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INTERNATIONAL’ STANDARD = “Govt Dive, Warn PA TEESE Revie 200038 ‘Supersoing ASBGEA Aerospace Size Standard for O-Rings, 1. SCOPE 11 Purpose: This Aerospace Standard specifies the inside clameters, cross-sections, tolerances, and size ‘dontineation codoe (dash numbors) for O-rnge used in sealing applications ang tor etraignt tread ‘ube fiting boss gaskets. The cimensions and tolerances specified inthis standard are suitable for {any elastomeric material provided that sutable tooling is avalabl. 4.2. Application: 1.2.1 Thi standera ie Intended te be used inthe preperation of Compeny, Miltary, of ether Standard Drawings for O-Rings. Each dash numer, which should be appanded to an appropiate Drawing ¢ Standatd number, identfies one nominal eize O-Ring ony. 1.22. Nosltempt is made in this AS to indicate which ol the O-Ring sizes listed under this system should be included in any particular Stancard Drawing. Its only purpose is to standardize O-Ring sizes land dimaneional tolerances and the means of Gentlying them cimeneianaly 2. NOTES: 21 Only one Clase oftalerances appeate, conforming tothe former Claas | for O-Rings with inside clamatare Up to and inaluding 0.50 inch (12.7 mm), ana to the formar Ciags ll or O-Rings larger than 0.50 inc 12.7 mn) 22 In Table 1, the daeh numbers aro divided into groure af one hundred, and within each group are sequential and nonsignificant. Each hundred group, however. denties the ctoss section size othe (O-Ringe within the group. For example, al 0.070 Inch (1.78 mm) and emallor O-Ring eroae sectone fall into the group of -001 thr -098. The 0.103 neh (2.62 mm) cross eacton ringe fall int the group of -100 thay ~198, and so on ‘cnn ane apy any yt ng ypc srt sg str shearer Sree wht re neue TOPLACEADOCUMENTOREER: (2"mEsHPD FALL (/H}TEATIDSAEWEEADORESE btwn arg SAE AS563. RovisionB 2.3. Table 2, using the 900 series dash numbers, Isis al ofthe presently standardized siraight thread ‘ube fiting bees caskots.Thie sees has traditionally utlized th significant dash numbering systor, Usherein the dash number designates the tube size in 16th of an inch. Ths practice Is also followed here, wth tre exception of the 901, wich is intended for a 0.0828 inch (2.99 rm} naminal OD (outside diametet tube, the 0.0625 Inch (1.58 mm) OD tube net being in common alreraft use 2.4 Inthe Interost ot standareization, It's requasted that companies or agoncios do not use tho dash ‘pumbers in Table f to which sizes have not been essigned. Sizes not assigned are indicated by an astersk (). Anyone feeling that any special size not now shown is wéely enouch used to lustify standardization snouls rect euch a request fo AMS Commitae “CE” for coordination, ‘ana ince aX x A (orem CROSSSECLION © FIGURE 1 - Cross-Sectional Diameter ‘W" asm) PREPARED UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF AMS COMMITTEE “CE “2 SAE AS563 FevisionB ou 12 013 14 15 iD Inchee min 0.025 038 0.052 c.08s 0.098 0.08 0.40 oan 0.209 0204 0.206 ose 0.421 oae4 0564 0.605 0.867 0.730 0.702 oss ooi7 0.979 1.041 1104 1465, 1.228 1290 1351 1476 1.604 TABLET D Inchee 0.038 0.046 0.080 0.075 0.106 og 0.150 ona 0213 oa 0.06 0.289 oan o.g4 ose 0.623, 0.635, oss oie 0.273 0.935 0.998 1.081 1124 4187 4.250 1312 1377 1502 1697 1D rin 08h 097 492 165 aaa 2a7 256 44 516 5o4 152 on 1069 1229 s382 1587 1694 vase 2012 2072 2329 2437 2644 2808 2959 a139 27 sage a749, 4087 Aerospace Size Standarce fo O-Rings » ad 17 152 1.90 289 302 381 460 at 620 qt 937 10.95 1255 waar 15.82 1740 18.00 2087 2ea7 23.75 2837 26.95 2658 20.15 31.75 33.32 34.98, 28.15 41.93 w Inches in 0.097 0.047 0.087 0.087 0.087 0.087 0.087 0.087 0.067 0.087 0.067 0.087 0.087 0.067 0.087 0.087 0.087 0.067 0.087 0.067 0.087 0.087 0.087 0.067 0.087 0.087 0.067 0.067 087 087 w Inches: D049 0.053 0.083 0073 0073 007s 0072 ora 0073 0072 ors 007s 007s 007s oars 007s. 0073. ora oo7a oars 007s. 0073. 0073. ora 0073 0073 0073 0073 0073 0073 w min 0.04 119 148, 170 170 470 1.79 179 1.79 1.79 170 179 179 170 179 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 1.70 1.70 1.70 1:70 1.70 w 7.09 135 160 385 185 785 485 385 405 485 185 185 385 185 185 185 185 185 485 185 185 185 185 185 485 1.05 185 185 185 185 Voure ep) Cubic Inches ‘0008 c.0008 c.o0r0 o.oor7 o.0021 0.0022 0.0028 0.0030 0.0094 0.0037 0.0085 0.0052 0.0050 0.0088 0.0075 0.0083 0.0090 0.0098 0.0105 0011s 0.0120 0.0128 0.0138 0.0143 ois 0.0158 0.0186 0.0173 o.oise 0.0204 Voume et) Cusie 0.008 oo10 oor cee o.034 0.035 0.043 0049 0.058 061 ors 0.085 0.098 ont 0723 0138 0187 one 0172 ores 0197 0210 0223, o2s4 0247 0259 0272 0283 0.08 ass SAE AS563. Revision B "TABLE 1 - Rerospace Size Standards for O-Rings (Contiaued) Deen Numer at D> Inenee {784 » Inohee D ry w tenes min w Inne. w w Volume (Rep) cubic Inones Voume (et) cupie er 4724“17S4 4270 4458 0.067 0073 1.70488 002100260 032 033 034 036 036 037 038 038 -040 om 042 048 044 048 1.249 1.971 2.008 2201 2346 2a! 2504 2n9 eae 2.065 218 3.465 ane 3.962 4209 4459 4709 4952 5.202 coat ors 07 174 1.870 2.007 2132 2.287 282 2507 26x 2.759 2 aaa 3013 3.263 3513 3766 4016 4298 459 4788 5.026 5.276 0.054 0.086 on7 73.79 46.95 50.08 53.24 56.41 59.59 6276 659 691 rR2 153 an? 28.0 4 3008 1089) 4183 1198 1258 19241 132 193 272 4455 are 50.08 5418 57.33 6050 see ee 70A 733 15 ws 292 967, 102.0 1084 1148 1i4 117 1340 ING SIZES NOT ASSIGNED. 