Answers For November PDF

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Time to revise 1 Grammar oO am standing have just arrived normally work made chose ‘goes out have been practising have to have never been have clearly been dancing have already leared looks like B20 3A 4C 5A 6070 8D 9A C O1 was 2in 3 been 4 of 5 he 6a 7 the 8 Since 8 won/obtained/got 10 as 11 not 12. enjoysiloves/likes Vocabulary 1 Ancagle is. species of bird and has feathers and claws, 2 A sharks a specios of fish and has fins 3 Abutterfiy is a species of insect and has wings and si logs. 4 Aturtle isa species of reptile and has a shell 5 tiger is species of mammal and has thick fur {- Troun adjective verb 1 | care careful/careless | care 2 | terror terrified/terrifying | territy 3 | life living | live 4 | competition competitive compete 5 | strength strong strengthen 6 | success successful succeed 7 | safety safe save 8 | entertainment | entertaining | entertain 9 | ability able/capable enable 10 | popularity popular popularise 1 entertainment 2. strengthen 3 succeed 4 safety 5 enabled 6 live 7 competitive 8 popularity 9 terrified 10 careless UN Tal Cc Qi of 2 about 3 of at 5 in 6 of 7 in Bat 9 offabout 10 to @10 2c 3B 4A 50 6670 BA 98 we Unit 3 Vocabulary 1 1 satiey 2 exiting 3 personality 4 director 5 decisions 6 comfartable 7 competition 8 practical 1 useful 2 trying 3 cool 4 suf 5 varied 6 sociable 7 nerve-wracking Orin 2 on 3 on ain 5 about 6w 7 into 8 out 9 in 10 out Reading @ia 20 38 48 5A 6D 78 Vocabulary 2 1 employer 2 retire 3 promote 4 work 5 cam 6 contract 1 presenter 2 applicants 3 qualifications 4 application 5 promotion 6 employees 7 unemployed 8 training 9 specialise 10 vatied 1m Dat 3 behind 4 under 5 on 6 outot @1b 28 3A 4A 5B 6A 1 over 200 3 in 40 5 off 6 out C1 ik 2 prospects 3 grips 4 graduation 5 security Answer key Grammar @18 2A 3A 48 5B 6B 7A BA 9A 08 1A 2B Q1 leave 2 amdoing 3 have had 4 onrives 5 get © 1 are yougoing todo 2 Il look for 3 ‘mgoingtodo 4 ‘mgoing to take 5 ligo/mgoing 6 “travel 7 willbe living 8 will have done 9 willbe 10. Shall ask 1 bythe time 2 while 3 unt 4 as soon as Use your English Oi active 2 completely 3 ftnass 4 ability 5 entertainer 6 extremely 7 unlimited 8 retirement 9 weiner 10 encouragement 11 instructions © 1 wewill have set up 2 until send in 3am going to attend/start/apply to) 4 willbe fifteen on 5 ate you doing anything 6 will bo travelling 7 after Ive discussed it 8 while you're having O11 time 2 have 3 be 4 are 5 will 6 to 7 soonylong 8 Whon/After/Onca 9 until 10 going 11 done/eompleted Writing an informal letter 2 3 4 5 é e1 Your friend Steve ‘tiendly (Open answer) (Suggested answer) It helps you communicate (Open answer) (Open answer) Say which type of jb Steve should choose tfit- picking or hospital cleaner) and give reasons wih. Say Stave should stay wit a family and give reasons why. Say what the weather’ ike in the summer. Say | can't spend a weekend with Steve in August and apologise and explain wy. © Sreat to hear from you! If were you, I'd get a job ina hospital. You'l get lots ‘more chance to practise the language that way. ‘The weather's usually great in summer so no worries ‘there! {'m really sorry but | won't be able to see you in August because I'll be abroad, @ Personal plans = future with going to Fixed or scheduled event in the future = present ‘ontinuous Ideas about the future that you'e not sure about future ‘with will © (Suggested answer) Paragraph 1 Thanks for letter lad you'e coming Paragraph 2 which type of job you should choose (tru-picking or hospital cleaner) and why Paragraph 3 why you should stay with a family Paragraph 4 what the weathers like in the summer ... Paragraph 5 sorry | can't spend a weekend with you because Closing (Write back soon!) © (Stucents’ own answers) Unit 4 Vocabulary 1 @1d 29 30 4i 5j 6f 7h Be da 0b : 1 swict 2 disrespectful 3 nasty 4 homesick 5 rebellious 6 isolated 7 confused 8 badly behaved O10 2 into 3 outof 4 in 5 around 6 in Tin 8 in Reading @ 1 F: Mark's been at Red Forest for eighteen months now and will reach the end of his course soon, 2 C: Luckily for Mark, his parents decided against boot ‘camp when they read a report onthe subject. This ‘made it clear that boot camps just don't work. 3 E: While students are expected to work hard at their academic studies during the week, weokends are + much more relaxed. It's the time for hobbies and special interests! Off-campus activities include rafting and mountain-bking 4B: Anyone caught breaking rule, however small, as to do hard physical work as punishment. 