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Heaven K.

Sara Islas
Humanities - Luchadoras
Oct 6, 2016
Sexual assaults shouldn't be happening in the military, but they are. A former marine's daughter
had joined to make her proud ( To make her mum proud ). She was a shy 18 year old she had
joined in July 2007, she came home around February 2009. She was a ticking time bomb the
bomb went off five days later after coming home. Before coming home and still in service she
was raped twice by former marines raped, beat, and sodomized first by her recruiter then later
by her senior which is just a higher rank. To add more trauma one of her rapist sent her a text
telling her, he had given her AIDS. ( info from LA CROSSE, Wis. & ny times). Women are
mostly to be sexually assaulted then killed, female soldiers killed 2002-2014 (110), reports of
sexual assaults 2002-2014 (6,131). 60% of female victims face retribution a 2012 pentagon
survey found that approximately 26,000 women and men were sexaully assaulted. Those of
whom experience sexual assault, 43% of women and 35% of men were classified as having
experienced a penetrative sexual assault. Speaking/typing from a females perspective and a
student that would one day like to join the military. I feel that we need to take in, how serious
this topic is and how much it effects familys all around

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