17 238 297 ‘0.067 o.067 0.087 087 0.087 o.087 067 o.087 0.067 o.087 0.087 0.067 0.087 0.067 0.087 0.087 0.087 0.087 0.067 0.087 0.100 0100 0.100 0073 0073 0073 0073 0073 ors 0073 0073 0073 0073 07a 0973 073 0973 073 0073, 0073 0073, 0073, 0073, 0.108 0.108 0.108 7 70 79 70 79 179 170 170 170 170 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1:70 1.70 1:70 1.70 1.70 1.70 254 254 254 188 185 185 188 485 185 185 165 188 185 485 405 485 405 485 185 485 185 405 185 260 269 269 o.oas4 0240 oozes 0270 oozes .0309 o.0ses o.0sa0 o.osss 0.0370 c.0400 o.0430 o.04st c.0491 o.osat oss o.0sat oosie 0.0842 o.0040 o.0048 coos 0350 oes 08 ogg 0457 oa 0.506 oss oss7 ose2 0.806 oss 0.708 0755 0.208 ose 0.903 ose 41.003, 1.052 066 o079 o.092 coves age os ast 3.76 0.100 0.108 254 269 0.108 SAE AS563. Revision B TALE 1 - Aerospace Size Standards for O-Rings (Continued) Volume DD DP BD WwW Ww Ww Ww Ra Inches Inches mm mm Inches Inches. smm = mm = Cuble min-max min max_—omin_— mex min_—max inches 018d 0179 429-458 04100 0106 254 0.0079 0201 o2it 541 526 0400 0108 254 0.0081 0292 0242 569 615 04100 0108 254 o.0nae 0294 0.904 747 7.72 0400 0108 254 0.0105 0357 0367 907 9.32 0400 0108 254 oie 0419 0.429 1064 10.90 0.109 0408 254 0.0138 0492 0492 1224 1250 0.100 0108 254 0.0154 0542 0856 1377 1412 0.100 04108 254 0.0171 0.603 0621 1522 1877 0109 0108 254 0.0197 0685 0682 1680 17.38 0.100 0108 254 0.0209 0720 0746 1849 1095 0.100 0108 2.54 0.0220 0789 0.908 20.04 2055 0100 0103 254 0.0298 0952 0.972 21.64 22.15 0.100 0108 254 0.0259 gid 0934 2322 2372 0100 0103 254 0.0269 0977 0997 24.82 2552 0.100 0108 254 0.0205 1039 1.059 2639 2690 0.100 0108 2.54 0.0302 4102 1.122 27.99 2850 0.100 0.108 ose 1162 1186 2951 3012 0100 0108 254 cosas 4225 1249 3112 3172 0.100 0108 254 0.0351 1287 1311 3269 3330 0.100 0108 254 0.0367 4.950 1.974 34.29 9490 0400 0109 254 o.0se3 412 1496 35.83 9647 0.100 0109 254 o.o400 41475 149@ 9743 96.07 0.4100 0108 254 costa 4534 1504 3893 99.73 0.100 0108 254 o.04s2 1597 1.827 4053 4199 04100 0108 254 o.0449 1859 1589 4214 4290 0.100 0.108 o.046s 1722 1752 4374 4450 0.100 0.108 coda 1784 1.814 45.31 46.08 0.100 0.108 code 1847 1877 46.91 47.68 0.100 0.108 oosia 10a 1942 4845 4933 0.100 0105, o.0sat SAE AS563 Revision B TALE 1 - Aerospace Slze Standards for O-Rings (Continued) Volume Volume i D1 WwW Wet Ret) Inches mm nm nchee Inches mm mm Cube Cubic max min-max mm mex fin max —_inehae_—— ern 2008 6004 50.00 0.100 0.108 2.64 0.0547 0806 2087 S164 5250 0100 0108 284 005s 0924 2129 5321 54.00 0100 0108 254 0.0580 0950 2192 6481 55.88 0100 0108 254 0.050 0977 2254 5609 57.25 0100 0108 254 00st 1.005 2920 579 58.9 0.100 0108 2.54 0.052 1.021 2382 595 605 0.100 0.108 2.54 costs 1.087 2445 611 621 0100 0108 254 oss 1085 2507 627 627 0.100 0105 2.54 oose ant “452530 2570 643 653 0100 0108 254 269 o0sa4 1137 -45 2.592 2632 658 66.9 0100 0105 254 269 o0711 1.165 “47 2.653 2607 674 685 0100 0105 254 269 0.0727 1.191 “48 2718 2759 690 701 0100 0108 