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I have decided to rebrand Cath Kidston.

Cath Kidston is a vintage brand launched

in 1993 after Cath Kidston sold up her vintage curtain shop to start a new
venture. The brand is named after her as when she first started up it was easier
for her old clients to find her. The brand is neither old English floral or
completely modern and is classed as vintage. At the time of the launch vintage
wasnt fashionable. However almost 25 years later they generate a revenue of
20m worldwide.
Cath Kidston products include bags, accessories, fashion, home furnishings,
footwear, toys and gifts all with Cath Kidstons well known vintage patterns.
Dresses, kitchen appliances and kids clothes are the most popular Cath Kidston
products. The prices of the products can be expensive, ranging from 115 for a
four wheel cabin bag to 3 for four pencils. However, compared to other clothing
brands such as Ted Baker, which charge 299 for a coat, they arent that

I have a sample size of 20 for my questionnaire. I primarily asked people aged

40-49 as this is the age range Cath Kidston mainly interpolate. This will lead to
more valuable results because this is the audience my rebranding will be aimed
at. Therefore, when I start rebranding I will understand what the target audience
likes and dislikes about the logo. However, I have also asked different ages to get
a more thorough understanding of the brand from a range of people.

I have asked 17 females for my questionnaire because Cath Kidston products are
aimed at a female audience. Therefore the data that I have collected will be
more useful as they are from people who are more likely to buy a product.

I have asked this question as it is important for me to know how popular the
brand is and with what age ranges. The 3 people who were not familiar with Cath
Kidston are from the 13-19 age range. This shows me that Cath Kidston is not
popular among teenagers. Therefore when I am rebranding I will not try and
interpolate teenagers through the typography and colours. Instead I will try and
interpolate an older audience.

9 people said that they thought the logo was too simple whereas 11 people said
that it wasnt. The almost even split of results means that when I am rebranding I
will have to be careful not to make the logo over complicated as this will not
interpolate my target audience. On the other hand the logo does not want to be
too simple as my target audience will think that this is boring.

I have asked this question to compare with question 6 to see if price is a main
factor when buying clothes. 19 people said that they are more likely to buy high
street clothes despite only 11 preferring high street brands to the other options
(see question 6 results). This shows me that the price of products can affect
whether people buy them or not so when I rebrand Cath Kidston I will try and

make the brand appear more affordable to interpolate people. However the
results of this question may depend on peoples geo-demographic and socio
economic group.

I decided to ask this question as it is important for me to know which brand is the
most popular. Despite there being a range of results (unlike question 5) high
street brands are still the most popular. Therefore I will look at different high
street brands such as New Look and Primark before rebranding Cath Kidston to
understand why high street brands are so popular. I will then be able to apply
this when I start rebranding.

I asked this question to understand how important a brand and their image is to
the target audience. 13 people said that the quality of the product is more
important than the brand name. This means that by redesigning the logo I will
still be interpolating the target audience as it is the quality of the product rather
than the brand image that causes people to buy products.
Cath Kidston's current target audience are females aged 18+ as they offer a
wide range of products that interpolates everyone. For my rebranding I will like
to interpolate an older audience. The demographic for my target audience would
be females aged 40-50 who are well educated and have a high income level.
There socioeconomic group would be C2 and above as this means that they will
have better paid jobs and more disposable income so will be able to afford Cath
Kidston products. My target audience psychographic will be succeeders as this
means that they have a strong work ethic and are confident individuals. The geodemographic would be Britain because Cath Kidston was founded in the UK and
the Union Jack is featured as a print in some of her products and I would like to
keep a patriotic theme.
To interpolate this audience I plan to use sophisticated typography and colours
that connote wealth and power such as purple. Other colours will include red,
white and blue because together they have connotations of patriotism as they
are the colours of the Union Jack. I will particularly focus on the colour red as this
has connotations of love and passion. I intended to use a more sophisticated and
vintage typography to interpolate my target audience as the current typography
can be considered as too childish for my target audience because of the different
sizes of letters and the fact that it is made to look like handwriting. In my logo I
will plan to keep it simple but incorporate something British such as a Union Jack
or a red letter box.

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