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Analysis of Pipe Flow

Applies to homogeneous fluid
of constant viscosity and
density; & gases provided
density changes are small

Darcy-Weisbach Eqn; LOSS in straight

pipe cos of friction
-Using V (average) = Q/A
-Using energy eqn & momentum eqn (prev. chapter)



hf =

LAMINAR Flow in Circular Pipe [SMOOTH/ROUGH]

-Velocity of a real fluid at a fixed boundary is always zero to
satisfy no-slip condn. r=R, u=0.
Velocity Profile (Parabolic)

Pressure Drop (+ve value)

(Hagen-Poiseuille Flow)
Umax (max velocity)


Laminar Pipe Flow
-Motion of fluid in layers//to
boundary surface (Red<2300)
Transitional Pipe Flow
- (Red~2300)
Turbulent Pipe Flow (Red>>2300)
-Random, irregular & unsteady
motion of fluid particles

Shear Stress

Valid for duct flow of ANY x-section &

both laminar/turbulent flow

= 2V (average velocity)

AND Darcy Friction Factor,

Entrance Length: distance from

entrance of pipe flow travels before
fully developed

Head Loss, h (Darcy)

Friction Factor, f (Red<2300)

TURBULENT Flow in SMOOTH Circular Pipe
- Turbulent flow has random eddies that
dissipate KE into heat. (Dragturbulent > Draglaminar)
- Turbulent flow (3 regions) is affected by
surface roughness unlike laminar.
- Wall Layer, Outer Layer & Overlap Layer
- Friction velocity =
& (R-r) = y
Velocity Profile:

TURBULENT Flow in ROUGH Circular Pipe

- EDDIES can form in rough+turb since protrusions
*Extent of submersion of roughness elements into
laminar sublayer of turbulent boundary layer
1. Hydraulically Smooth Walls:
- turbulent flow similar to in smooth pipe
[Velocity Profile:]

2. Hydraulically Rough Walls:

- protrude into main flow
[Velocity Profile:]

Friction in noncircular pipes

- Replace diameters; d or D with
hydraulic diameter, DH

Frictional Loss & Factor

3. Transitional Roughness:
- Some submerged some protrude

Average Velocity, V:

[Velocity Profile:]

B from B -

Max Velocity, Umax

; f from Darby


*as Re increases, turbulent sublayer dominates

while laminar sublayer increasingly thins
(hydraulically smooth to rough transition)

Moody Diagram (Friction Factor)

flaminar=64/Red (Red<2300) ; fsmooth pipe or hydrau smooth
RHS of AB, fhydrau rough :

Not so accurate for laminar flow since V is not a

good approximation of velocity profile unlike

(Independent of Red)

turbulent which is mostly uniform (flat part)

Between AB & EF (smooth):

MINOR LOSSES explaning eddy losses


Minor loss with

Loss coeff, K

Multiple Pipe System [for head losses, take darcy

& minor losses in each pipe [all networks]
1. Pipes in Series: Q=Q1=Q2=Q3; HL=HL1+HL2+HL3

Loss in sudden expansion:

1. Exit Loss: k=1; tank is

big, A2 is v big compared

Loss in sudden contraction:

(after venaC)

Ac is area of vena contracta; Cc=Ac/A2,

downstream narrower section 2]

MINOR LOSSES explaning eddy losses

Loss in sudden contraction:
2. Gradual Expansion

1. Entrance Loss: Ksc will vary

depending on whether got
protrusion of smaller d pipe
2. Gradual Expansion

- KL includes frictional loss

- >60o, sudden expansion better
- 6o is optimum angle; 8o in
rougher pipes
3. Losses in Bends (=loss from flow

Diffuser reduces losses fr certain angles

separation,wall friction+secondary flow)

2. Pipes in //:
- Q=Q1+Q2+Q3; HL=HL1=HL2=HL3 (unless got pump Q1=Q2=Q3)

3. Branching Pipes: (Q&H&Hloss=HL)

Generally, Head/
energy at a point
3. Losses in Bends =
- if R/d=0, K~1.1
- K includes frictional loss

Regardless of pipe network,

must satisfy: Continuity, only
one energy level (head) at given
point & friction eqn must be
satisfied for each pipe. (Diff in
head = head loss between 2 pts)

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