284 269 007 1218 49° 2.778 2622 706 71.7 0100 0108 254 269 0.0750 1.245 “150 2.040 2608 721 72.2 0100 0108 254 269 00776 1272 “51 2983 3011 753 765 0100 0108 254 269 oom 1328 “1829213 3261 16 828 0100 0105 254 269 008 1.492 “53 9483 3511 80 882 0100 0105 254 269 0091 1540 “184 3.709 3765 942 958 0100 0105 254 269 07008 1647 185 9.950 4.015 1006 1020 0100 0108 284 269 o1071 1.755 “186 4.207 4267 1068 108.4 0100 0105 254 269 o71198 1.862 AST 4457 4517 1182 1147 0.100 0108 284 269 01202 1.970 “188 4.707 4767 1196 1211 0100 0105 284 269 o1287 2078 “150 4.952 5.022 1268 1278 0100 0105 254 269 01932 2183 “160 5.202 5.272 1921 128.9 0100 0105 254 269 11308 2201 5452 5522 1985 1402 0.100 0105 25¢ 269 145s 2297 5702 5772 1448 1486 0.100 0105 254 269 01529 2505 5.952 6022 1612 1530 0.100 0108 254 269 o15M 2612 6197 6277 1874 1804 0100 0108 254 269 0.1850 2720 6407 6527 1638 1652 0100 0108 254 269 0.1725 2427 SAE AS868. RovisionB TABLE 1 - Aerospace Size Standards for O-Rings (Continued) Voume > DP BD WwW Ww WwW Ww Ref Imenae mm mmm —nehae Inches ram = mm ‘max _min__max min max min max “3656607 6.777 1701 i721 0.100 0.106 284 260 0.1700 20ad 7027 1765 1785 0100 0105 254 269 7282 1827 125.0 0100 0108 254 269 7832 1990 1012 0100 0108 254 269 7792 1954 1977 0100 0105 254 269 8.032 2017 208.0 0.100 0105 254 269 8287 2078 2108 0100 0105 254 269 esa7 2143 2168 0100 0108 254 269 8787 2206 2232 0100 0105 254 269 9097 2270 2205 0100 0105 254 269 9.292 2332 236.0 0.100 0108 254 269 e542 296 2424 100 0105 254 269 9.792 2459 2487 0100 0105 254 269 *0-RING SIZES NOT ASSIGNED 0196 0476 422 447 0228 0239 582 6.07 0291 0301 739° 7.85 0354 0364 899 925 0416 0428 1087 10.82 0472 0.489 12.17 1242 0592 0559 19369 1405, 0600 0618 1524 15.70 0.692 0.600 1681 1727 0724 074 1839 10.0 SAE AS568. Rovision B TABLE 1 - Aerospace Size Standards or O-Rings (Continued) Dash Number 0 Inenes in D tena D min D w Inches w Inches. w w Voume (Ret) cupie Inches Volume (Ref) Cubic eis 3.007 4.121 2786 2gA7 0198 0149 243963 00505 097s “216 “217 28 219 221 222 228 225 226 207 208 229 200 231 22 203 704 208 236 “aT 28 239 240 24s 242 43 248 245 7097 3.180 4.202 3284 3347 3.408 1468 1504 ane eat 1.986 2001 2214 2.098 2454 2589 270 2835 2.950 2.088 2210 3.235 2.480 3581 2.708 saat 3.956 4081 4206 4329 1131 1183 1.246 1.308 1371 1433 1.499 124 1749 177 2.002 2327 2.286 2.379 2508 2.629 2.788 2883 3.008 3.193 3.288 3.383 3.508 3.697 3.762 3.887 4012 aaar 4264 4389 B86 aaa 21.04 e261 mat 3578 3731 40.40 13.66 46.76 eae sat 562 504 es 58 ee 720 752 784 as a7 a9 so a 973 1005 1037 1088 1100 28.47 30.05 21.65 93.22 34.82 36.40 3807 41.25 4442 47.68 50.85 54.03 57.3 cos was wea 701 ne 74 708 aoa 259 801 924 06.8 oa7 11 105.1 108.3 m5. 