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Questionnaire On Food Purchasing Behaviour Of Children

and Youth Towards Fast Foods

Name :
Gender: Male



1. Do you think todays trends contribute toward obesity which is caused by fast
food restraints?
a. Yes, today lifestyle choices on fast food are impacting on the trend towards today
obesity rate
b. No, it doesnt contribute in the impact on today obesity rate.
c. It does contribute to today obesity rate but there are other lifestyle choices that also
have contributed to it.
2. Which fast-food services do you use (if any)?
a) Kebab
b) Sandwiches
c) Hotdog
d) Pizza
e) Hamburger
f) Fish & Chips
g) Other (Chinese, Indian, Italian)
h) None
3. How often do you eat fast food?
a. Once a week
c. Never

b. Everyday
d. Not so often

4. Why do you eat fast food?

a. You do not have enough time to cook
b. You work to late and are tied to cook a full meal.
c. Couldnt be bothered to cook
d. Do not know how to cook
e. Other comment ..
5. Do you know exactly what in your food when you buy it?
a. Not always
b. No, if it tastes good you dont really care about it.
c. Yes, I look at all the ingredients that I buy.
6. How would you cope if there were no fast food restaurants?
a. I wouldnt be able to cope
b. I would have to buy quicker meals
c. I would have to organise meals in the morning
d. Would have to work less hours
7. What time of the day do you buy fast food?
a. Before 10am
b. At lunch time, 12pm to 2pm

c . In- between 3-6

d. From 6 to midnight or early in the morning.
8. When you buy fast food, Do you upsize it from small?
a. Yes, because small isnt big enough
b. Yes, because there is not much difference in the price when upsizing
c. No, there is enough in a small.
d. No, there is too many calories as there is in the small size
9. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of the word fast food?

10. Do you purchase healthy food choices from fast food restaurants?
a. Depends on where you are eating at.
b. Yes, I always look for the healthy choices
c. No, I order what I like not what is best for me.
11. Do you think you eat more or less when youre eating fast foodcompared to a home
cooked meal?
12 . What else do you buy when purchasing fast food?
a. carbonated (fizzy) drinks
b. coffee, tea
c. Other
13 . How much are you prepared to pay for fast-food?
a. Less than 100 rp
b. Between 100 -500 rp
c. Over
500 rp
14. Which fast food restaurant would you rather go for?
a. Mc Donalds
b. KFC
c. Pizza Hut
d. Other please specific
15. What do u think does fast food heathy for us?

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