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Ahmed Mar3y

Force and motion


Motion :
the change of an objects location as time passes according to
the location of another object.
Examples of motion in one direction
The motion of the metro and the train on the tracks.
{G.R} the motion of the train in a straight line called the motion in a
straight line in one direction.
Bec. the train is moving forward or backward only
And not move up or down ..


If you move the train in a straight line called the motion in a

straight line in one direction. This is simplest Types of motion
. The Trane May be move in a straight line or curved or a both of
We all know that the motion of some objects around us is
described fast or slow, we described this
motion by (Speed).

1 when fix the distance .

A) If you move two cars, a black and white
cars on the same road (track) It was noted
that the black car took a period of time (T 1 second) and the car
took white (T 2 seconds).
If you know that the time periodT1 less than the time period T 2,

Mr.Ahmed Mar3y

which cars are faster? the car is the fastest. Why?

because the period The time it took to cross the distance is less
than the white car.

2 When fix the time

B - If cars moved along two different tracks in length and we

assume that the black car drove along a road (d1 m) and white,
went through another long (d2 m).
- If cars cut off roads at the same time period at Although the d1 is
longer than the d2, which cars are faster?
. car is the fastest . Why?

because they had driven longer than the other at the same

There are two factors can be described by the motion:

1 - the distance traveled by the body.

2 - the time it takes to cut this distance.

It is the distance moved through a unit time.
Distance (d)
Speed (v) =

Time (t)

* Speed unit: m / s or (km / h).

* distance unit: per kilo meters or meter.
* Time is measured in: unit time or second.
Examples: runner breaking the 100-meter from the race track
in a straight line within 10 seconds .. Calculate the Speed of this

Mr.Ahmed Mar3y

1 - a car cut off 900 km race in a time of two hours and a half
kilometers to be the Speed of this car?

2 Racing two runners a distance of 100 meters, made the first 10

seconds and the second in 20 seconds Calculate the Speed of both.

3 - car moving at Speeds of 70 km / h, cutting off a distance of 140

km, what is the time required for absorption trip.

Notes: * the aircraft and cars are usually Provide with a

set of counters such as Speed (Speedometer ) mileage

hour timer and distance And compass directions

Speedometer Help us in" to know the Speed directly"

if the Speedometer Refers to the number 70 it means that the
vehicle Speed 70 km / h which is equivalent to Approximately 20
meters / second
if this has been fixed during the course of reading the car, it
means that :
The car is moving at a uniform Speed.
Uniform ( Regular) Speed.
Is the Speed at which the body is cut off equal distances at
equal periods of time.
The following figure show a moving car on a straight path:


Mr.Ahmed Mar3y

What is the distance that the car taken per second? .................
Is the car cut off equal distances in equal periods of time?
What is the Speed of the car? ................ M / sec.
Is the car going at a uniform Speed?


{G.R} Uniform Speed of an object, it is difficult to achieve

in practice? Or It is hard to measure regular speed
Because the Speed of the object changes according to road
conditions (traffic) , it is Sometimes increasing and sometimes

Average Speed
The total distance traveled by a body moving divided by the total
time it takes to travel that distance
Total Distance (d)

Average Speed (v-)=

Total Time (t)

When the average Speed of an object is equal to uniform

Speed (V-- = V) in this case described the motion as a motion
When the average Speed of the body are not equal the
uniform Speed (V- = V), the Speed is irregular.
irregular speed:
The object covers equal distances at unequal periods of time or it
covers unequal distances at equal times.

Mr.Ahmed Mar3y

A runner covered a distance of 100 meters of a straighttrack in 10
seconds. Then, he returned back walking. He took 80 seconds to
come back to the starting point of running
The racers average speed while running is:

@ If there is someone watching the cars moving on the road, one

traveling at 80 km / h and the other moving at 90 km / h in the
same direction that the person called (observer), the:
* Slow Speed of the car for an observer standing on the ground =
80 km / hour.
* The Speed of a fast car for an observer standing on the ground
= 90 km / hour.
* The Speed of the car fast for someone who watched from inside
the car slow = 10 km / hour.
- Is it different for the car's Speed to the observer or not?
The value of the cars speed relative to the observer standing on
the ground differs from the value of the cars speed relative to an
observer in another moving car.

The relative Speed

The value of an objects speed determined in relation to an observer

Mr.Ahmed Mar3y

1 ) Define the following:
1 - motion.
3 - uniform speed.
5 - the average speed.

2 - the relative speed.

4 - speed.
6 - uniform speed

2 ) Write a suitable word to complete the following sentences:

a The result of multiplying a speed of a moving object by time =
b .................... is defined as the covered distance within a time unit.
c Speed measurement units are ....................
d The result of dividing the total distance that a moving object covers
and the total time taken to cover this distance = ....................
3 Write the scientific term that corresponds to each of the
following statements:
a The distance that a moving object covers within a time unit.
b A moving object covers equal distance at equal periods of time.
c The total distance that a moving object covers divided by the total time
taken to cover this distance.
d The value of an objects speed determined in relation to an observer.
e - the amount needed depends on the physical distance and time.
4 What is meant by each of the following:
a The average speed of a moving car is 70 kms/hour.
b A car moving at uniform speed = 80 kms/hour.
c A moving car covers a distance of 100 kilometers in two hours.