0.136 0135 0.196 0136 0196 0198 0138 0138 0.198 01938 0295 0195 0195 0198 04135 0195 0195 0335 0335 04195 0495 0195 0195 0335 04195 0495 0.135 0195 0195 0195 0148 0143 0143 ona 0143 0143 0143 0143 0.143 0143 04s 0143 0443 0143 0143 ora 0143 014s 014s 0443 o1as o1as 0143 014s 0443 ora 014s o1as ona o1as 343 343 343 33, 343 343 343 343 3.43 343 aus a3 243 4a aaa 43 a3 a3 a3 a3 343 38 a3 a3 a3 43 343 38 38 38 268 rey 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 363 263 263 262 36a 283 363 363 363 263 383 263 363 363 263 363 3.63 263 263 263 0.0825 0.0855 0.0884 0.0714 o.oras 00774 033 0.0893 0.0952 oso12 0.072 ona os191 0.1250 1310 0.370 0.420 07490 01548 01808 0188 os727 o.7a7 ome 0.1906 0.1986 0.2025 0.2085 0975 1024 4073 are 4170 1210 1268 1365 1463 1560 1658 1.757 1953 1.952 2049 aur 2205 2302 2440 2837 2635 2733 2830 2928 3.025 428 3202 ante 3417 513 oiaa SAE AS868. RovisionB TABLE 1 - Aerospace Size Standards for O-Rings (Continued) Voume > DP BD WwW Ww WwW Ww Ref Imenae mm mmm —nehae Inches ram = mm max-min max min max min max es age ATA TiG1 11470998 0143 24d 363 02204 3612 4620 1163 1178 0195 0143 349 363 A764 1195 121.0 0195 0143 349 363 4804 1225 1242 0195 0149 349 263 5.019 1257 1275 0105 0149 349 362 S244 189 1207 0195 018 363 5260 1921 12228 0195 013 363 5.304 1952 1370 0135 018 263 5519 1984 1402 0195 01 363 See aie 1434 01S O18 363 5.709 1440 1405 0.195 0.149 aa 5094 1479 1497 0.195 0.149, 3.03 6019 1511 1522 0.195 0143 3.03 6274 1573 1504 0135 0143, 3.83 6524 1637 1657 0195 0143, 3.83 6774 1700 172.4 0.4195 0.149 263 7024 1764 1704 0.4195 0.149 26a 7279 126 1949 0195 0149 aa 7529 190 1912 0195 0149 26a 7779 195 1976 0.4195 0.149, 26a 8.020 201.7 2009 0.195 0.149 268 8284 2079 2104 0108 O18 263 a5a4 242 2160 0.105 0149 aa 8784 2206 2201 0.195 0.148 263 9.024 2269 2005 0.105 0.149 26a 9.299 2921 2389 0.125 0.149 263 9.529 2995 0135 0.43 3.63 oreo 2458 0195 0.43 363 10039 2522 0735 0.43 363 10539 264.9 0135 0.43 363 SAE AS568 Revision B "TABLE 1 - Reroepace Size Standards fer O-Ringe (Contnued) Volume > Dp DPD BD Wow wow mer ach Inchoe Inohee mm mm Inches Inenes mm mm = Cudie Number mn max min-max __min—max min max__inchea Be i0oTo TiO O77s 9a08 0.136 0149 s4a 363 0590a 2.600 “277 1AIG 11549 2900 2923 01958 O49 343 363 055q 278 14.919 12.049 2027 9060 0.135 0442 943 263 0570 “279 12918 19.09 3281 981.4 OS 0142 343 363 0.6256 280 12.910 14.049 9535 3562 0198 0.149 343 363 06733 281 14918 18049 3789 3822 0195 0.143 343 963 07210 -262 15.00 16.090 4034 407.2 0195 0143 343 363 0.7072 263 16.875 17.095 4286 4927 0195 0143 343 303 0.0148 -264 17.870 10.040 4539 4502 0195 0143 943 963 0.0826 285 THRU ‘O-RING SIZES NOT ASSIGNED "308 09 310 att ate 313 at4 216 316 317 318 319 320 aot ze 220 224 208 10- SAE AS563. Revision B TABLE 1 - Aerospace Size Standards for O-Rings (Continued) Voume > DP BD WoW Ww Ww met Imenae mm fmm nehae Inches mmm = mm Cube ‘max min __max__min max min-max inches. 