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Regulament de folosire a masini de spalat:

1.Cine doreste sa spele trebuie sa se inscrie din timp pe lista progaramarilor

(pentru ca fiecare camera care urmeaza sa stie unde gaseste cheia).
2.Accesul la cheie se face doar in baza listei de programare.
3.Fiecare camera are dreptul la doua programari pe saptamana.
4.Cheia se va preda camerei urmatoare sau la portar.
5.Daca se intarzie, camera urmatoare programata trebuie anuntata.
Washing machine rules:
1.Whoever want's to use the washing machine must schedule in time so the
next room will know where to find the key.
2.The acces tot the key is granted only by appointment.
3.Every room has the right to wash twice a week.
4.After using the washing machine, the key will be given to the next room or to
the dorman.
5.If late, please anounce the next room.

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