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Activity : 1

Scale up ask 5 teams to prepare about 5 generation of computers

Activity : 2
POGILActivity: 3
GBL - Game Based Learning
Activity : 4
PLTB-peer led team based learning
Critical Pedagogy-questions with wrong answers
Activity: 6
Concept Mapping make students to draw
Activity 7:
Flipped Class
Activity: 8
Role Play
Activity 9

Activity 4:
Problem solving
Activity: 1
Activity: 7
Problem Solving
Activity :9
Gross word puzzle

Introduction to AI, Problem formulation

Problem Definition, Production systems
Control strategies, Search strategies
Problem characteristics, Production system characteristics
Specialized productions system- Problem solving methods
Problem graphs, Matching, Indexing and Heuristic functions
Hill Climbing-Depth first and Breath first
Constraints satisfaction Related algorithms
Measure of performance and analysis of search algorithms

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