7815 4026 41.02 0205 0215 5.21 545 0.1970 1740 4349 44.20 0205 0215 5.21 548 0.2106 1865 4661 47.37 0205 0215 5.21 548 0.2240 1993 4971 5082 0205 0215 521 548 02378 2A18 5288 52.20 0205 0215 5.21 548 0.2514 2243 5608 56.97 0.205 0215 521 548 0.2850 2988 5929 6015 0705 0215 521 548 0.2786 2495 624 634 0205 0215 521 548 0.2922 2620 655 6865 0205 0215 521 548 02088 2745 687 897 0205 0215 521 548 05194 zero 719 0205 0215 5.21 S46 0.3330 2909 750 0205 0215 5.21 §46 0.3466 3324 781 0205 0215 521 S46 0.3602 3249 ata 0205 0215 5.21 §46 0.3738 3374 eas 0205 0215 5.21 S46 0.3874 3499 077 0205 0215 521 S46 o4010 3.628 907 0205 0215 521 546 4146 3753, 999 0205 0215 521 §46 0.4262 3878 971 0205 0215 521 §46 04416 4.003 1003 0205 0215 5.21 S46 04554 4.198 1034 0205 0215 5.21 §46 0.4800 4.285 1066 0205 0215 5.21 s4e 0.486 4.380 1007 0205 0215 5.21 §46 0.4062 4505 1129 0205 0215 5.21 §4e 0.5008 4620 1161 0205 0215 5.21 646 0.5204 4755 1193 0205 0215 521 546 05370 4880 1224 0205 0215 521 548 0.5508 5.012 1254 0205 0215 521 546 05842 5.137 1286 0205 0215 521 846 05778 5.262 1318 021s 521 546 0.5at4 D Dash Inches in 5315 5.490 5.503, 5.500 5.013, asi 5.038 -962 6.185 1363 6.435 364 6.685 -365 6.935 -366 7.180 -367 7.430 -368 7.680 -369 7.930 “370 «8.175 “371 8.425 “372 8.75 “373 8.925 a7 9.170 “375 9.420 a7 9.670 377 9,920 ave 10.418 379 10.918 a0 11.410 <3 11.910 -382 12910 -383 13.905 384 14.905 “385 15.880 SAE AS563 RovisionB "TABLE 1 - Aerospace Size Standarda for O-Rings (Continued) ry Inches ‘3307 5512 5.637 5.762 5.807 6012 6.265 6515 6.765 7015 7270 7520 770 2.020 2275 0525 0775 2.025 9200 2530 9.780 40.030 40596 11.038 11.540 12.040 13,040 1048 45.088 16.030 o rnin 750) 1901 +413 1445, “477 1508 sr 1634 see vex san vee 1951 201.4 2076 2140 2203 2267 2029 2993 2456 2520 2645 2772 2098 3025 3279 3532 5786 4034 © 7368) 140.0 1432 1464 1495 1827 1591 1655 ine 1782 1807 191.0 1974 203.7 2102 2105 2228 208.2 205.7 eae 240.4 254.8 287.6 200.2 290.1 205.2 331.2 356.7 382.4 4072 w Inches nin 0205 0.205 0.205 0.205 0.205 0.205 0.205 0205 0.205 0.205 0.205 0.205 0.205 0.205 0.205 0.205 0.205 0.205 0.205 0.205 0.205 0.205 0.205 0.205 0.205 0.205 0.205 0.205 0.205 0.205 w Inches: Dats 0215, 0215, 0215, 0215, oats, 021s o2ts 021s ons, o2is ozs o2is ozs o2is ozs 021s 021s ozs. 021s o2ts ont 021s, ont 021s, oats 0215 o2is oats. 0215 w rin Bat 524 5.24 5.2 5.24 5.21 5.21 5.21 5.21 521 521 5.21 521 5.21 5.21 524 5.2 52 5.2 5.24 5.21 5.21 5.21 5.21 5.21 521 521 521 521 52 346 546 54 54 546 5468 548 548, 548 548 548 546 548 546 48 546 546 546 546 546 546 546 546 546 546 548 548 548 548 548 Vouune (Get) Cubic Inches 0.6050 cores oeaze cess c.eses os730 o.7002 o7ara o7sas o7eia o.aos0 assez osese