Mr.Ahmed Mar3y

d An object moving in a straight line, covers a distance of 20 meters in

one second.
5 A boy on a bike covers 300 meters in a minute and 20 meters
in the following minute. Calculate its average speed:
a During the first minute
b During the second minute
c During the two minutes together.
Correct the underlined: (if it)
1 - irregular speed of body cut distance in equal times are equal.
2 - speed is the distance traveled in one minute.
3 - factors that depend upon speed, distance and length.
4 - unit of distance measurement m / s.
5 - multiplied by the speed of a body moving and time = power.
6 - The average speed is the speed of a body moving to the observer.
7 - at uniform speed the average speed = uniform speed.
8 - A car cut off equal distances in equal times the speed of non-uniform
When it is said that:
1 - the body is moving fast uniformly.
2 - the speed is irreglar.
3 - Speed is relative.
4 - speed equals distance traveled.

Mr.Ahmed Mar3y


( G.R) physicists use mathematical methods like graphics
and tables
To predict the relation between certain physical quantities,
understand practical results and describe physical phenomena in an
easier way.
graphics represent the relation between speed and time
If the car starts moving from rest (speed =
zero) and after one minute its speed
becomes 30kms/hour. After another minute,
its speed increases to 60 Kms/hour. Then,
the motorist had to use the brakes to slow
down the cars speed to 20 kms/hour in the
third minute and
he stops completely after another minute. It is possible to represent
the movement graphically
Representing uniform speed graphically

A toy car operated by a battery a smooth wooden board of about
3 meters a metric ruler or a metric strip a stop watch
1 ) Place the wooden board at a horizontal position. Put two marks
at a known distance on the wooden board Measure the distance
between them (d).
2 ) Operate the car, and during that, another student calculates the
time (t) necessary to cover this distance.
3) A third student repeats the experiment changing the two marks.
4) Exchange tools with your colleagues and repeat the experiment.

Mr.Ahmed Mar3y

5 ) Write the results in a table.

6 ) In each time, calculate the speed of the car from the relation:
V= d/t.

We find that they are located on a straight line passing the

intersection point of the two axes. (the origin point)


What is the proportional relation between distance (d) and time (t)?
It is the ratio between distance and constant time? Yes/No)
Does the car move at a uniform speed? (Yes/No)
What the value of the uniform speed of the car? ...................

From the table the relation between speed (V) and time (t),
Does the car move at uniform speed
What is the amount of the uniform speed
the car? ................... meter/second

Mr.Ahmed Mar3y


a physical quantity that expresses the change in the body speed

in one second.
The cars speed increases at a constant
rate (in a specific direction) and this case
the movement is described as
accelerating motion". But, if the cars
speed decreases each second until it stops,
the movement is described as a deceasing acceleration.

This means that acceleration

is the value of change of an objects speed in one second.

Uniform acceleration

means that the objects speed changes (increases or decreases)

by equal values through equal periods of time, whatever the
decrease of time is.

Mr.Ahmed Mar3y

In these table:

Mr.Ahmed Mar3y


Mr.Ahmed Mar3y

Physical quantities; scalars and vectors

Important note:
the greatest part of physics is The description and
interpretation of physical phenomena
To understand these phenomena, it is necessary to deal with
physical quantities and mathematical relationships.
Each physical quantity is related to a special measurement unit.
Examples of physical quantities are: mass length time force..
All physical quantities are classified into two types:
1 ) Scalars.
2 ) Vectors.
The Scalars physical quantities
The quantity that has magnitude only (it has nodirection).
Examples of scalars physical quantities are:
1- mass (measured by kilogram).
2- length (measured by meter) .
3- time (measured by second).
This means that the scalar quantity is ;
It is enough to identify its magnitude only by giving their numeric
value and measurement unit.
Mention some other examples of scalars:
............................................................ .....................................
Why are these scalars?

Vectors physical quantities

Mr.Ahmed Mar3y

"Quantities needed to identify their magnitudes as well as

it is not enough to identify their magnitudes only by giving their
Numeric value and measurement unit but also a direction as well.

Examples of these vectors are:

force and acceleration.

Mention some other examples of vectors:

Why are these vectors?

Distance and displacement





is the actual length of

the path that a moving
object takes from the
start point of motion to
the end point.
Meter - kilometer

is the length of the

shortest straight line
between two positions
start point &. end point

Meter - kilometer

Mr.Ahmed Mar3y

is characterized by both is characterized by both
characterized. the magnitude only.
the magnitud and
Ay direction donot
It is from the primary
depend on it.
position of movement
towards the final position.
Its value

If an object moves from position (A) to position (B) as shown in
figure :
The displacement is:
the straight line that starts at point (A) and ends at (B) in
the direction from (A) to (B).

If a person wants to make a trip by car to Tanta starting from Cairo,
the distance:
the length of the path that the car takes between Cairo and Tanta.
@ We notice that there is a difference in the value of distance
although the two cities Cairo and Tanta are constant.
The displacement is:
a direct line that the trip between Cairo and Tanta is made directly,
the direct distance between is 93 kilometers . ( constant)

Velocity and speed




It is the distance
moved through a unit

is the displacement in one


Distance (d)

Time (t)


Mr.Ahmed Mar3y

meter / second or
kilometer / hour

meter / second or
kilometer / hour

is characterized by both is characterized by both
characterized. the magnitude only.
the magnitud and
Ay direction do not
It is from the primary
depend on it.
position of movement
towards the final position.
Its value


The predator (cheetah) is one of the fastest

animals as it is possible that its speed reaches
27 m/minute. If we want to represent its
velocity, we should define the direction
of its movement. We say for example that
cheetahs velocity = 27meters/minute in the east direction.
A person covered 30 meters northward within 30 seconds, then 60
meters eastward within 20 seconds, and then 30 meters southward
within 10 seconds as shown in the figure

Mr.Ahmed Mar3y

Mr.Ahmed Mar3y

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