Constitution Worksheet - Article 1

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Date _____________


Constitution Worksheet - Article 1

1. What does Article 1 of the Constitution establish?
2. Define Congress
3. What is the function of Congress?
4. List the three qualifications to be a member of the House of Representatives.

5. List the three qualifications to be a member of the Senate.

6. What is the term of office for the:

House of Representatives ____________

Senate ____________

7. How many total members are there in the:

House of Representatives ____________

Senate ____________

8. How is representation in the House of Representatives determined?

9. How many Senators does each state have?

10. Define impeachment.

11. How often is a general election held?

12. On what day and month are general elections held?

13. Explain the steps for how a bill becomes a law. Be complete!

Name _____________________________________

Date _____________


14. Define veto.

15. Who has the power to veto a bill?

16. What can Congress do in the event of a veto if they want to pass the law anyway?

17. What fraction of Congress is required to accomplish #16?

18. List 3 specific powers of Congress.

19. What is the elastic clause?

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