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Test 3 Task | - Long Reading [As part of your sos you ae ging to ead aout Sn Par’ Day. Rd the flowing eet ae answer ‘be 15 quetons on he net pe ‘Saint Patrick's Day Paragraph 2 ‘Sait Patricks olan atonal saint Every year on March 17th, a celebration shed in is honour Iti sald that Patrick introduce # new typeof religion t Ireland He was bor nthe Un around 385 AD, When he was Lhe was capture by lsh plates, brought back to ireland an made a save ‘there. He spent six yours working asa shepherd herding sheep before he managed to escape. Despite this awful chlichcod experience, Patrick eturned to eland in his 30st spread his elgious ath Paragraph 2 Soe Saint Patrick’ Day 2 religious celebration? Perhaps it was mainly ths orignal, but has ‘hanged alot over the yeas. Te celebration we ae familar with tofay is very ferent to how it ‘sed tobe ed start ar aque, religious event: a 6ay of prayer for irish people. Indeed, up ut ‘the 1970s all pubs, bars and shops were closed on March 17th, and there was an offal parade of ‘rm members tough the stews of Dublin was quite a serous afi. Paragraph 3 ‘What changed? Wel the eh celebration we recognise today was actual inspired by events in Ameria, Fr several hundred yeas, ish poople have moved abroad in vast numbers to lok for ‘work and a beter Ife. Many of hese emigrants sete inthe USA and Canada. Tod, millons of ‘Americans proudly claim tobe of ih origin. Inthe 17005-1805, choug, te rsh people who went ‘broad were poor end not wel educated. They were quite unpopular in their new home in Ameria, {0 they decide to organise something they ould be proud of: 3 day to caebrate blog Irih Paragraph ‘One ofthe frst Amercan parades tok place” oston in 1/8, and, by the ené ofthe 19th century, ‘Ssint Batre’ Day parades ha spread to mast major American ies, including Chicago, New York ‘and New Orleans, March 17th gradually became a day where the focus was on having fun and cee bratng the best things abou Ish American culture. Parades became more colourful and wee fll of music and dance, Frsh Americans wanted to celebrate both ther pie in being American and their ish roots, Many Americane could relat oth dea of celebrating their background an thelr love of Amerie tthe same time, 5, In time, this day of fun was embraced not jst by ish “Americans, but Amercansin general Paragraph S ‘Meanwhile, back relan, from the 1970s onwards, the focus ofthe celebration also began to ‘Change. Prades there became equally colourful an funfile, and something about the day began tohave 2 wider appeal Celebration tarted beng organised in more and more courses. In Japan, fr example, the Fst parade was not organises by Wish people at albu by lel who found the ‘ay intersting In Moscow, Rusia, the Saint Pat's Uay parade waste rst public march trou Red Squae, Today, famous landmarks throughout the war, rom the oyramis of Giza in Egy to the Statue of ibertyin the USA tur geen on March 17th nd people celebrate the idea of having fun and being proud oftheir identty, whether ish or not |__secceed in TRINITY IS 1 _zeST3 Tose | | Questions 1-5 (one mark per question) | “Tha tex on the proves pags hs fv pargrpis (15). Choos he best le fo ach parnraph rom AF alow and ‘write the letter (-F) onthe ines belo. Thee one te You dr eed roo [A How the rsh were the fst ration to create a new fon way of| & Pargrpns nlebrating Sin Patiek’s Day 2. Paragraph 2 ® Te Intemational appeal of Sint Patricks Day 3. Paragraph 3 JC The story of the man behind the Sint Patri’ Day eaebration [> Now Sant Patrik’ Day in America became popular across al groups 4. Paragraph & Insocety 5. Paragraph $ How Saint Patsc’s Day was ractonaly alebrate in Wreland Away for poor emigrants to celebrate their identity ‘The rious Inporance of the Sant Patrick’ Day fetal in reland Is greater today than in the pas. ‘hough Sant Patrick’ Day is popular with ish Americans, tis not very popular with the general populton ofthe US, Before 1970, Saint Patrick's Day in ela was quite a formal event [Sein Patrik Oa ealebration nan Asian county was introduced by locas not rsh peop [though Sant Patrick slants national sain, he was nat born there. ‘Americans did not particularly tke erly ish emigrants othe USA Before he became religious, Patrick was pirate in and In the late 1800s, there were Sait Patricks Day pares n many big American cies Questions 11-15 (one mark per question) ‘Compas setanca 1-15 with 3 word pas rune rom the tex (mimo three werd) Wt the word, Pirate or number onthe nes below. 21k per sys fh fe nnn an AE Sep to 12, The wedtlonal Dain pra noes sonatas Mang Brough they’ 28 13, Auge number of madden Americans suggest hey ff nnn 14 The poeran parades change over ne and became sbot having fun and celebrating thes det. 1s. rea Jal ae p with the lou rent celebrate Sit Pat Oy

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