Task 1

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Observation Table, Task 1: Reasons for speaking in the

Class: Grad 3-2


Length of lesson:

Number of learners:


Teacher observed:

Language Learning Goals: English

Materials used:

Reason for speaking


Learner repeats word(s) after teacher

- (whole class together)

Learner repeats word(s) after teacher

- (group / pair together)

Learner repeats word / phrase after teacher

- (individual )














Learner answers direct question from teacher


Learner answers open question from teacher



Learner asks teacher a question


Learner answers a partner in English

- (pair/ group work activity)

Learner answers a partner in Arabic

- (pair/ group work activity)

Learner speaks to the teacher informally

- (Add E for English; A for Arabic)


Other reason(s) for speaking







After the Observation

Write your answers in the boxes:

What was the most common reason for speaking?

Learner repeats word(s) after teacher - (whole class together)

Learner answers a partner in Arabic
- (pair/ group work activity)

What was the least common reason for speaking?

Learner asks teacher a question

Were there any boxes with no ticks?

How much of the lesson was spent on the teacher using Teacher Talk, in
your opinion?


Teacher talks maybe around 88%

Do you feel it was too much / too little / just the right amount of talk? Why /
Why not?

The part that teacher takes for the talk it was too much , the cause was because she did
not use the strategy of student centre, and also because she did not planed her lesson
well so , she takes all the parts of the lesson to her

What do you think is an appropriate sequence of interaction patterns?

By having the lesson in parts and using strategies for clearing the lesson by showing
them objects and letting them feel it, showing them pictures, with making some lesson
parts kinaesthetic.

Now consider how much Arabic was used. Do you think it was used
Why? / Why not?

The percentage of using the second language, which is Arabic, was nearly 85%.
In my point of view this was not only wrong but it was adversity because, not only the
students were speaking in the Arabic, also the teacher she was speaking in the Arabic,
and what makes me surprised was that, she asking them to tell her the meaning of the
words in the Arabic and when they did not understand the meaning or the vocabulary she
gives them directly in the meaning in the Arabic, which makes them become free in
talking in their second language.
Also what I notices that the students were talk in the Arabic with the teacher and she was
responding them in the Arabic. Moreover she gives them the instructors in Arabic.
In my opinion she was not giving them the full opportunity for speaking in the English

Extra reflection
You do not have to do this activity. However, if you want a higher grade, you
must do it. If you are interested in thinking about this subject more, consider the
following reflection.
Choose one of the following:

A- Why is talk import

*for teachers?
The talk is essential for the teacher because, from the talking she is delivering the
lesson, or when she is demonstrating information, moreover from the talking she is
building relationships by having a conversation between her and the student , for
example when she is giving a feedback about what the student did . Some
teachers they are using the strategies that have on it talk, for example with having
a describing for a picture or a behaviour that happened, because some students
they understand the skill or the information that teacher have to deliver to them by
words batter.

* For learners?
The reason its essential because, talking lets students learn from each others
which mean that if a students give an answer so the other students also will give
him a feedback about what he think so there will be an interaction there will be a
talk . Teachers aim is that to make the students active learners not only with her but
also with other students in her class also, so the students are learning well when
they learn with others, or when they are mixed with others students .Moreover
talking gives students the opportunity to practice using the language, thus more the
students will have a talk more they will be used to for the language, in addition
talking connects students with the content.

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