a.ggos ogre og4s0 ag722 agees 1.0266 1.0588 1.9811 1.1082 1.1697 sim 12718 1.3260 1.4347 15435 t.3528 41.7580 Youume a) Cute ost 10.197 10.300 10.50 10.008 11.029 11474 11.920 12.386 ian 13257 sa.703 14149 14.594 15.040 15.490 15.992 1037 s6.02a +7208 awe 10182 19.053 19.945 20.036 21.728 2ssit 25.293 27078 28.825 Desh Number 386 297 306 98 290 291 392 993 394 398 "396 THRU apa 425 426 427 428 429 430 496 437 498 439 440 © Inches 76.075 37.970 10.005 49.060 20.060 21.855 22.835 23.40 24.925 25.820 “O-RING SIZES NOT ASSIGNED SAE AS568. Revision B TABLE 1 - Aerospace Size Standards for O-Rings (Continued) Inches 77.058 10.040 19.048 20.050 21.050 22.058 23.068 24.050 25.055 26.060 Cy min 266 4599 4792 504.4 520.8 585.1 580.0 2053 5206 0558 4482 4508 1128 4567 4.692 4ai7 4993 5.063 5.188 5313 5.438 5.563 5.688 5.01 5.928 6.105 6.495 6.685 4.538 4788 4.83 5012 8.137 5262 5387 5512 5.897 5762 5.007 e012 6.268 518 6.766 160 1192 12.4 105.4 188 i318 1350 1384 1413 144s a7 1608 1874 160.4 1608 D 27 450.2 4837 509.9 504.7 560.2 5852 6109 e264 661.9 1145 nn 120.9 1240 sera 1208 1997 1368 1400 1432 146.4 +495 1827 159.1 1655 sma w Inches min 0.205 0.208 0.205 0.208 0.208 0.205 0205 0.205 0.205 0.208 0.209 0.289 0.280 0269 0.280 0.280 0280 0.289 0269 0.289 0269 0.289 0.280 0.289 0269 0.280 w Inches. 025 0218 0218 0218 0218 0218 0218 0218 0215 0218 0201 oze1 0281 028 0281 0281 o2e1 0281 0281 0281 0281 0201 0281 0201 0201 0281 w ria B21 521 521 521 621 621 521 521 521 521 eas eas 623 623 623 23 eas 6.83 623 6.83 683 e2a 623 2a 2a 623 348 548 548, 548 348 546, 548 548 548 548, 744 m4 74 m4 74 m4 m4 n4 m4 n4 m4 744 a 744 74 714 Voume (Re!) Cubic Inches 0078 4.9768 2.0854 21942 2.9090 zane 25190 27a 27368 28454 0.0003 0.9097 0.g90 0.9563 0.9708 3.0030 1.0288 1.0898 10729 10963 11198 41420 41662 42129 42595 3.3062 Volume (Rat) Cubic 30.808 22.981 34.174 28.957 27.709 9.502 41.279 43.062 44.005 45.628 14.504 14.907 15.280 15671 16.089 16.436 taate 17.200 17.582 17.965 18.347 10.720 toatt 19.76 20.040, 21.408 SAE AS563. RovisionB TABLE 1 - Aerospace Size Standards for O-Rings (Continued) ry Inches ‘min r Inenae. D ry w tenes min w Inches. w min w Voume (Ref) Cubie tenes Voume (Ret) Cubie “aa 6095 7.018 W761 1722 0260 0981 Ged 714 1.0508 22168 6.095 7.180 7.430 7.680 7.930 2.420 2.920 2.420 2.920 10.415 40.915 14415 si915 12415 12.915 10.408 13.905, 44.405 14.905 15.405 15.00 16.300 16.875 47.370 17.870 18370 16.005, 19.85 19.880 20.860 7018 7270 7520 770 2.020 e520 9.030 9530 10.080 10595 44.095 41535 42.035 42.595 49.095 40.545 44045 44545 45.045 45545 46.030 46530 47035 47540 14.040 40540 491045 49.545 20.050 21.050 7761 1624 1887 1951 ora 21389 2266 2393 2820 2645 2772 2099 302.8 3153 3280 9405 353.2 3059 3788 5918 4034 414 4208 482 4529 4038 4792 491.9 5044 5208 Wee 