people new ways to
address old problems. He argues that for transformational change to occur, AI must
address problems that concern people enough to want to change. However, AI
addresses them not through problem-solving, but through generative images. Some of
this is covered in a 90-minute discussion about AI, positivity and generativity by Bushe
and Dr. Ron Fry of Case Western, at the 2012 World Appreciative Inquiry Conference.

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