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5/25/2010 COMSATS -- Students Info System

COMSATS Institute of Information Technology

Park Road, Chak Shahzad, Islamabad, Ph: 92-51-8318470 , Fax: 92-51-8318499


Dated: 25/5/2010
Re gistration No: CIIT/SP09-MBA-
Name: Sohail Sharif
Program: Maste r of Busine ss
Fathe r Name: Muhammad Sharif
Course No Semester/Course Title Cr. LG GP
Spring 2009
CSC401 Computing for Management 3 A 12.00
ECO 400 Business Economics 3 B 9.00
MGT400 Management Theory and Practice 3 B- 8.10
MGT410 Marketing Theory and Practice 3 B+ 9.90
MGT430 Financial Accounting and Reporting 3 B 9.00
MTH469 Business Maths and Statistics 3 A- 11.10
GPA:3.28 CGPA:3.28 Remarks:GAS
Fall 2009
HUM400 Business Communication 3 C+ 6.90
MGT411 Applied Marketing Strategies 3 B- 8.10
MGT431 Managerial Accounting 3 B+ 9.90
MGT432 Financial Management and Policy 3 B 9.00
MGT450 HRM Policies and Practices 3 B 9.00
MGT480 International Business 3 A- 11.10

GPA:3 CGPA:3.14 Remarks:GAS

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