1807 101.0 197.4 202.7 2167 2004 2421 2542 2676 2009 293.0 3057 stad Bait tho 3567 369.4 3821 soe 4072 499 4927 4455 4582 4709 4037 4964 509.3 so47 ‘0260 269 260 269 0.260 0269 0269 0269 0.269 0269 0.209 0.208 0.208 0.260 0.269 0.269 0.208 0.208 0.208 0260 0.209 0.208 0.260 0.269 0.269 0.209 0.208 0.260 0.260 0.260 281 oat 0221 0221 o2et o2e1 oat oat 0281 0281 0201 0201 0201 o2a1 o2a1 0201 0201 0201 0201 zat 0201 0201 o2a1 o2a1 0281 0201 0201 o2a1 o2a1 o2a1 ees eas 23 aes 23 eas a3 a3 ees a3 60a oa3 683 rye) 683 60a oa3 oa3 683 eas oa3 683 rye) 683 683 oa3 683 rye) 683 ys) 74 m4 74 m4 74 ma m4 m4 m4 m4 74 714 714 ra T4 T14 714 714 714 ra T14 714 ra T8 14 T14 714 ra T8 T4 1.9528 1.3996 asst 14928 1.5304 1.6327 17280 tats 1.9126 20089 2.0992 2.1925 2.2058 2arat 24724 2.5057 2.6590 2.7525 20456 2.9989 9.0288 31216 32151 sane 3.4017 9.4950 3.5885 seats 3.749 agai 934 23.607 24.463 25.228 26.755 2a.288 po8i3 31.342 wert 24.400 35.929 37.453 26.987 40515 42.044 43.573 45.402 46st 48.160 4.028 51.4157 so6es e218 5.744 57273 50.902 0.301 61.860 eaoi7 ash Number 7 42 43 aah as 4s war a8 49 “250 451 452 453 454 455 450 457 453 459 480 451 402 483 484 485 409 SAE AS563. Revision B TTAALE 1 - Aerospace Size Standards for O-Rings (Continued) Volume (Ret) Cubie tnchee aia 4.3319 45184 4.7050 40016 > Pp Dp wow w ow Inches mm mmm —tnehoe Inches ram == mm max min max min mex min-max 22056 G51 S602 O60 0281 Bea 714 23.045 S200 535.2 0260 0281 sea 7.14 24050 6052 6109 0260 0281 seo 7.14 25.055 E106 636.4 0260 0281 seo 7.14 26.060 6550 651.9 0260 0201 6.00 714 TABLE 2- Aerospace Size Standards for Straight Thread Tube Fiting Rass Gaskets Tuee Tube Sze Ste 10 1D © © W w wow (Nor) (Nom) Inches Inches mm mm Inches Inches mam mm lnenes mm rin max min max min maxim max Velume ren Cubic Innes 0.0366 2.563 0180 0.180 457 485 0.053 0.059 135 150 0125 318 0234 0244 Sot 620 0.081 0.007 155 1.70 041975 4763 0293 0.906 752 777 0081 0067 155 170 0250 695 0243 0.986 04 0.099 0075 1.75 1.90 03125 7.938 0409 0.419 0089 0075 175 190 oa07e ‘0031 0.0097 0.0054 0.0062 0275 0.53 0.4a76 11.11 0823 0500 1270 0.695 0.5828 14.200 0.697 0625 15.28 0.748 0463 0.473 ose? 0.689 0718 764 0.075 0.070 0.004 0.094 0.004 0.081 1.90 0.085 201 0.090 21 0400 299 0400 230 208 216 229 254 254 0082 oot oot? cots oot 0.6875 17.462 0.854 0.750 19.05 0915 0.1425 20.698 0978 0975 2223 1.037 1.000 25.40 1.161 os72 ogee 996 4.087 4181 on12 one on2 ont2 012 0.120 0.129 0.120 0.420 0.120 28 ae 28 aes 284 08 3.05 05 305 3.05 o.0825 coms o.0368 0.0388 oon? 1.125 4.280 11500 1.750 2.000 2058 2178 30.10 44.45 50.0 saa saat 1.708 2.072 2.319 1.367 1.409 1704 2.108 2.056 0.12 0.120 0114 0122 0114 0.122 0114 0122 0114 0.122 284 3.05 0.0488 0.0547 0.003 0.0759 0.0049 15

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