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Further Reading on Ethics

Ethics - General
Almond B, (ed), Introducing Applied Ethics (Oxford: Blackwell, 1995)
Baron MW, Pettit P & Slote M, Three Methods of Ethics (Oxford: Blackwell, 1997)
Durland WN & Bruening WH (eds), Ethical Issues: a search for the contemporary conscience
(Palo Alto, CA: Mayfield Publishing Co., 1975)
Poole R, Morality and Modernity (London: Routledge, 1991)
Singer P, Practical Ethics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979)
Singer P (ed), A Companion to Ethics (Oxford: Blackwell, 1992)
Ruth F. Chadwick [editor-in-chief], The encyclopaedia of applied ethics (London : Academic
Press, 1998)
Business Ethics
Beauchamp TL, Case studies in Business, Society and Ethics (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice
Hall, 1993)
Beauchamp TL & Bowie NE, (eds.), Ethical Theory and Business (Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice Hall, 1997)
Bonny C. and Moon C (Ed.), Business Ethics: facing up to the issues, The Economist Books,
Chryssides G & Kaler J, Essentials of Business Ethics (London: McGraw-Hill Europe, 1996)
Donaldson J, Key Issues in Business Ethics (London: Academic Press, 1989)
Connock S & Johns T, Ethical Leadership, IPD, 1995
De George & Pilcher (eds) Ethics, Free Enterprise and Public Policy (New York: Oxford
University Press,1978)
Federick,R, A Companion to Business Ethics, Blackwell, 1999
Hendry J., & Sorell T, Business Ethics, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2000
Hoffman WM (ed) Business Ethics: readings and cases in corporate morality (London: McGraw
Hill, 1990)
Iannone P (ed) Contemporary Moral Controversies in Business(New York: Oxford University
Press, 1989)
Jackson J, An Introduction to Business Ethics (Oxford: Blackwell, 1996)

Kitson A., & Campbell R, The Ethical Organisation: Ethical Theory and Corporate Behaviour, ,
MacMillan Business, 1996
Murray D, Ethics in Organisations, The Fast Track MBA Series, Kogan Page/Coopers & Lybrand,
Regan T, Just Business(New York: Random House,1984)
Smith NC, Morality and the Market: consumer pressure for corporate accountability (London:
Routledge, 1990)
Sternberg E, Just Business: business ethics in action (London: Warner, 1995)
Vallance E., Business Ethics at Work (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995)
Wyburd G, Competitive and Ethical, Kogan Page, 1998

Publications by the Institute of Business Ethics

Use of Codes of Ethics in Business: 2007 survey & analysis of trends
Sets out the findings of the fifth IBE survey of companies on how they use and implement their
codes of ethics. ISBN 0 9549288 6 5
Does Business Ethics Pay? Revisited: The value of ethics training
Do companies that actively attempt to embed their ethical values into business practice enjoy
stronger financial performance as a result? ISBN 0 9549288 5 7
Ethical Due Diligence: An introduction and guide
Report by David Lascelles, a systematic framework for identifying integrity risk is suggested to
encourage organisations to employ Ethical Due Diligence (EDD) alongside financial and legal
due diligence. ISBN 0 9549288 4 9
IBE Good practice Guide 1: Speak Up Procedures
The IBE Good Practice Guides offer practical assistance and guidance for making ethics policies
and programmes effective. ISBN 0 9549288 3 0
Living Up To Our Values: Developing ethical assurance
Practical framework for approaching the assurance of ethical performance against an
organisation's own code of ethics. ISBN 0 9539517 8 2
Setting the Tone: ethical business leadership
Demonstrates that business leaders should consider ethical competence as a core part of their
business acumen; provides guidance to those wishing to build a culture of trust and accountability
and strengthen the ethical aspirations of their organisation
includes interviews with business leaders offering practical insights into ethical leadership issues.
ISBN 0 9539517 7 4

Developing a Code of Business Ethics: a guide to best practice, including the IBE
Illustrative Code of Business Ethics
Provides a practical and comprehensive guide to developing and implementing a code of
business ethics; analyses the business case for codes; identifies best corporate practice and
explains the steps needed to produce and maintain an effective code of business ethics;
encompasses the updated IBE Illustrative Code of Business Ethics and includes examples of
different approaches to corporate code
ISBN 0 9539517 4 X

Demonstrating Corporate Values - Which Standard for Your Company?

Sets out the benefits and costs of the major standards and provides companies with a means of
assessing and choosing them. The emphasis is on providing a practical guide of tools, checklists
and experience to enable companies to choose the standard that suits them best.
ISBN 0 9524020 7 6
Codes of Ethics and International Business
A growing number of UK-based international companies are concerned about applying their
ethical standards and codes of ethics to their overseas operations. This study by Simon Webley
examines how ten multinational corporations approach the problems. It also sets out the current
guidelines given by some international business organisations on the issue, as well as the
approach of three companies.
ISBN 0 9524020 5 X

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