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German attraction

Some suggestions: - Schtzenverein and Schtzenfest: Germans handling guns and

drinking a lot of alcohol for "traditional" reasons - Kegeln a sport like bowling but a
little different. In the North they do something even different: bosseln - modern
party politics: what are the parties and what are they about. Did you know, we have
a woman chancellor, a gay foreign minister? And they come from the more
conservative parties. - German festivals outside of Oktoberfest (Rock am Ring,
Rheinkultur, Rhein in Flammen, there are festivals all summer long) - Karneval and
Fastnacht: Mardi Grass German style. In some regions they call it "the 5th season"
-Inner-German terrorism in the 60s and 70s (the RAF) and the "Student revolution"
in 68 (check for the APO) - German dialects, there are hundreds and hundreds Christmas Markets - Berlin and its development as a divided city, now back to
becoming one very interesting monopoly again. - German Fashion
I hope this helps. Let me know if you need any m

About Bulgaria
I like that last suggestion. I once gave a similar topic to my students who were learning English. They
had to make presentations on English-speaking countries round the world.

The presentation could cover all or any of the following topics: history, natural resources, exports,
famous people, geography, food, culture.

Most people know nothing whatsoever about Bulgaria apart from the fact that its capital is called

I'd personally like to know about famous writers (composers? artists?) and the food.

You could also talk about the school system, t

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