5D: The teenagers also have counseling sessions several times a week, a individuals and in groups, ‘here they get help with any emotional issues that ate troubling them, 6 F: Before he finishes, he'll be taking part in three ‘weeks of voluntary activities ~ maybe working with homeless people or at an animal shelter 7A; Mark has a lot in common withthe teenagers at Red Forest schoo! in Colorado, 8 D: The staff are caring and supportive and give students lots of positive encouragement to achiove their dreams 9B: Isa bit ike being in the army. You start the day with an early morning wake-up call and are then made to run several kilometres before breakfast! There is military-style discipline. 10 E: Climbing with his peers has taught him the importance of cooperation and teamwork, as well 11 A: They had no direction in life and didn’t understand the bad effect they were having on themselves, their family o friends 12 C: Teenagers, it seems, refuse to listen to authority figures they don't respect. ’s the same with rules — if ‘weriagors think they're unfair they won't obey them, 13D: tsa boarding schoo, so students eat and sleep ‘there and only go home forthe holidays. 14 F: | did't believe | could achieve anything much, This school has shown me I really can achieve my dreams if | want to. I's up to me to make something of my life | know that now. 15 A: They'd made a habit of bullying their schoolmates ‘and disobeying their teachers, and had driven their parents crazy with their bad behaviour 16 E: Learning to rock climb has given him a great sense of accomplishment and helped his self-confidence Vocabulary 2 @1 moody 2 generous 3 arrogant 4 spoiled 5 rude 6 stubbom 1 siririond 2 niece 3 cousins 4 guardian 5 stop 6 widow 7 great 8 nophow ©1624 38 4A 5A GA 1 wagging 2 cespect 3 lose 4 bullied 5 arguing 1 off 2 out 3 down 4 on 5 out 6 in Twp 8 up UWS aL yg O14 doing 2 make 3 doing 4 do 5 make 6 made 7 do 8 make Grammar @1 mst 2. should have been cutting 3 don't have to 4 didn’thave to repeat 5 should 6 nocdn't 7 ought to 8 have to 1 can't have 2 Can, can't 3 had to, could 4 should 5 didn'tneed/have to get 6 mustn't 7 couldn't 8 ‘needn't have done © 1 needn't have apologised 2 you nead to get 3 have/'ve got to keep 4 didn’t have to pay 5 need not/n’t have worried 6 must not/had better not break 7 shouldn't have done 8 might have had Use your English Qi on 2 have/need 3 must/have to 4 told 5 could 6 to 7 not 8 ought 9 had 10 cid 11 able @1c 20 3A 4¢ 50 60 78 BA 98 0B mC Writing an informal letter Ait from his street, 2 No, because he's scared what will happen, 3. (Open answer) 4 (Open answer} © open answer) © 1 First, you could decide to say nothing / Second, you could tel the git how you feel 2. That's probably nota good idea because you'll never ‘get to date the girl/I think ths isa much better solution as at least you'l know the truth 3. I'm sory to hear you're going through such a tough time, /But don't worry —things are never as bad as they seem © You must PNW lal ye © 1 The letter of reply contains four paragraphs. Paregraph 1 = Introduction ~ reassurance Paragraph 2 = suggestion 1 — say nothing, what might happen Paragraph 3 = suggestion 2—tell the gil, why this isa good idea Paragraph 4 = Conclusion — more reassurance, and general advice 2 First, you could decide to say nothing /Second, you ‘could tll the git! how you feel 3 Yes © ( Students’ own answers} Time to revise 2 Grammar OI ‘ibe tying 2 gev/have got, ‘I ring 3 ‘mseeing 4 will have made 5 ‘5 going to be 6 ‘mgoing 7 doos your fight eave? 8 were going 9 leave/have left 10. won't forget © 1 dida’thave to go 2 could have asked for 3 should be doing/ought to be doing 4 ought not to have used 5 doesn't need to work/neednt work ©1820 38 4A 5A 6C 1 aveiger 21 3 will 4 must 5a 6 can 7 what 8 have 9 be 10 enough Mor 12 time Vocabulary 1 creative 2 fitness 3 hopeless 4 specialise 5 fizzy 6 priceless 7 completely 8 instructions O1 tire 2 geton 3 job 4 as 5 make 6 employee 7 arrogant 8 makes 9 experience 10 losing @18 2A 38 4C 5D 6B 7C BB Unit 5 Vocabulary 1 @11 2h 3c 4g 5d Ga Te Bb 1 lean 2 write 3 break 4 play O1n 2 on 3 on ain 5 in 1 muckatout 2 rely 3 predicts 4 involves Reading @10 2c 38 4A 5C 6B 7C BD Vocabulary 2 @1 detention 2 expelled 3 dormitory 4 gown 5 stot 6 experiment 7 timetable 8 staff © 1 pass 2 achieve 3 fal 4 miss 5 professor 6 teacher 7 conto! 8 punish 9 grades 10 notes © 1 make 2 did 3 take 4 doing 5 make 6 take 7 made 8 done 1 handin 2 catch up 3 putoff 4 work out 5 get through 6 falling behind @14 28 38 4a 58 Grammar Qo Adjective’ | Comparative | Superlative adver hot hotter the hottest easy | easier the easiest hard harder the hardest carefully | more carefuly | the most carefully | good better the bast bad worse the worst for farther/further | the fethest/furthast comfortable | more comfortable | the most comfortable little less the least many more the most

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